View Full Version : Geeks' Corner
- gmail
- Printer recommendation wanted
- Dial up or Broadband?
- Windows Small Business Server
- upgrade from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0
- AOL problems broadband
- Beginner's Broadband
- Search engine...
- Email help
- Any Network gurus help? (TCP/IP)
- PDA and GPS advice and info
- Request for help - Agile / Xtreme programmers
- windows\system32 HELP
- XP networking help needed!
- External Hard drives
- Proxies
- microsoft outlook
- A rude hiss
- Content Management Systems
- Those nasty people at Quicktime
- Any XML developers out there?
- tom tom speed camera download
- Laptop advice please
- IT acronyms/jargon
- Maddening problem trying to configure Buffalo broadband / wireless router
- Help computer misbehaving!!!
- Online backup
- Broadband recommendations?
- Pop ups/tool tips
- Tecchie Help Needed!
- Calling All geeks
- PC Software Help Please
- Easy-to-use blogging service, anyone?
- Free Phone Calls
- Mobile phomes - insurance?
- Another "not forum" tech question - online address books
- MS Office / Word / Outlook mail merge
- Videoing practice sessions
- Photoshop/Illustrator help: please!
- Best music download sites.
- Secure Digital I/O slot help requested
- Upgrade Windows ME to Windows XP Home
- Wifi and outgoing mail
- Outlook Express Problems
- 3rd Nov is World usability day - watch accessibility channel
- internet access abroad
- Ipod Help
- Gotta admit - this Apple stuff is stylish
- Zigbee technology
- Movie Downloads
- Urgent Pc Problem!!
- Big problems with my computer
- iTunes Help
- Open Source / Linux CD backup that spans CD-R
- USA Web hosting
- My Computer is Sick
- My mobile phone help
- MSN Messenger Version 8
- Web designer wanted
- Noise cancelling headphones
- SpySheriff malware / trojan / spywear
- Mobile video
- search engines rankings
- Win XP functionality / configuration
- Misbehaving computer
- ghedlp I ghave spilt coffee on my keyboared
- Publishing a website
- Using Apple iView to publish digital images
- Canon produces camera for Sci-Fi fans
- How to get photos off a pc.
- Windows XP
- Wanted Word Processing Package
- What Makes A Great Evening?
- Social Calendar
- Transfering disk images via external USB hard drive
- 3G mobiley comms thingy
- Linux: automatic modem configuration
- More Itunes help
- Computer Recycling
- AOL V Norton Fire wall security problem
- Intel Core Duo + McAfee (Laptops)
- Broadband, landline and mobile bundling
- MSN Messenger.
- Another question(s) from a linux n00b
- Microsoft word Help!!!!
- Boot Camp
- What does DVD stand for?
- More monitor problems
- Microsoft excel equations
- Mac games
- Voip in a box ???
- Router problems.
- To Be or not to Be
- Avatars
- Programming Language Inventor or Serial Killer?
- Scientific Calculator Help
- Gettin' "stuff" out of iTunes
- Whats a good price for anti virus software
- Media Player problem
- Free Useful Software
- Interesting conference in Nigeria
- 385 guests
- Infrared
- PodCasts
- Emailing Webpage Flyer
- Serial queries!
- Portable movie players
- Using data projector instead of a TV ?
- Free codecs and more
- DOwnloading off the Internet!
- An internet credit card question
- wmv files
- Copyright laws: Sharing / copying TV programmes / software.
- Time Breakdown of Modern Web Design
- Mac help needed
- Problem: unable to access Forum and inabilty to post/edit
- Buying a laptop - advice needed
- Flatscreen HD TV advice
- Ipod Accessories
- Computers for muppets
- Batten down those web hatches
- HDD for a MP3?
- wikipedia
- Soulman missing Soulseek for Soul sounds
- USB ports!
- Buying a domain name and hosting a website
- SATA drive
- Macbook v's Macbook Pro
- burning CD's from iTunes
- Where can I get a modem?
