View Full Version : Intermediate Corner
- Double Pretzel
- Double (treble / multiple) spins
- Travelling Moves
- When I were a lad.....
- Jumps and Drops: Yay or Nay ?
- intermediate workshops
- Spinning around...
- Lady's feet
- To Draw or not to Draw the semi circle....
- Multiple Seductions
- Intermediate Workshop
- Ceroc style vs technique vs moves
- Dance style progression
- Leading And Following
- Favourite Moves... (and least faves, too)?
- Things I like in a class (or dislike...)
- Triple shoulder turn bounce
- Secret overhead neck turn walk
- Armjive Ladies Nelson
- Basket walk-around back change
- Cross body recurring wrap
- Pull through wringer
- Basked Salsa back pretzel
- Standard moves involving steps
- Injured by a drop
- Moves v Style
- 'B' and 'C' List Workshop Instructors
- How would you judge?
- Timing in Modern Jive
- Cracking moves last night
- Dangerous moves?
- Intermediate class format.
- slowing down moves
- How do you judge your own ability?
- Ladies taking the initiative
- Special Offer: Forum members only!
- Advanced Dancing
- Body rolls
- Move Query
- Moves to Play With
- Of course I'm an expert at this move .....
- My First thread! SIGNALS
- Finding your Feet
- Tips and Tricks
- I can't hold out any longer...
- Moves that are harder in a class
- t-t-timing
- Dips and drops - stupid questions
- Dancing with beginners
- Closed Position
- Your coolest move
- BIG competition moves
- The judges decision is final!
- Partners Partners Partners ???
- How to Spin
- Injecting a little passion
- Leading the 'cling'
- Its offical - ladies can lead a break!
- Adam's workshop
- Moves
- 1st move Waltz
- 1st move Walk
- Manhattan
- Tango Manhattan
- Pivot
- Wurlitzer wrapper seducer
- Latin man wrap
- Valentino
- Swan Drop
- Cavalier Seducer
- Crossbow
- Body Comb
- Seducer Lean
- Diplomat
- Garbo & variation
- Mans basket
- Wenga
- Frisk
- Grinds
- General Notes from "Dirty Dancing"
- Fast music
- Shake hand (R to R) hold moves...
- tippy toes!
- lead and follow
- Intermediate/Advanced Spinning
- Dead Leg?
- Music & Understanding "The Beat"
- New area?
- Interesting Spins Workshop - Notes
- Lead & Follow Workshop - Notes
- Musical Interpretation Workshop - Notes
- Tapping and Sliding
- Do you dance to the beat or the music?
- Intermediates Classes - the plateau
- Dramatising the dance
- Nice helpful people last night
- Was the intermediate class tonight at that place in W5 too complex??
- returning the same ol' borin' moves - NOT!!!
- Aberdeen BB Workshop: Spins
- Personal benefits of the CTA ?
- Hand signals a thing of the past ?
- Ceroc Advanced Lessons
- Dancing with Two Ladies at Once
- Advanced lead/follow
- Are Great Dancers born or made?
- Why do women anticipate moves?
- Teaching Dips & Drops technique (NZ vs rest of the world)
- What is meant by 'Musical Interpretation'?
- Intermediate classes
- Alternative ways of leading moves.....
- Floor Craft
- Warmups
- London Competition
- Learning by repetition: good/bad?
- The Monkey Walk
- Definition of "Advanced" couple
- What do ladies want from the 'ideal' dance?
- Is this a "regular partner" or "new partner" move?
- Hip and Shoulder Spins???
- Outside help to improve
- Private Lessons at weekend events
- Balance
- Dancing on the beat
- Exiting dips/drops/seducers
- Style
- testing attachment
- Frames
- Improving my dancing
- Slotted Dancing
- Lift offered to Bristol Comp...
- Sorting out walking
- Minimasters 04
- Stylish finish without leaning
- Serial Seducers
- Converting Rock'n'Rollers
- Remembering intermediate moves
- Leading moves without a change of places
- Lead difference into wrap/sway and layback
- ...very short thread on breathing
- Who's fault?
