View Full Version : How to End a Dance?

Stuart M
30th-March-2010, 04:39 PM
Prompted by this thread (http://forum.cerocscotland.com/showthread.php?t=19651), obviously.

Nowadays, more and more, I find myself ending a dance with a bow on a step back. Seems more civilised and far less cheesy than some desperate attempt to work in a lean or drop.

Any other ideas?

30th-March-2010, 04:58 PM
Say thanks (hug/kiss for some people), then zoom off looking for the next victim without looking too obvious.

Would like to finish with the music, but unless leading am at the liberty of my partner. If I am leading - err, try frantically to think of a move that will finish in a suitable position on time.

30th-March-2010, 05:21 PM
Any other ideas?

Dinner and a movie?

30th-March-2010, 05:23 PM
Nowadays, more and more, I find myself ending a dance with a bow on a step back. Seems more civilised and far less cheesy than some desperate attempt to work in a lean or drop.

Any other ideas?

A lean or a close hold, if you can pick the ending and flow it into the dance is nice.

Number one rule for me is.... when the music stops, you stop.
Seen too many dancers "finishing off" the move in thier head, even when the music has finished. :what: Um, er, the music has now finished... er, what are you doing?...

This is a beginners thread, so beginners, when you cannot hear any music out loud... then time to stop.

BUT, on the more advance note... having judged at many comps... when I see a couple still dancing when the music is no longer playing, for me is minus marks...

30th-March-2010, 06:29 PM
One thing a Salsa dancing friend has recommended is to lead your partner into a strong spin, then turn and walk off the floor before she's stopped spinning. (He only does it to good friends..)

The bit I'm struggling with is both working out when the music is about to stop, then working out how to time a move to finish at the same time.

I seem to always end up either finishing dancing then looking at my partner going, "Sorry, I thought that track had finished" or finding myself halfway through a move..

Are there any moves that are good "I know the music's about to stop but not exactly when" placeholders? I don't want to finish each song on a semi-perpetual side step or armjive..

DJ Mike
30th-March-2010, 07:06 PM
Depends on the song, and more crucially if I know the song enough to remember how it finishes! ;)

Fade-outs are very easy, and I have no particular finishing move for these - just a place that feels like a natural stop rather than there being unresolved arm tension that makes it feel like I should finish a move.

Songs that actually finish are different - if I know the song I'll always try to build to a nice finish - note that doesn't mean a dip/drop/seducer necessarily (although I like simple finishes like comb leans etc.) but just that I put a definite finish in the move.

More often than not I mis-time it though so I just finish the move and say thanks. :)

For songs that have a definite end that I don't know, well... more often than not I mis-time it so I just finish the move and say thanks. ;)

Oh, as regards place holders - any move which you can keep repeating the middle of is an OK placeholder - arm jive, in and out (though I prefer not to use those two) - there's a move I don't know the name of (though it's a very common one) where you lead R-to-R as if going into a travelling return but instead keep the hand low and push gently off the lady's upper back, then the lady pushes off your shoulder on the next beat... then you can just repeat that and go into one of many dips or leans off that move.

David Franklin
30th-March-2010, 07:36 PM
"Sweep the Leg"

(Prompted by this reply (http://forum.cerocscotland.com/showpost.php?p=571950&postcount=10), obviously...)

31st-March-2010, 08:39 AM
Nowadays, more and more, I find myself ending a dance with a bow on a step back... Seems more civilised and far less cheesy

:what: :sick: :lol:

Stuart M
31st-March-2010, 02:02 PM
:what: :sick: :lol:
What, you think drops at the end of a track aren't cheesy?

31st-March-2010, 02:41 PM
What, you think drops at the end of a track aren't cheesy?

It entirely depends upon the situation, partner etc of course so yes they can be cheesy; However, I don't see how a step back and bow could possibly be less cheesy than, well, a big cheesy bag full of cheese. :na:

31st-March-2010, 04:01 PM
Stuart, is your profile correct, - are you really 95 years old? If so, then I'd say yeah, a bow would probably go down well :nice:

If you simply don't want people to know you're age, and you're in fact young or middle aged.. - then, personally, i'm inclined to agree with Gav and his big cheesy bag full of cheese :D

Stuart M
31st-March-2010, 05:37 PM
Stuart, is your profile correct, - are you really 95 years old? If so, then I'd say yeah, a bow would probably go down well :nice:

If you simply don't want people to know you're age, and you're in fact young or middle aged.. - then, personally, i'm inclined to agree with Gav and his big cheesy bag full of cheese :D
Yes, my profile is correct.


Actually, my definition of what constitutes "cheese" probably differs from some folk on here - I'm using the term in the context of a bog-standard weeknight dance. I view trying to end a dance on a drop as a signal that the dancers (in particular the lead, obviously) are taking things wayyy too seriously - a drop simply doesn't belong in a freestyle situation (IMO). So I view such a drop as a fairly cheesy/cringeworthy thing to do, particularly when you can see the lead is shoehorning it in to try to fit the track.

A dance is just a bit of fun, and anything that reminds the participants of that is, to me, fine - not cheesy. :nice:

31st-March-2010, 10:10 PM
Yes, my profile is correct.
You're a mere youngster! Just you wait 'til you're 106! :na:

1st-April-2010, 09:22 AM

The bit I'm struggling with is both working out when the music is about to stop, then working out how to time a move to finish at the same time.


Are there any moves that are good "I know the music's about to stop but not exactly when" placeholders? I don't want to finish each song on a semi-perpetual side step or armjive..

Ced, A few answers I hope

Listen to a lot of music, you'll start to remember when the track ends.

Do a musicality class and it will suddenly change how you listen to music. I can recommend Lucky Skillen when he's over. Amir Giles and Nigel and Nina's.

Some moves which help to end a song to build your confidence are a sway with a simple step, a first move whip ( you end it when the song ends).

I tend to find I end with a slowed move (i.e. either I use the follows momentum to slow me down or mine to slow her down) and this allows you to stop at the right time.