- Broadband
- Bruce Schneier Facts
- posting pics
- helppppppppppppp
- Small Business Application development
- Test your bandwidth
- MTG: Warning - geekier than the computer threads!
- Tried Roleplaying?
- Needed: World's simplest MS-Windows email client
- MS-Word - can't create Headers / Footers
- Sat Nav
- Anonymity and Identity
- Linux DVD to avi converter
- Mysterious iTunes disappearance
- Removing old "connection" to Windows XP offline folder server
- Flashget
- thedailywtf
- website + links
- LLU unbundling and broadband or go cable
- Recording LEvels on Itunes
- My PC wants to deafen me...
- Excel help
- What sort of link do you prefer?
- HELP - New to Ipod - Doesn't Bl**dy Work
- Wikimapia
- Finally a reason to switch to Microsoft Vista
- Microsoft Outlook
- External hard drive connectivity
- World of Warcraft
- Ipod speakers and Bose sounddock
- XDA Exec
- bigdjiver - Kempston Joystick King!
- To Wii or not to Wii
- Video clips help please
- computer speakers with absolutely no sound!!
- From the New York Times: Trying Out the Zune
- Copying from Sky+
- The Zune on CNN
- Windows Live Messenger (msn)
- Help with a new dance website
- AOL Broadband Fab Deal or Big Mistake
- Windows Mobile 5 and Outlook send
- Internet explorer issues
- I-tunes Playback (strange problem)
- Network Attached Storage Drives
- Geekiest Geek.
- Pandora
- Unblocking a closed port
- Faster Than Light travel
- Mmo/mmorpg
- Princess Fi's Geeky Byline.
- Group on-line discussion - IM?
- Pvr
- Win XP icons "disappeared"
- Well done BT
- iPod Nano
- american loses job
- Hunt and Destroy
- Reducing size of Linux Logical volume
- T-Mobile offer
- Firefox 'Find' Error sounds
- PCMCIA cards
- Apple Announces the iPhone (and it does look fabulous)!
- Anyone use SOAP?
- Encrypting HTML – possible or not?
- Freecom DVB-T USB stick
- PC a little on the big side??
- To combine or not to combine that is the question?
- Pc Laptop
- Dangerous virus
- chown
- Active Sync 4.2, WM5, Outlook something
- Download you tube
- All the information in the world: petabytes
- Viewing 3gp files on a PC
- Windows Quick launch bar
- Windows Live OneCare
- i-question
- Video editing
- Connecting devices via a USB hub
- a proper short film on youtube
- Vista Security!
- Hosting videos
- Apple Laptop vs PC laptop
- Burning music onto DVDs
- Mobile phone recommendations
- Graphic Artist wanted
- Group Emails
- Vista voice recognition
- Mozilla won't load
- ipod newcomer
- Paypal in words of one syllable
- ArmA
- Pc Problems
- Im a Vigilante and Im ok , I work all night and I sleep all day
- Why Geeks are worth it...
- declared size of phone memory card.
- Template Web sites and hosting
- Whoooooooaaaaaaa......
- MythTV
- itunes/ipod issues with new pc
- Freeview HardDisk recorder - possibly "HD-Ready"
- I want one.
- excel
- Spooky...
- This Forum's Server
- Docking compatibility
- Commodore re-enter computer market
- dll System 32
- Question on blog for web gurus - jihad on jive?
- Anyone recommend FREE mp3 encoding software for Windows XP
- More Mac Help!
- Mac Help - Please Stop My Macbook Talking!!
- TiSP
- ebuyer and other online shops...
- Vista
- Nokia 6300 or N73 - any experiences?
- What's your Storage Capacity?
- Ceroc mention in BOFH
- Any PHP programmers out there?
- Shiny New Sony Ericsson K800i
- Anti Virus Protection best choice ?
- How easy is it to synch Outlook and folders, PC to laptop
- 09 F9 11 02 9d 74 E3 5b D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
- Happy Star Wars Day
- Problems playing DVDs from dance events - common?
- any Flash/Actionscript gurus here?
- Lord of the Rings Online
- come into my room
- Re sizing an image
- game delayed
- Excel sort & delete question....
