View Full Version : Fun and Games
- On a Brighter note....
- Children's TV Quiz
- A Ceroc Forum Story ......
- The Lyric game
- Round 2
- Another chance to win dance with Dreadful Scathe
- Darwin Awards!!
- The Forum story so far...
- Merry Xmas
- Jokes
- The Movie Quote Game
- Name The Band - Game
- NEW game
- Logic Puzzles
- Dance Game
- Rugby kicking game.....
- What movies teach us....!!
- A pub drinking game
- War Advice
- Annoyed Antique Collector
- Elbow Licking for Beginners
- Silly place names in Scotland
- Death by chocolate!!!
- So, who killed the Chickie D?
- The Intro Game!!
- matière étrangère
- As requested...who do YOU think 'did it'??
- Ever wonder....
- One of those quiz things...
- 20 Things It Takes A Lifetime To Learn
- Computers according to Dr Zeus...
- Some quotes
- Tramp Pictures
- I spy...
- Assicons
- Just found these anims funny
- joke to make u chuckle
- not for the faint-hearted...
- Welcome to CSF
- If fun and games are your thing......
- Music Survey
- Intro Game 2 (TV)
- Time....
- Weird Science
- Work with kids?
- Profound Post-Modern Axioms
- A philosophical poll
- subtle ? moi ?
- Star Wars - Text style...
- Out of the mouths of babes....
- Peter Kay's universal truths ...
- Pammy's Joke Of The Day
- English Language Reading Test
- Coordination Test
- The David Blaine Game :)
- We Want Your Soul
- Have a break
- Googlism
- Unfortunate Names
- Area puzzle
- Is Boomer A Soinspecor...
- Masturbation the truth!
- Anyone like housework??
- Grated Cheese!!
- bored out of your mind??
- Just what have we learned from life???
- Jive Masters Video Cover Notes
- Spot the difference....
- For parents....
- Christmas Advent
- Do you know what to do?
- How to dance!!
- Google bombing
- How evil are you??
- Which sci/fi character are you ?
- Know your music?
- old one but very funny
- Movie Lines
- What song are you?
- Habits, Rituals and Eccentricities
- Classic Simpsons
- films
- Lonley Hearts
- Why not state the obvious
- penguin lovers
- To make you smile.
- Forum Limericks
- One of my favourite stories
- This made me Laugh!!
- Cult member captured
- Fundraising in Britain
- Is there life on Mars?
- Still not busy enough even after the penguin game?
- Just discovered something odd....
- What's Your Favourite Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream?
- Hurl a Haggis
- Lyric Test
- Are you a cheap date or high maintenance?
- Dance Quiz
- Ellicoptur
- Test your I.Q
- Death calculator
- Nice Cup of Tea and a Sit Down
- Copy and paste quiz
- Remember Simon?
- Penguin game.
- Valentine's Day Silliness
- Pull-O-Meter
- couture
- Aberdeen Humour
- What an idiot!!
- Kissing Quiz
- Which Muppet are you?
- Creativity self-test
- How's your maths?
- Right or left brained?
- 1st Annual Pingu smashing contest...
- Can you get out...
- just for fun
- Are you a fast food junkie?
- Little known facts...
- Childhood Beliefs
- Poke the penguin
- Forget the penguin, it's Franck's turn!
- Football quiz
- Artist of Genius
- U.S. Forms Own U.N.
- Geek games!
- eBay Auctions getting very boring these days...
- Penguins are so last Tuesday....
- Did you ever get the feeling...
- Two coffee-break games
- "Things my girlfriend and I have argued about"
- A nice day for a white wedding?
- Tongue in Cheek
- Black People Love Us
- Dance dance dance
- Bogus Devil's Advocate
- NED Olympics
- Panda Golf
- The Half-Bakery
- The Duel
- I can't figure this one out. . . . .
- Which Villain are you?
- Scottish Jokes
- Funny Photos
- How to sing the blues!
- Anyone remember this.......?
- That penguin sure gets around!
- Customer Survey
- Obituary
- Another waste of time...
- Friday Fun - Which Movie Villain are you?
- Exercise to improve your balance?
- Laws of work
- Dance Afflictions
- Fantasy Jivemasters!
- Political? Who me?
- The Wounded American
- Big Brother movie posters!