- Intemediate Competitions Tips Please !
- Metz judders
- Leans
- Style Workshops
- Can style be taught?
- Relations to the wurlitzer
- To tip toe or not to
- Layback
- Lines and Photos
- Sabotage moves
- A walk and pose dance?
- Hand positions
- Moves that you don't like
- How long until you enter comps
- Forum Articals
- Intermediate Plus Workshop - Glasgow Sunday 14th November
- The restraints of mj
- Any double trouble classes?
- Constructive Suggestions
- Showing off can be dancing for your own enjoyment
- Great Endings To A Dance
- Reverse First Move
- Who has the hardest job?
- What was the link?
- Improving co-ordination
- Footwork LeRoc or otherwise
- Dance and music “logistics” at Jive weekends - a suggestion and a question
- TOP TIPS for enjoying the car journey to and from the dance
- Double Hands
- Dancing on the Half Beat
- Dancing on The Half Beat Explained
- Scarbru-Victor's Adv.Class-Query???
- Should Walks be led?
- Online Workshop: Moves, moves, moves
- Avoiding pain.
- Intermediate w/shop Glasgow - moves
- Skippy
- Aberdeen Dips and Drops W/Shop
- Leading and execution of moves - is there a difference ?
- Swingin' the Blues
- Leading into a half-nelson?
- Forward and back move thingy
- The roles of lead and follow...
- Merengue: secret wiggle-weapon?
- Move gurus: what's this one called?
- Assessing Teachers' Level?
- Move gurus revisited
- New Moves
- Catching the lady's hand...
- tricky moves w/shop notes
- Advise pls - RE:Creating a "Frame... lead/Compression...
- stepping or sliding
- Leading a Sway...
- Arm jive footwork
- Footjive armwork
- What is it about dancing?
- The shoulder drop - confusing
- That ole devil called Pain again
- Spinning on the teapot
- Great Improvement to Standard Ceroc Format
- How to get into a 'guitar'
- Fingertip following in class
- The Poplarity of Jive Is Amazing!
- Side lunges
- Double Spins
- Style and Interpretation Workshops
- CQB dance moves
- men spinning
- What do you do when your partner is spinning their socks off?
- Misleading moves
- What's the best way to teach Lead & Follow to Improvers & Intermediates?
- Subtleties and improvements to Ceroc moves
- Continuous connection
- Learning Social vs Competitive dancing
- Style
- Star./
- What moves feel natural to follow?
- Lead - invite or command?
- Amir's First move & musicality
- Pick up the pieces
- Wed 4th Jan 06 - New Advanced Night at the Jive Bar
- How would you change Ceroc if you were the Boss
- Embracing the bouncy hand
- DJs and the rhythm method
- What One Thing did you learn as a Beginner that was Wrong?
- Workshop: Techniques in avoiding injury.
- Jive equivalent of a West Coast 'Whip'
- classic Intermediate W/Shop in Dundee
- Advanced dancers/dancing/workshops
- From "Blues" to "Jango"
- Should you dance to the style of the music?
- Guys - what are your core moves?
- Body isolations
- Dips and Drops help please
- Dancing with ladies taking large steps
- Online Workshop: Sensual Dancing
- Advice needed please!
- Alternative Hand Hold?
- Chinese Burns
- Polite corrections
- Comb vs Turn.
- Intermediate leading help
- Getting to closed position after a turn
- Dancing with beginners
- Dancing with someone from another style
- Leading: When does a push become a shove
- Jango workshop - Sun 28th May 2006
- Pivot turns and penguin walks
- How to crouch elegantly?
- Beach Ballroom Workshop Notes - June 2006
- What Particularly impresses you about Teachers ?
- Moves for followers, moves for leaders...
- Ladies .... how would you follow this lead?
- Names for spins and turns...
- Dealing with spaghetti arms.
- First move Manhood grope?
- Ignoring my left hand behind my back problem
- Footwork on a right-handed archiespin
- What is the essence of a butterfly?
- Dancing slow.. but without the blues?
- Floorcraft tips for leaders
- Sabotage
- Support in dips
- Idiot question about a dance move
- Quick or slow back to back?
