View Full Version : Beginners corner
- Lists of Moves
- The hardest thing when you started to learn...
- That first time feeling....
- Best thing a Taxi ever did for you?
- Top Three Tips
- Remembering and Learning Moves
- Expectations and Aspirations
- By way of introduction...
- Where can we learn up here in Thurso???
- The role of the Taxi dancer
- Has The Forum helped your dancing?
- Ceroc Moves
- What do I do with my Feet???
- Thinking about trying Ceroc
- Bare Minimum Moves.
- need a buddy in aberdeen
- List of moves by leading difficulty ratings
- Do you like it rough?
- newcomer?
- Please say hello to me
- I'm new please talk to me!!!!
- What not to do in a beginners class to newcomers
- Arm Jive Footwork
- private time with instructors allowed?
- Bobbing ladies
- New Year - New Broom?
- Eye Contact
- Bad Ceroc Night
- Repeat Moves?
- How many before moving on?
- Flirting
- Control
- Helping The Men
- Hello all
- Two Step Movement question
- Tips for (beginner) Guys
- Tips sought - dancing in time
- In too deep?
- hello all - what do you think about...
- Ceroc or not Ceroc ?
- What constitutes a strong and clear lead?
- Keeping hold without using thumbs - HOW?
- Beginners Question
- Ceroc Teaching Videos
- Perpetual beginner
- A peculiar phenomenon...
- Beginners - How do we keep them ???
- A reminder (I'm trying not to rant!)
- Basic techniques
- Dancing as a man
- Stepping back safely
- Addiction????
- Lead for a Catapult?
- How do you teach spinning?
- Style
- The yo-yo
- Dancing as a woman
- Dancing with better dancers
- Are black and white shoes scary???
- First Move
- new beginner
- Inappropriate Touching
- Exciting new beginner moves!
- Style versus Self Expression
- In at the deep end?
- comparison to moves in the westcountry
- Wiggling (lack thereof)
- Shoulder Slide into Octapus, Front crawl and towel
- New version of "Slow Comb"
- Clapping in Classes
- Music recommendations
- Moving on up
- Dance links
- Leaving space for a woman to do her thang
- Hosting a dance party
- Dancing Bedfordshire
- Had a nice dance the other night .....
- Dancing Edinburgh!!
- The 'Back Pass'.
- First-time Impressions
- Back-leading??
- "Does your chewing gum lose its flavour....."
- Beginner Moves: Tips & advice
- Recent changes
- Getting newcomers past the second night
- Dancing by numbers....
- Reconnecting after a release
- Eyes wide shut.... not the BTC dances...
- Thinking of joining.
- WCS- very nice video clip
- After effects of Ceroc....
- Had fun
- What happens in a consolidation class?
- First Ceroc Party
- Wiggling Tips
- What are the "beginner moves" again?
- Floppy arms
- using the breaks
- Dancing with partners of different height
- Good week, bad week
- Footwork on the basket
- Is there a list of the beginner moves on the web site?
- What happened?!! (good week, bad week mark II)
- Helping new dancers
- Newb...
- The teacher is *always* right (?)
- Constructive criticism & maybe even a little bit of praise
- Looking For Beginners!!!! To Enter Compitition!!!
- A little learning...
- Dancing Dundee 19 Oct
- Where have all the beginners gone?
- Beginners Workshop - Dundee Sunday 9th October
- High jacking for beginners
- Newbie here
- Do you say you're a beginner and why?
- Why do we teach the Catapult?
- You bounced too much
- How much lead and follow can be taught in a standard weekday class?
- Beginner dancer in need of help!
- If you could tell a beginner One Thing...
- Online Workshop: Techniques and Concepts of Leading (and Folowing)
- hello
- Forum: good or bad for beginners?
- Edinburgh class
- heylo fellow Edinburgers!
- Following a lead!!
- New to Ceroc and Loving It!!!
- Brand New (and very sore!)
- singing and dancing!!
- One year on...............
- Ceroc has come to Belfast!!!!!
- Favourite Partners?
- question
- What do u like most about Ceroc??
- A Beginners Travels
- Asking for dances
- Beginners Plus Workshop Question...
- Move map
- Hi Im New!
- interested in dancing while in Scotland
- Hey! I'm New?
- Another arm wrenching query!!
- Hellooo from Surrey!
- age of ceroc goers
- Poll - age of Ceroc Goers
- Wrong place i know but help required
- Joining alone?
- Perfect Student / Student from Hell
- Latin Ballroom Dancing (ABZ) workshop - 21/5
- im a newbie
- How high to raise your hand?
- Understanding Music
- feet on spins
- New in town!
