View Full Version : Let's talk about dance

Pages : [1] 2

  1. Ceroc Championships 2002
  2. Where's the picz?
  3. Dundee Party
  4. Lists of Moves
  5. Dundee weather + dancing with Beginners.
  6. Ceroc Ceilidh Party
  7. Saturday PINK Party
  8. Ceroc on BBC Breakfast show: Fri 22nd Feb.
  9. Murder on the Dancefloor
  10. UK Jive -Blackpool
  11. Aberdeen venues
  12. Leading vs following: which is most fun?
  13. Accidents
  14. Aberdeen Party
  15. Sweat Shirts
  16. Dance Competition
  17. Dance etiquette: Asking for a dance...
  18. Ceroc in Germany or France
  19. First signs...
  20. Women leading...
  21. Going Commando
  22. Fashion Faux Pas
  23. Pet Hate
  24. ceroc 101
  25. Film extras for 50's Dance film (Glasgow)
  26. Missing Men
  27. Addiction
  28. Big Night Out
  29. Name Dropping
  30. Odd Locations
  31. Memories from the 50's: Tell your story.
  32. How old is old?
  33. What does it for you?
  34. Newspaper Ads
  35. Ceroc Champs - The Aftermath
  36. Scottish Cabaret Team: UK Champions
  37. Murphy's Law of dance...
  38. Zoot suit sources
  39. Handedness
  40. Busking season opening shortly...
  41. Ceroc/jive on TV
  42. dance moves
  43. Ladies - What are you looking for in a dance?
  44. Black'n'white dancing shoes
  45. Opportunity Knocks! Commonwealth Games Opening & Closing Ceremonies
  46. How to surprise a lady
  47. Scottish Cabaret Team: Back by popular demand
  48. Big Brother can Ceroc!
  49. Singing along while dancing
  50. Viktor & Lydia
  51. Ceroc - No Age Limits!
  52. Cerocing Relatives
  53. I saw you
  54. Just visiting
  55. Scottish Championships ????????
  56. Watching the teacher/backleading
  57. Class etiquette
  58. Intermediate Cerocshop
  59. Dance Boots
  60. Too old to rock!
  61. Too rude?
  62. Dancing to a track you hate?
  63. Slave to the rhythm? Musical interpretation
  64. First night in Aberdeen
  65. Simply the Best??
  66. Social aspect of Ceroc
  67. Ceroc Grand Slam
  68. Mishaps on the Dance Floor and other Ceroc gossip...
  69. Championships in Musselburgh
  70. Venue Security
  71. Peroc
  72. Team Cabaret
  73. One dance or two...
  74. Partner wanted for Scottish Competition !
  75. Its all in the lead
  76. Deodorants or natural ?
  77. Just wondering if anyone can help
  78. Anti-social
  79. Ceroc In Your Life
  80. Keeping on topic!
  81. New Aberdeen Party Venue - Your views?
  82. The English are Coming!
  83. I'm scared..... Any advice welcome...
  84. Does Ceroc drive you to drink?
  85. Welcome to the Forum Craig!
  86. "Taxi"!
  87. Anyone in Embra??
  88. Teachers & image
  89. serious issue - Fire!
  90. big parties in different cities
  91. Greetings from the newest member
  92. Fun Poll: Limbs of Jelly - Ladies, what do you do?
  93. Two ladies on the go?
  94. A dance is just a dance...
  95. Good Bye
  96. What part of the World have you ceroced in ?
  97. Hair
  98. Cambs Nov weekend 17th 18TH spree
  99. Its all gone quiet .......
  100. Cliques
  101. 2 things, really.