- Friends in need!
- Personality types......
- For Andy McG???
- And sheepman?
- This is just so funny...!!!!
- Favorite Ice Cream Flavours
- ANOTHER addictive shooting game
- Men's Degree
- Remember this?
- Spam
- The Forum idea
- Lyrics Mk III
- Another Lyric quiz
- Cj What Is Going On !!!
- The Brick Testament
- Make this make sense!
- Lookalikes - or should it be Look a YIKES...!
- Wedding Invite
- Lyric quiz 1V!
- I Desperately need advice
- If Architects Had To Work Like Web Developers
- My Day Out Shopping
- Nerds Only Quiz
- Boring Sunday Lyrics Quiz!
- In The Jacuzzi
- Funny Animations
- more Google fun
- A fun quiz from school
- Girls on Trampolines
- Oops
- The Scots Guards
- Forum crossword
- Guess the object!
- Forum Crossword 2
- Spot the Movie
- My Wedding Photo
- This year's fun Xmas games....
- Dear Santa
- Chick On A Bike
- Who wants to sit on Santa's lap??
- Welsh Prostitute
- Put your best (or worst) Christmas site here
- Put your Christmas giggles here!
- wheres santa gone?
- Chatroom Fight
- Christmas Gift For A Blonde
- The Truth Behind Bush and Blair
- Xmas Shopping
- Porn Clips
- Extreme Hardcore Porn
- Spiderman 2
- Weird Photos
- Cd Burner For Blondes
- Looking For The Hole In His Bucket
- New Definitions
- Evolution
- Heart Stopper Whopper
- The Marriage Test
- The Thinking Drinking Pub Game
- Have you ever wondered............
- T-Shirt Slogans!
- Can you break the Codes?
- Brain Teaser
- funny Vidioes
- Scottish Drink Driving Test
- Despair
- Valentines fun!
- Colours
- Sizes
- Relatives
- Animals
- This is Brilliant. Needs sound.....
- Men are like...
- Weather
- For Cricket Fans
- Drinks
- Ozzie travel advice
- Modes of Transport
- Guys' rules
- Big Oggy From Fife
- Male/Female Names
- Don’t yawn game
- Dance Floor Types..
- Farmer John
- Cities
- addicted to dance?
- Scotland Responds To The Haka
- The Mj Party
- Happy Easter
- Squares...
- USS Montana
- Tracks for the sick......
- for wary flyers
- Carry on Jiving
- Food & Drink
- Title links
- Why its good to be a woman
- Why it's good to be a man
- Religion
- Kids are quick!
- funny words
- Quotable quotes
- How normal are you?
- General Election
- Mornington Crescent
- Customer Survey
- Miss World
- Stupid Dog video
- Beer advert - why men start dancing
- Store Wars
- Paper Throwing
- The 'You Are Wrong' Game
- I know I'm posting like a woman possessed but had to share this!
- try this
- Show ya stuff
- New game
- Cheddar Gorge
- Hapland
- Shoot the Sheep!
- Some Advice From Your Public Defender
- Hate that frog
- Spud-u-Like
- Overheard in Ceroc...
- Meow!
- Amazing street art
- Lyrics Mk IV
- Which Walkers does it for you?
- Bored? oh
- Among the more stupid things I have done...
- 'The Thread of Brian'
- Darwin awards 2005
- Geeks of the world unite!
- which cartoon chatacter would you be?
- Make Your Own Superhero!
- what is your favourite Ceroc class night sweet.
- The Oldest Game
- For those who need cheering up...
- The Babel Fish Game
- Brain teaser
- Brain teaser 2
- Because you can't work ALL the time...
- Career change?
- Midges!!!
- That was Brian you clicked on, And he's ANGRY!
- Feeling down? Take the happy pill!
- Like dog like owner??
- Exterminate!
- Don't ask me why....
- Game - Find that picture
- Jokes
- Money Saving Game
- Kids
- You're so wrong
- The Inevitable Movie Quotes Game
- Limerick completion game
- Thread like Yoda to sing in....
- Chav test
- What's your sense of humour like?
- What do you think - would these people have this menu?
- Lyric Game
- Fortunately, unfortunately...
- Two Truths - One Lie
- David & Jamie
- Just plain WEIRD...