- reactometer
- Champs on webcam?
- outlook 2003
- Humax PVR-9200T advice
- Lightening youtube clips
- Ipod - movies sync problem
- Keyboard hotkeys problem
- Broadband recommendations
- amazing originality from microsoft ?
- mini dvds
- For the dancing geek...
- 101 Really Useful Websites - from the Independant
- Mathmation required!
- 100 Free Full Games to Download Online:
- Phone media to website
- Error Message When Closing Internet Explorer 6.0
- Internet (clearing sites you have visted)
- How to save outlook emails onto external hard drive
- Thinking of upgrading?
- HELP!!!! Recovering deleted files on a Mac
- Ipod; PC and Sony MP3's
- Online radio stations - any recommendations?
- Sending emails
- Sony Ericsson W850i advice needed
- Ipod or MP3?
- iTunes 7.3 HELP!
- iTunes won't burn!
- QuickTime Having a Fit
- Woodface versus Apple
- W880i Sony E phone won't talk to my laptop!
- System alert?
- should i get a tatoo
- Help napster doesnt like me!!
- problem installing Canon camera software Help please!
- I want one !!
- PDA version of forum?
- Computer Simulation of Dance
- Ban the Blacklists
- 500ghz Processor is here!!!!
- USB Device Not Recognized
- Happy Birthday WWW
- a MUST buy !!
- Vistgrrr
- u tube question
- Message compacting
- Cheap laptops
- Powerpoint
- Lovely new iPods (and now iPhone!)
- itunes/laptop problem
- Webcam help please
- i-Tunes HELP!!!
- Active user!!
- How do i give ppl rep?
- My boiler thinks I'm sexy...
- Cant book weekenders?
- Finding the serial number of software
- Camcorders
- MSN Live Messenger
- Backup that precious data for an easy life.
- which mobile phone to buy????
- Reclassification of Units
- Is Norton taking over
- How much storage do you REALLY need?
- My Pocket PC is suffering an identiy crisis
- How do you get rid of your name of google searches ?
- Chance to Dance Website
- YouTube play problems
- Password protected Word doc help
- What is CORRECT?
- What music download site should i use?
- Apple Mac tips please!
- Inkjet printer - How I saved money, but how do I clean my hands????
- Is it the modem or the computer???
- Beautiful Young Minds, BBC Sunday 14th October
- Help-Local Authority IT support
- Outlook
- Mailing List Software
- Leopard Day
- Photoshop help
- Help - junk mail
- How to get the best out of google ?
- Unhappy powerbook
- Php 4 / Php 5
- PDF Files
- Animated Avatar plays too fast in Firefox
- Help with searching in Google
- Leopard and many a question....
- iboogie search engine
- Ipod Auxillary cable for in car
- Take Heed: A Story with a Moral
- ipod speakers
- Broadband help please!
- Steampunk
- Laptop Help Please
- Beginners course in HTML
- Excel and null values - guru advice sought
- I need help
- Car stereo
- New uses for Industrial Robots
- BBC iPlayer / 4OD "backups"
- Anyone want to write a Firefox extension?
- Any electricians out there?
- Changing ISP
- Help Please: Un-syncing your Ipod
- Help, I've got a new iMac
- MAC help needed in recording and filming
- DVD issues
- protection
- Asp Forums
- Microphone not working on laptop help!
- PDF files to jpeg???
- PC upgrade but keeping the same HD??
- protected WMA problem
- MP3 ID3 tags
- Guitar Hero
- Mobile phone and music query
- Baby Ipod Orphaned
- Alignment
- New website design and build
- Which Compact Camera To Buy?
- 02 Blue book
- iPod Shuffle - HELP!
- Geeks make better dancers – discuss.
- Which MP3 Player?
- Youtube embedding
- Does it take a geek....
- SD memory cards
- Recommend a scanner/printer/copier?
- Insidious Internet Exploder
- CD labelling - Help please
- PC errors- best software fix
- Nasty virus/spam mail
- Wii fit - useful for dancers ?
- Mario Kart Wii
- How big is yours!