  102. Name the teacher....
  103. Whats experience?
  104. Ceroc Dance tuition
  105. What workshops have you attended
  106. Congratulations to our newest Ceroc Teacher
  107. Teachers or Entertainers
  108. Why do you go to Ceroc?
  109. The Centenary
  110. Ceroc Champs 2002 Video: Now available!
  111. New Ceroc venues in Scotland: Stirling + Perth
  112. Covering mistakes ;-)
  113. Patience of a Saint
  114. Southern ceroc teachers/franchisees
  115. Places to Dance in Edinburgh
  116. X Rated Teachers
  117. Sleep deprived?
  118. Drops: Avoidance tactics
  119. Words of advice ?
  120. Thanks to Edinburgh Crowd
  121. Bits And Bobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  122. Shoes
  123. Fun Poll - Shoes for Ladies
  124. re: patience of a saint
  125. The Scottish Championships
  126. Last night (Tues)
  127. Dancing in Films
  128. Party 19th, Champs 20th Oct
  129. Championships
  130. Thank you
  131. Wow !!! Scottish Championships!!
  132. Scots Comp 2003 - Teachers or no
  133. Pics??
  134. On a rotten night ...
  135. Intro of New Categories.
  136. MAd. Competiton categories
  137. Scottish Team Ceroc Champs 2002
  138. Blisters
  139. Role Reversal
  140. Dance Heroes
  141. Raunch Factor
  142. Thinking of moves
  143. Dan The man and his good lady visit Scotland!
  144. Sex on Legs!
  145. Teachers Reputations
  146. Buying Camcorder to video Ceroc - Advice needed.
  147. Taxi Dancers and Teachers First Night Experiences!
  148. Husbands, Wives & Partners
  149. Forum Members Identification
  150. Bye Bye London friends from Steve ! Hello Brum
  151. Does size matter
  152. Thank you for a great dance!
  153. Tips please !!!
  154. Ceroc UK Championships 2002 Video
  155. *sad*
  156. 10th Anniversary Dances
  157. Types Of Dancer!!
  158. Gorgeous gus workshops
  159. Retribution on Party Airsteppers
  160. 2 heads are better than 1?
  161. Dance Space
  162. Statistics
  163. Are New Zealanders really hot dancers?
  164. Dundee
  165. Tues 10th - Culter
  166. Polite Request
  167. V&L - Dance gods, or just gods??
  168. Blindfolded Ceroc
  169. Brruuuuuummmm
  170. Photos
  171. I wish women would not talk to me.......
  172. Dance Flooor Etiquette
  173. What about the students ??
  174. So then, what rocks your boat??
  175. Floorcraft ... or lack of it!!
  176. CEROC Dancers not welcome
  177. DJs vs Live Bands
  178. Promoting Ceroc
  179. Privileged Membership Scheme
  180. Frequent Flyers
  181. Dance Competition criteria
  182. Just for the ladies
  183. Dancing in Gourock
  184. Poll for the boys
  185. Burns Night
  187. How do you rate your dancing?
  188. Dancing & Eating
  189. Need new dance shoes? BoogieSteps are touring Scotland
  190. Selection Criteria
  191. Teacher qualifications & reviews?
  192. Ceroc could be bad for you?
  193. Performing...
  194. Performing. . .
  195. New Guy on the Block
  196. Ceroc on TV
  197. Dance Addict?
  198. Partners
  199. Excuses!
  200. Dancers in Canberra?
  201. 'How to Jive'