- Describing the essence of a move
- Smooth or Smoooooothe.
- The one most important factor in teaching?
- Class levels: Icons & classifications
- Hard Work!
- Online Workshop: Blues & Moves
- The 'Frame'
- Charity dance?
- Evil or instructive?
- The Ceroc(tm) bounce is official!
- Techniques for "club music" dancing?
- Dancing "with" the partner...
- "Dangerous" moves?
- Learning
- Dancing: 3 categories?
- Should we have 'critique' class in MJ/Ceroc ?
- MAN WANTED- for free trip to spain
- MJ critique class: would you?
- The best venues.
- Taxis - Pay or Admit Ones?
- Simple or complex moves?
- Blow your own trumpet.
- Utopia?
- Dancing: business and pleasure
- How would you describe your style
- Dancing at half-time to slow a fast track
- Ceroc and Blues Rooms
- Man I Feel like a woman!
- Lady wanted for night of fun....
- Taking the follow's leg out
- 140 new Ceroc moves approved
- Booming Belfast
- Catapult escapes
- Double and recurring pretzels - questions
- Blues room etiquette
- First Move Question
- Should the ladies step on every beat?
- First Move Lazy Pullthrough
- Social Dips, Drops & Aerials on a busy dance floor
- Moves Workshops or Technique Workshops? Or a bit of both?
- Safety rules...
- Blues Style DVD's
- Dance as a way of improving skills in other areas
- Manhattans
- Belfast Class Photographs
- Counting beats V Pattern recognition V Feeling the music
- Archiespins - travelling and slow and reverse
- Fancy move help
- Is Dance a conversation?
- Move Association Moves
- How do you react when your partner doesn't go with your moves?
- While I'm here, anyone ever fancy a lunchtime dance in Leeds?
- As an experienced dancer do you ever go 'off form'
- What is musicality to you how did you achieve it?
- Footwork?
- Turning your hand is more troublesome than the other!
- Is It A Bird? Plane? No, Just Some Numpty At Cheshunt
- Grapevine footwork
- Coupling during lessons - causing angst
- My Balls Ache!
- Belfast Class
- Limitations of teaching in MJ classes
- Being emotionally moved by a dance
- Floored and floorcraft
- "I don't go back on that foot..."
- Trying too Hard!
- Consecutive dances
- 5, 6, 7, 8...
- Forumites you'd like to see dancing together
- Should the follower ever move the leader's hand?
- Anything's possible, but is it likely?
- Lifting the chin
- Why are some male leads so nasty? (not in the American sense, I hasten to add)
- Hands and do you use them when you dance?
- Fundamental laws of Ceroc/MJ
- What's an intermediate dancer?
- Are there two versions of the Accordian?
- The Tornado
- Shoe advice needed...
- How often do you all dance?
- Learning plan for dancing
- The Turkey Trot
- I'll probably have to get my coat after this
- The Wonderful World Of Wrapping
- Connection is...
- Developing separate styles
- Sight or feel?
- Do you fingertip lead?
- Has anyone on here ever thought of becoming a Ceroc teacher?
- Action to revive dormant moves in a repertoire
- Advice on spinning anyone got any tips?
- Etiquette for the first post-class dance?
- Strategy for handling wild women?
- Mind-reading ability of some women and chaos
- Shoulderwrap do you lead it?
- Atomic Ceroc
- Footwork - how much do you incorporate into your dancing?
- The Finger
- Playing games
- Panic attacks
- How can we politely stop a move that we really don't like?
- Musicality for men?
- On the Origin of the Manhattan
- Dancing Abroad - How Is MJ Received?
- Moves, which no matter how much you practice them, don't feel right?
- I am now officially in a bad mood...
- First Move Variation help...can you identify it?
- Blues and Ceroc
- Hand flourishes in MJ...what's the consensus?
- How many 'Intermediate' dancers still show up for the Beginner's bit?
- Attitude, UFOs and Life's Other Mysteries Explained
- Telling Beginners the truth
- Practice, often do you do it?
- In defence of 'moves'
- The pulse of the music ?