- adding a picture to the forum
- Hard drive upgrade- help!
- playing old mac director projectors
- laptop keyboard
- Ultra portable laptop for surfing
- Xp Alert!
- Help needed with UPS and server
- Slide scanners
- What Bluetooth Stereo headset??
- Annoying Clicking In Windows explorer!
- TalkTalk, μTorrent & LimeWire
- WMP11 weirdness
- Dvorak keyboards
- Ultra mobile (addendum to ultra portable thread)
- Quick question
- Help re reformating an iPod from a PC to Mac
- new alpine head units for a car
- Advice on building a new PC
- Garage band on Mac questions
- Wii internet access
- Software for synchronizing data across drives
- expensive laptop
- Help with 5th Generation Ipod
- Firefox v3.0
- Windows XP 7 Zone Alarm
- Geek watch
- Je ne suis pas un nerd !!
- Macbook Black Gloss Screen Help
- Enabling Javascript
- Project Euler
- Virgin PCGuard
- EVE Online : The Empirian Age
- Regions Hack
- backup ipod to computer
- Air Rivals
- The forum
- Is she better than Beowulf?
- PDF writer
- Mona Lisa using paintballs
- Chrome
- Word Perfect Helpline
- Opera Mobile 9.5 Beta 1
- The iPhone Tango
- HP SWSETUP - what is this?
- Restoring firefox/IE saved passwords??
- Need Your Help on this,
- Need your help on this 2 : Revenge of the PC'less Geek.
- Portable iPod speaker system - docking and recharging
- Free stuff : 19 inch CRT monitor
- Dance websites
- Regional DVD problems on my laptop
- Calling all computer geeks!
- Vista and WifI? Problems??
- Help with a new Laptop
- whats a good word programme ?
- Mailing list managers
- Thunderbird
- Feedback on my site :)
- Can you transfer tape to CD
- Help with Videos please
- Windows 7
- Phone again...
- Someone has stolen my "Safely Remove Hardware" icon.
- Going backwards…
- DO I need to change my bios for a CD Rewriter?
- For all those who dislike Apple
- Tango Site Feedback (Corrientes)
- Outlook Has Disappeared!
- Ethernet connection not working
- Phone call from Microsoft, now not sure what to do.
- Swipe card systems
- Wireless Routers
- Adding a graphics card for two monitors - how hard ?
- Oil "cooled" iphone !!
- Which browser do you use
- scd probability of tie
- Friends on Face Book Account lost
- A3 Scanner - I need access to one
- Download a video from Facebook
- So what the point
- Unlocker
- Flip videos - advice?
- Remote control of iTunes on a PC
- Putting Ceroc DVDs on your Ipod
- Calling Excel Gurus.....
- Hd3dtv
- Dell Notebook, Vista not opening
- Hard drive for iBook G4 model
- How low can you go?
- Microsoft Office Live Workspace
- Crossfire - free FPS
- .TEL domains. New standard in protocols?
- Missing facebook friends ?
- Portable ipod speakers
- PDF help needed
- text messages to PC?
- Camcorder recommendation please!
- Help with building a computer
- The genius of adwords
- You Tube downloader
- Google Chrome
- Hacking
- How do I search for a file type?
- Webcam access using VbScript
- Bigger brother....?
- CDRom dissappears upon setup of WinXP
- STILL can't get video on Facebook!!!!
- Y.a.m.p.t
- adobe lightroom
- O2 as an isp
- Free anti-virus software?
- Jailbreaking an iPhone. Pros and cons?
- Nokia E71
- New Iphone in July?
- iLife 09
- Why the sudden interest in old mobiles?
- icland is an icland - we've built a simple ...
- Macs - how do you copy DVDs on them ?
- Microsoft
- A question to Mac users
- Download Manager - recommend one?
- dead iPod
- PC 'repair' message - what do I do now??
- Spam or Spam or Virus Request ??
- Excel help - easy removal of duplicate rows
- MP3 talking books
- PC game - problem of black band on screen
- Apple Cinema to PC
- Setting up your own web site
- What do you have installed on your iPhone/iPod ?