  202. Live band...
  203. Lindy Hop dance clips
  204. Double Trouble workshop
  205. Following?
  206. New Dance Craze to Hit the UK
  207. Is Ceroc too loud?
  208. Involuntary Erection
  209. TV Extras Wanted - 50's Jivers
  210. The worst thing!!
  211. Advanced Musicality Workshop - Amir & Kate
  212. Showcase Partner Wanted
  213. The Sleaze Thing
  214. Cleansing The Soles????
  215. Gigolo
  216. Jive Masters Competition
  217. Club Dancing
  218. BBC Radio 4 - Thursday 01/05/03 11:30am
  219. Keeping Beginners...
  220. Reason why you might want to cancel your trip to the Champs on Sunday
  221. Ballroom to Bedroom...
  222. Heat listings for the Champs
  223. Congratulations!!!!!
  224. Lunchtime Practice
  225. Other forums
  226. Consideration on the Dance floor
  227. Ceroc the mongrel
  228. Where's the fun?
  229. Dances per night
  230. Snubbing the snubbers???
  231. Dancing with beginners
  232. Books On Dance
  233. Intellect or emotion?
  234. Blackpool Videos/DVDs
  235. UK Dancers still the Biz
  236. Dancing on Video/DVD
  237. Dance Competitions are Evil
  238. Dance Clubs - Business or Mission?
  239. stiff shoulders
  240. What fabrics / (t)shirts for summer
  241. Favourite Dance Websites
  242. Can anyone recommend...
  243. The Right to Ban!
  244. Ceroc Exams
  245. Music Too Slow
  246. Ceilidh help required.
  247. British Champions???
  248. Justification for Banning
  249. Dancing in Leicester/Nottingham
  250. Partners who don't dance
  251. Lindy Hop at Hipsters - Wow!
  252. Things that make you go wow !
  253. Fancy A Dance In The Caribbean ???
  254. Changing style of Ceroc?
  255. I'm sorry, Dave, but your lead's too light
  256. Glasgow night still on tonight?
  257. Is there a place for an appropriate aerial?
  258. Why don't women ask men to dance ?
  260. Warts and all
  261. What do you think of the current crop of videos
  262. How far would you travel for a ceroc class ?
  263. Dancing Shoes???....
  264. codes of practice
  265. Jive Aces: Dancers wanted (TV appearance)
  266. In defence of Advanced Classes
  267. Advanced Class/Workshop Contents
  268. Dancing in the Heat
  269. Best Ceroc nights in Scotland?
  270. Bristol Dance Championships?
  271. Alternative venues if visiting South East
  272. Round the Dance Floor in 80 Drops – 3 DVD set by Peter Phillips
  273. shoe bargains
  274. Dance Idols
  275. "New breed of beginner" makes Glasgow Class Buzz
  276. What happens if you stop dancing?
  277. Youngsters!
  278. Smoking and Dancing don't mix
  279. How old were you for your first time?
  280. Peggy Spencer - Ballroom Blitz
  281. Dance moves d'base update
  282. Drops Seducers & Dance floor dips.
  283. Dancing In The Street
  284. Fast music for competitions....
  285. Is London IT?
  286. Do you go to ceroc on your own ?
  287. Name : Victor , Specialist subject : Dance Genius!!
  288. Where you go , I go
  289. Natural ability or time been around ?
  290. Most Popular dance style in UK
  291. New Judging system in Ice Skating
  292. If I owned Ceroc...
  293. Change at the top
  294. Ideal Dance Venues
  295. dancing in Bournemouth
  296. Closure of Ceroc London Forum
  297. Competitions
  298. Dartford tunnel area on a Monday
  299. Sydney comp
  300. The audience as judges
  301. The ceroc market
  302. What Makes A Great Dance Night?
  303. New ceroc website
  304. Dancing blindfolded??
  305. Traditional dance clips
  306. Choreography
  307. Hotshots...
  308. Intimidation/awestruck awkwardness
  309. Airsteps in Competitions??
  310. Producing a decent dance event video
  311. Sylvia Coleman?
  312. old friends in Glasgow
  313. Double Trouble
  314. Teacher Or Entertainer ?
  315. Shortage of Glasgow Males
  316. Ceroc Metro Jive Masters video
  317. Martin Elliot
  318. damsels in distress (scotish champs)
  319. Dance Partner wanted Leeds Area - more info
  320. A Scottish Weekender?
  321. Dance Legend Seeks Partner
  322. beginners in comps???
  323. Airsteps
  324. Welcome 007
  325. Do u have favorite people to dance to Certain tracks with?
  326. Completing a dance lesson
  327. Grading classes at the big events???
  328. Nice Ways To Say Get Lost!!!
  329. Ceroc Champs 2003 Video
  330. Now I've seen everything!
  331. What makes a dance partnership work?
  332. Friends and Family
  333. Ouch: that arm's attatched, you know!!
  334. Amir Gilles workshop... any available men?
  335. Differences in Height
  336. "Tonight's class will start at ............"