- Free Beginner's MJ / Ceroc video
- help! What are the names of the 4 moves in Last Tuesday's Culter Mills class?
- Dips/drops/seducers
- How to recover from a bad lead (from the bad leads perspective)
- How many moves per routine?
- Anyone Down Under??
- Kids and Ceroc
- Lead and Follow .... yet again!!!
- Melton Mowbray Venue
- Ouch, that's my hand!
- Crossing the Beginner to Intermediate divide
- Class Levels
- This week's routine?
- Help, I'm developing an obsession!
- Inverness News
- Help!
- Advice please thanks :)
- My report after 1st Class!
- How can I keep my strapless dress up?
- Ladies needed to help out.
- Lady needing guidance
- Correct technique for Shoulder Drop?
- Australian and English Ceroc Move names?
- Second Night Jitters?
- How long? (Girly clothing query!)
- What NOT to Wear Dancing
- Self criticism thread?
- Etiquette
- Manly Man Spins
- When did you make the switch?
- Dancing as a man?
- Being told to relax
- Hi from Cardiff!
- Shoes...again
- Sabotage!
- How much experience needed for a Weekender?
- Beginner Moves Query
- Jive Bar and ISH, London
- When is a beginner not a beginner?
- Is there a correct/accepted way to finish a dance?
- Learning to follow
- Beginners Review Class
- Will I be out of place...
- Any classes in Irvine area in CA?
- Second week...
- Beginners to Intermediate – How?
- Workshops
- Getting worse rather than better - advice?
- Encouraging confidence
- Who Should Help Struggling Intermediate Newbies?
- Our first fancy freestyle, this Saturday <ack! help!!>
- New here
- What makes you approach someone for a dance?
- Ceroc Champs - when are you up for it?
- Do you dislike the First Move? Should it be an intermediate move?
- Taxi-less Venues?
- Party Nights
- Beginners DVDs - The Next Generation
- Beginner class or intermediate class?
- Should I or not?
- Catapult – follower's left hip?
- Poll: Which Beginner moves are not safe on a crowded floor.
- Normal behavior?
- Ladies; where do you change?
- Transition to intermediate class
- Beginning the dance smoothly techniques?
- Dancing out of beat
- Do not dance with beginners ...
- Dance floor etiquette - are Beginners sufficiently briefed?
- In & Out
- "Strong Lead"
- Another 'asking for a dance' experience
- That first special dance.
- Can I have my hand back please?
- Welcome to the Aussies!
- Hello from Staffs!!
- Should the In & Out be scrapped from lessons?
- Leading a follower into a turn
- Discover your hips, wind your waist white boy.
- Slow vs it a precision thing??
- A Great Big Thank You!!
- Looking to start in Nottingham
- Hints please
- New & slightly apprehensive...
- changing?
- tutti frutti
- Which lesson number?
- Dressing down?
- Clangers on the dance floor
- (Learner) Leading Lady
- Is this being star struck???
- Lead Signal for wurlitzer?
- Stringing moves together, help!
- Ladies who wriggle about...
- Lead Signals
- Yoyos
- Spinning
- Hi, I am new to this site.
- Potential newcomer.....what to do about sweaty palms?!
- Thank you, thank you , thank you
- JUST started - Bloch Evolutions??
- What is this move called?
- Beginner look for DVD recommendations or advice..?
- Spin Sickness
- New teaching initiative
- Beginner Dance Goals
- What do you suggest?!
- Advice on leading a Step Accross.
- Bridging the gap from Beginner to Intermediate.
- Advice on clothing for freestyle events!
- Brain Freeze!
- Playing with timings.
- Various little queries I have this Friday afternoon.
- Mixing in other styles of dance
- Edinburgh classes
- Experienced Follow being discouraged to Lead
- Three T's: Timing, Teamwork & Technique
- Name tags?
- Reworking the Beginner Moves
- Freestyle???
- 1st timers in Freestyle
- Question about a move...
- looking to team up with others to attend classes in aberdeen
- Inverness beginner
- Complete Novice.
- What's the best bit of advice for beginners?
- Terminology?
- How to Start a dance?
- How to End a Dance?
- Things that frustrate
- Stop calling me a man!
- shoulders, waists and hips
- Don’t call me a lady
- learning the blues
- First 3 Moves...
- Looking for a male dance partner in Edinburgh
- Tips on doing leans
- Which dance trainers?
- My first Ceroc class at Jumpin Jacks...
- Ceroc / Modern Jive for the under 18s
- beginner 2 intermed.
- ladies leading
- Dancing in time - Finding the beat.
- Touching follower's back?
- Spot Turn
- Dance moves
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