- Useful....
- Bush Call...
- Mad experiments you wish you could carry out
- Purple Sparkler's current avatar
- Post your complete limericks here
- Well, they made me laugh....
- Mordor, with a D!
- Alphabet Game - Song Artists
- Googlefight
- Google Earth (beta)...
- Post Your Best Pick Up Lines Here!
- Best put down lines
- Cat Bowling
- Happy Halloweeen!
- We don't always see what we think we see
- Flash game especially for Lou!
- Advice (please take this thread seriously)
- Have I got ________ for you?
- Word disassociation
- Can you beat this?
- What's your Name Game!
- Celebrity Squares
- Counting
- Baarmy Sheep
- Lego Heads
- Christmas Lyrics Game
- Useful Tips
- Dont touch the track Santa!
- Movie Tag Line game
- New Games
- New Logic Game
- Game site
- Lyrical Moments...
- Fluffy Kittens
- Shoe shopping...
- Weird but brilliant...
- Valentines Poetry
- Battleships
- Especially For MsFab
- Make your own Bollywood movies
- Anyone tried this???
- Check out this Video
- Test your gaming knowledge
- The Maze
- Parachute Game
- Psychic thingie
- Farting Gym Teacher
- Birdie Songs!
- Test! How about you? :)
- Picture-gallery. Favourite paintings.
- New Profile picture for Spice & Easy & Silverfox
- Dedicated to school teachers
- Strange videos
- Deal or No Deal
- Evolution of dance!!!
- Absolute proof that global warming exists!
- World Trade Centre
- No footwork required - at all!
- How dodgy are you?
- word association
- a-z of dance
- Hardest Phone call ever
- Don't play with Tazers
- leaving the toilet seat up
- The Cliffs of Insanity
- Hungry Horse
- joke
- Awesome optical illusion
- Fancy working for this company
- Southport Caption Contest: Foxy & ZW In Action
- Famous Doctors
- Complete the following story...
- Anagram Members
- A New One For Lory
- name the movies..
- What's your Brazilian Name?
- You know you're a geek when...
- Mind Games
- Evil Genie
- The movie of your life
- Not for Trekkies...
- 5 letter word game
- One for Cheeky Monkey!
- caption required
- Ceroc isn't complete without ...
- I'll send an SOS to the world...
- 'u’ed better belive ‘co its true ??????
- The Ceroc Scotland Forums Top 100 Movie Thread.
- What Star Trek Character are you?
- Cats and their personal stereos
- Photo competition ends in a draw.
- Rainbow
- (Attributed to Bill Gates!) Eleven to learn.
- Name the bands
- Office Prank
- Dedicated to Stewart38
- Treadmill dancing
- Classic Films made better
- Me?
- New Samuel L. Jackson movie Trailer ;)
- Slogans
- 6 letter word game...
- Grrrrrr
- Non-dancing You Tube videos
- Description Game!
- Retro toy Game
- The Picture Challlenge
- What does your name say about you?
- MJ Haiku
- the wayaay bird or jammy below me thread...
- MJ/Dance Clerihews
- OK, so it had to be done!
- The New Cowboys
- Everything I know, I learned from Ceroc...
- Make youself a South Park character
- Professionals quiz
- name game
- Dance fame at last
- Yet more name games :)
- World Championship in clicking-game
- Help The Drunk Get Home
- Not sure if this should go here or under geeks corner.
- How Common are you-A Self assessment
- Is your relationship over?- A Self assessment
- How vain are you- A self assessment
- top 100 albums..
- Some Interesting Facts For You
- Extreme Sillyness (silliness?)
- Celebrity Ceroc Dance partner
- Have you ever?
- Just had to share these Cats
- Accurate Statistics
- Dealing with Telemarketing, prepare to :ROFL: !
- ::The Game::
- Lovers of Sprout - Please look away!
- Wittybirds Birthday snap at Camber
- Intelligence test!
- Do Reindeer get narcolepsy?
- If you like sprouts...
- Sober Santa
- Smack the Penguin!
- An advent calendar with a difference!
- The perfect sound
- Bored at work?
- Santa on the wine
- Diving monkey game
- Riddles
- BREAKING NEWS Pamela Anderson Kidnapped
- Scottish Haka
- The Amazon Knee-Jerk Contrarian Game!