  337. Black and white or lurex
  338. Leicester / Milton Keynes help
  339. What are men really for?
  340. What are women really for
  341. How about this for an idea..?
  342. Ceroc or not
  343. Dancin' in my tails
  344. Cross-cultural dance styles
  345. Choreography
  346. 'fess up guys - How do you decide who to ask for a dance?
  347. dance films
  348. Things I Learned at tonight's class
  349. GRRRRRRRRRRRR! - inconsiderate dance floor etiquette
  350. How has Ceroc changed over the years?
  351. Plea to Franchisees on behalf of DJs
  352. What exactly is blues?
  353. Private Lesson
  354. How much time do you give to ceroc ?
  355. Women Dancing as Men
  356. Blackpool partner
  357. Live Bands
  358. Interesting Modern Jive website
  359. Teaching YOUR partner
  360. name calling
  361. William and Mary
  362. Looking forward to the punters' benefits of Ceroc
  363. Which country is best to learn Ceroc
  364. What other dances would you like?
  365. (Choose up to three) top reasons why people leave Ceroc (or any other MJ)?
  366. Dancing Day dreams
  367. Choice of dance venue
  368. Xmas dance classes
  369. Joining in the Intermediate class or chatting
  370. Talent
  371. Dancer, Taxi, Teacher, Franchisee?
  372. Ideal ratio men to women for all present
  373. How do you ?
  374. Competition regional heats
  375. Ceroc membership cards; Swipe system.
  376. How solid are your dancers?
  377. From Ceroc to Lindy?
  378. How long have you been dancing ceroc
  379. Do any of your work colleagues dance Ceroc?
  380. Oops! Trust me!!!!!
  381. Revenge of the tekkies
  382. Dancing in the street again
  383. Ceroc and Modern Jive History
  384. Retired from Competitions?
  385. Ceroc - Business Enterprise or "Gift to the World"?
  386. More dancing in the Street (tonite...)
  387. Men - how not to be sweaty when it gets hot
  388. BoogieSteps ... still going?
  389. Venue Crowd Capacity
  390. Exercises to Enhance Dance Performance
  391. 2004 Winners at Blackpool are .......
  392. Top Teachers?
  393. WLTM Mature Lady for Fun Weekend in Blackpool!
  394. Logging Dance Moves
  395. How to Win Competitions!!!
  396. Music or the Money
  397. Dancing in Crewe or Liverpool
  398. Jive Bar in London???
  399. Cabaret - Your views please
  400. DWAS Competitions
  401. The shape of things to come
  402. Competition Snobbery
  403. Teaching? Can any good dancer do that?
  404. Average Ceroccers on the Forum?
  405. Who were those dancers?
  406. Ceroc Teacher Training for All?
  407. Aerials - are they fair ??
  408. Communication - a two way street?
  409. Is it true?
  410. limp
  411. Forum Ettiquette
  412. news
  413. Scottish Dancers doing Rock Bottoms?
  414. Camcorders - are they an intrusion?
  415. Canadian Ceroc
  416. How has Scottish Dancing Improved?
  417. Glasgow on 12th-21st Feb, advice please!!
  418. Shoes
  419. Stompin' in Brighton 2003 dance video
  420. Dancewear stores
  421. Dance Business For Sale
  422. Teachers' and DJs' pay
  423. New Perth Venue
  424. Dancefloor Etiquette
  425. Competition/Dance Partners Website?
  426. difference?