- How was your class this week?
- Rotation V Slot
- Advanced technique
- Leading the Columbian
- CTA training discussion
- First Move - LeRoc v Ceroc
- Where's your "centre"?
- Controlled shimmy's
- "Frame" - What is it? Does it exist?
- If no-one really likes bendy, pretzelling moves, then why are they taught?
- The Andy and Franck Technicolor Popcorn show
- Core intermediate moves ?
- Vertical tension: Right or Wrong?
- Lead Guitarists who decide to dance
- Taxi dancers
- Leading and following issues
- What's a Cleaver?
- Ceroc Competitions - in Oz
- My rant for the week....
- Help with Shoes
- Male dancers starting intermediate class too soon
- Mangles...what are they and are they an 'Advanced' Move?
- Bloody intermediate dancers...
- Men's styling tips
- Woodface's footslide...any pointers?
- Class line etiquette
- Leading Footwork?
- (Private) Lessons
- Musicality backwards
- Hands at waist height?
- Teachers required
- Strange Swizzle Move...can anyone help?
- Do intermediate workshops match the DVDs?
- Double Trouble!
- Problems with the West Manhattan, part 12
- Are the classic moves really intermediate?
- Blues Dancing (C.O.Z, Utopia) for Beginners
- Leading a triple step
- Comfort vs cool
- What the ......
- Questions for Follows
- How do you make your dancing smoother?
- Who gets the better deal? Blokes or burds?
- Relearning
- Drops question...
- How much should you compensate for your partner in a dance ?
- Dancing with Beginners/Int/Adv
- Invitation To Play
- Workshops: choreographed routines or just a bunch of moves?
- Can you ever have too much musicality?
- Dancing in Pregnancy
- The Sway
- Oh! So that is it ...
- Bouncy Men as leads
- leaders & followers
- Manchester Leader Wanted
- DWAS tactics
- Does anyone else suffer from " Ceroc weekenders WRIST" ?
- Ceroc Goals for leads
- New to Taxi-ing
- Excessive perspiration.. Is there a cure ???
- Moving to a new city
- Creating a freestyle routine/Remembering moves on the dance floor
- Rusty intermediate needs guidance
- Does your nearest MJ class teach the Semi-Circle?
- Glittery shoe dilemma
- 5&6&7&8
- Blues Workshops/Lessons
- First Move Argentinian, any ideas?
- foot ache
- Dodging the TV cameras
- Help with Shoes
- "Anyone not know this move?"
- Eye Contact
- Rings and Bangles
- Knowing your partners foot/weight/placing...
- Footwork patterns in MJ
- The Ballroom Drop - help!
- WCS-type move...has anyone done this move, and if so, any pointers?
- Correct response to sabotage?
- Cj v's Shimmy
- MJ lead/follow conventions
- Fast Floors
- Bridging the gap from Intermediate to Advanced
- The Anchor in MJ: WCS meets MJ
- Talking while dancing???
- Greater emphasis on woman's role in Ceroc?
- Intermediate Moves in Freestyle
- Help on Leroc Beginners moves
- MJ Basics
- 'Is MJ a superset of other dances?', other dance style comparisons, set theory, etc.
- Hallelujahs, love them or hate them…can you live without them?
- How do you lead kicks?
- modern jivers in Germany
- A Five, Six, Seven, Eight...
- Is there anything new to say about MJ?
- Leaders following and followers leading
- Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
- Dancing in jersey
- Edinburgh intermediate class moves
- Dance shirts and T-shirts for men - recommendations?
- You can't really be a good partner dancer unless...
- Looking for a dance partner
- sabotage
- Porn star and body sweep
- Sprung Dance Floors
- Cambridge weekend
- Frame in pivot turns
- Leaders entering the Blues Room: Fears & Expectations
- Which comes first, the dancer or the music?
- Help with some drop/seducer names
- Teaching. Bad Dancers/Great Teachers vs. Great Dancers/Bad Teachers
- Basic Floorcraft
- Being told what you are doing wrong in class
- Beginners are better at following than I am at leading
- The 'new' Ceroc moves
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