- Retrieving mobile phone nos.
- Laptop feeling heavy???
- Databases
- Does any one know of a guide to choosing a graphics card?
- RepRap - 3D Home printer
- HHO Conversion
- DVD, HD DVD, Blu Ray...
- Modem struck by lightning.
- Future of user interfaces
- Panic
- Help please
- How worried should I be about a hacker?
- getting music from youtube clips?
- Total lack of sound from my PC
- Geek Holiday
- PC diagnostic charts
- Photoshop/Bridge - Help please
- Web Hosting
- MP3 recommendations
- Microsoft Word, help for long tables needed.
- Mac hardrive help please
- Something good for Mac's
- Trogen removal
- Desperate Help needed for my Ipod on my Iphone – Please
- Microsoft Word, identifying printed documents
- Hotmail/Windows Live Account Passwords Leaked!!!
- pc problems once again
- Kindle for the UK
- itunes 9. Where did everything go?
- Double Twist
- Copying to DVD
- Which broadband?
- 1988 Vs 2009
- Trojan Horse Back door Hupigon 5AANC
- Drupal
- No connection
- SLR Digital Cameras, which one?!
- A good e-mail site
- unwanted "editing (?) / marks" in Word
- USB Laptop speakers
- Roman Cart on line payment. Any experiences?
- Change of!!!
- Downloading problems?
- Computer locked up - problem with Vista
- Spam Emails
- cut & share sections from youtube vids
- Universal remote control - recommendation?
- VW Polo cant turn wipers off
- Split screen on Mac
- downloading youtube vids
- Problem with Facebook
- Live streaming
- iPad announced
- Cookie trouble
- MS Word Default List Formatting
- visions of the future
- ProDesktop 3D Modelling
- Screen Recorder Reccs Please.
- Configuring security between FreeNAS server and Windows 7 client
- Site Critique
- Searching within Word headers
- New AV system - advice needed.
- How to Start a Blog?
- "Aw, snap" Chrome + Mac
- Very Basic Excel question..
- SLR Digital Cameras - Redux
- iPhone news
- VHS to computor
- Is my Ipod shuffle being controlled by an Imp?
- New keyboard idea
- Mac or not Mac
- Any HTC phone users?
- Control your PC from anywhere..
- Cheap laptop needed
- Digital cameras
- CS5 from Plato Software ?
- Mobile phone insurance
- google maps - dates
- 2 external hard drives from a lap top
- PC helpline info sheet
- 10MB Hard Drive for $ 3,495.00
- IE9 Beta
- Help -nearly phone upgrade time
- Backing up my laptop
- Help please with my Sony VAIO Laptop
- Help with PayPal Buttons on My Blog
- Binoculars?
- Snow leopard and iLife 11
- Help! - Microphone and PC - getting it working
- Help
- Mac Geek needed!
- Business / Enterprise Architecture - Views please
- Sat Nav Help needed
- MP3 Players
- Which Security software do use and would you renew
- Active speakers
- New e-mail client (MUA?)
- Food processors
- HDR ( High Dynamic range Photographs)
- Recordable DVD's
- Anyone else doing a photography "project"?
- C++ Runtime Library error
- The speed of light ??
- Learning Photoshop ( or any photo editing software )
- Which netbook
- Sorting algorithms as folk dances (Very geeky)
- Help, my Mac has gone funky neon!
- Help please...
- Help please - lost administrator password
- Recruitment Agencies - a force for Good or Evil Incarnate?
- Putting your venue on Google Maps?
- Sky Broadband - Capped
- Advice for a new blogger?
- Help Needed with my Laptop Again
- How To Post An Itchy Crocodile - Lol
- a lucky generation
- Cheaper, easier alternative to Laptop ?
- New computer - desktop PC, laptop or Mac?
- Backing up (Amazon S3)
- Mac help needed
- External hard drive
- Scroll pad problems
- Facebook - can you fix it for me
- Internet provider BT or Virgin??
- Real Player Download Help
- Geeky help needed -please
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