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Yup, I have access to a car again (albeit temporarily) - hurrah! :clap: My brother's on holiday this week and has put me on his insurance so I can use his MG while he's away - bless him. :awe: I got my first shot of it last night and crawled the half mile home I was so scared I'd damage it! :what: It's so different to my mum's Rover 100 (which has bitten the dust due to rust), but I have to admit I'm [B]liking[/B] it! I mean, you can adjust both the wing mirrors by twirling this little knob rather ...
Updated 14th-September-2007 at 08:08 PM by ShinyWeeStar
I've never written a blog before; I expect it'll be something else for me to start and then let fall by the wayside, but hey ho! :rolleyes: It's been a quiet few weeks dancing wise. Having no car, energy or enthusiasm hasn't made for a good combination and meant I missed Kirriemuir and the Scottish Champs. Still, I'm feeling a bit brighter today, so fingers crossed I'm turning a corner. :nice: In other news... I went on a car treasure hunt organised by the church this ...