- Move association
- The song title game.....
- The Three Minute Management Course
- Boff The Hoff
- The Double Trouble Sweepstake
- First song at your wedding?
- Nintendo Wii -search
- Who's who "Spot the difference"
- Superhero films!
- Impossible Questions
- Monkey Kick Off
- "101 Tips for Ceroc Evil Overlords"
- Something to annoy everybody
- More fun web games
- Noise Games
- while everyone was out playing...
- An oldie but a goodie...
- Can You Guess The Chest?........
- The Impossible Quiz
- The worlds hardest riddle
- Dont play with other peoples toys/presents.
- Follow the instructions to find your new name.
- Mornington Crescent - Modern Jive stylee
- a.s.s
- Changing topic of follow-up posts
- I Like My Men/Women How I Like My...
- Fun things to do on the internet!
- Break up with the person above you
- Deteriorata
- The Greatest wind up of a TeleMarketer... ever
- The Paper Plane Game
- Gmail Promo Video
- Southport countdown
- New Scottish Anthem ( Smeatons Stand Against Al Qaeda )
- UK Survey
- The Queens Scottish Guards
- Strictly Come Dancing Theme Tune for mobile
- Which way is the lady spinning?
- Smilie Charades
- Scottish Pizza Delivery Prank Calls
- Dances ?
- Ron.... and the xmas pressie
- Things you'd love to say out loud at work
- P4F (Philosophy for Forumites)
- NZ tourist board
- Heaven and hell
- Riding A European Stranger
- Sexy Webcam Girl Gets Caught
- Like a Virgin....Spun for the Very First Time
- Which Heroes Character are you?
- Virtual dance party
- Fonts and smilies
- The Culture Ship Name Game
- Only In Scotland
- If your life was a movie.....
- The Ideal Woman
- Braveheart Family Guy
- Riot Police Prank
- Wee Scottish Guy Sitting At The Bar
- Elvis McPresley In Scotland
- Spooky Bitch
- Aliens Attack The Space Shuttle
- Edinburgh Zone
- Christmas songs anagrams
- Hide the forum name in the sentence (kind of anagram game)
- Naked In Elevator
- Young Lovers
- Wild Beaver In Scotland
- Dancing windsock game
- UFO Over Scotland ( Real Footage )
- HELP Im Stuck In A Postbox
- Trapped In Hedge Maze
- Forum Scattergories :)
- Women Drivers LOL
- Air Force Test
- Fcuk Planet Earth Hilarious
- Poker / Dance jokes
- Stool For Kilt Wearers
- The perfect Anti Depressant Pill For Glasgow Celtic Supporters
- Crazy Screaming Girl
- Proof That Smoking Is Good For You
- Is Dad On Drugs
- These Are My Cookies
- Why I can't get off the forum...
- TV's top 25 put-downs published - What's your favourite?
- I went dancin & brought a **** !
- The Scotsman
- how to hug a baby if you're a dog
- Chasing Bars
- Scotland versus The Spartans
- Crazy Crazy Charlie Bites Fingers
- I saw this and it made me laugh
- Alternate lyrics for songs...
- Interesting ANAGRAMS
- WARNING To All TESCOS Shoppers (please read very carefully)
- Songs wanted...
- My SuperSweet Sixteen- MTV
- Story Time!!
- How long will you live?
- Glasgow Rangers The Manchester Invasion 200 000 Fans
- United States Of Scotland
- RIP Beryl Cook
- General Knowledge Quizzes
- Got any new jokes..
- Addictive game_ Falling Bush
- StevanHogg's Funny Photos
- Song titles in posts
- A New Hobby
- JayJay's Playground
- My Little Pony...
- The moment just before the pain begins
- How good are you...
- I Sentence You To Five
- A 3-minute fairy tale of mixed emoticons
- Film Association
- Sock and Awe
- Never ending story
- Age emma hang art
- Y a w o t
- Ireland's worst driver
- Lucky 7's - Bigger is better!
- Put a spell on you
- Cna yuo raed tihs?
- World's easiest quiz
- H from Steps has died :(
- Optical illusions
- If you could go on holiday.......?
- Dog eats dinner.
- Words of Wisdom
- Dear Kate Middleton
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