View Full Version : Where can we learn up here in Thurso???

11th-March-2003, 10:26 PM
I have just found the site, and have found it fun!! NOW where can we learn Le Roc/ Ceroc right up here at the top of Scotland???
Can anyone give me a phone number or details of places that we can go and learn?? PLEASE!?!?!:confused:

John S
12th-March-2003, 03:11 PM
I'm hoping Franck or somebody will come up with a better answer, but in the meantime here goes.

There are videos and books available, but they make more sense once you've actually tried it out for real on the dance floor - basically there's no substitute for actually dancing, but it really won't take many lessons at all to at least get the drift of what you should be doing.

Within Scotland there are weekly Ceroc classes in Aberdeen, Dundee, Perth, Rosyth, Edinburgh, Glasgow and (soon) Stirling, as well as Leroc classes in a few other places. Ceroc and a number of other companies also run classes all over England and Wales. Most places also have occasional, more intensive, full day workshops for reinforcing what's been learned in class.

So if you ever venture down from the far north, either on social or business reasons, try to make it coincide with one of the nights you could get along to a venue, and let us know beforehand (via the Forum or by phoning Ceroc Scotland) so we can look out for you. That way you could find out if you enjoy it (obviously I believe you will) and then we can work out from there how the message is taken to Thurso - you never know, there may already be some people up there who've learned the dance already somewhere else.

Alternatively, maybe we need to send an expeditionary force of trained dancers up to Caithness on a missionary basis????

Best wishes anyway, and at least stay on the Forum!

Anybody got any better ideas??????

12th-March-2003, 09:10 PM
Hi John,
Thanks for the reply!!
I will wait and see if anyone come's up with anything else!!
Vids etc are okay....BUT.....you have to have someone to put you right..or at least guide you!!
Perhaps send some "spies" up to here :D