  427. Dance-related hobbies
  428. Feedback on recent changes
  429. Who are the best dancers?
  430. ok who stinks
  431. Scottish Ceroc Championships
  432. knees
  433. Fan Club
  434. Camber Workshops
  435. Ceroc run out of ideas ?
  436. "Club" Competitions
  437. Classes in Irvine area?
  438. Heavy Handed?
  439. Spare Arm Syndrome
  440. Fav or best leaders/followers
  441. The Talc Thing
  442. Crew Loyalty
  443. Prediction of Comments re Blackpool 2004
  444. new dance
  445. Help!!
  446. Dance Today! fabulous magazine articles . . .
  447. Shy? Silly? Have a point?
  448. "best blues site in the world ... bar none"
  449. Competition Categories
  450. Forum Roll of Honour
  451. WCS at Blackpool???
  452. What makes music challenging to dance to?
  453. Competition Dance Style
  454. Dances, Thursdays, Reading area
  455. Competitive Costumes
  456. dance partner
  457. Osteopath
  458. knowing when it's time to take a break?
  459. moves music, and good dances...a query
  460. Technique in Modern Jive
  461. Ceroc mentioned in The Guardian
  462. Learning new techniques
  463. Pointless prizes
  464. Aussie invasion Spring 2004
  465. Competition Categories
  466. Name badges/pins for Ceroc wanted
  467. Jive/ceroc in New Zealand
  468. Britroc 2004 rules - spot the difference
  469. Forum Gathering
  470. Bouncy Hands
  471. Most Memorable dance moments?
  472. Dance moves covered in classes
  473. Who's on your black list (dance)
  474. Personal Hygiene
  475. Latin Jive .... WHat is it?
  476. why do people dance?
  477. Ripping off new customers
  478. Do we need fully qualified teachers to teach beginners?
  479. Harrasment;a topic banned on Bristol forum!!
  480. Crowded Venues
  481. That 'safety and etiquette on the dancefloor' issue...
  482. We need a new comp format where.....
  483. Tenerife jiving
  484. Shhh I'm listening!
  485. Tenerife jiving offer.
  486. Other dance styles
  487. London dance studio
  488. Is it bad manners for a Lady to initiate...
  489. Wanted: Dancers to create a new style of Modern Jive
  490. Anyone want to do the advanced
  491. Blues for beginners
  492. Dance Related Compliments...
  493. To be seen or not to be seen
  494. Stompin' in Brighton 2004 video
  495. Injured
  496. Dance Refusals
  497. Ceroc Champs - Open category
  498. Practice makes perfect
  499. Blackpool '05 - an Open category??
  500. Partner Wanted for Mikey's Sinful Class at Southport
  501. The rise and fall of certain venues
  502. conundrum re postings
  503. Southport Directions ... NOTE !!!
  504. Competition Prizes / money
  505. Strictly Come Dancing - fab or flop?
  506. How Young Is Too Young
  507. Ideal patnerships
  508. Private lessons
  509. Thinking of the last 6 months: Who goes to Ceroc vs other venues?
  510. Another Reality TV Opportunity
  511. Trying to trace Paul Forber
  512. Advanced Classes
  513. Your ideal venue / evening
  514. Teachers as examples to other Teachers
  515. Southport Feedback - BIG THANKS!!
  516. Would a Super Club (Hipsters) work outside London
  517. Football or Dancing?
  518. Expert vs. Good
  519. Barn Dance caller required
  520. Blackpool 2004 DVD
  521. Dance And Sail - The Best Holiday Ever Or What ???
  522. Racial representation
  523. Channel 4 Looking For Ceroc Dancing Family
  524. Place in a competition and you move up?
  525. Teaching Criteria
  526. The Ponytail Thing
  527. Club Crew ... owned body and Soul?
  528. Does music define the dance?
  529. Rules for stepping back
  530. Jive Masters 2003 Video
  531. Why hasn't Ceroc taken over the World??
  532. Ceroc dancing in Nightclubs - Good marketing?
  533. Aussie Jive Masters 2004
  534. Which comp would you most like to win
  535. Politics? What Politics?
  536. Poll: SCD - who shall we support this week?
  537. Where have you danced? (More unusual places)
  538. One song or two?
  539. MJ a heartbreaker? - publicity at any price?
  540. MJ - True Love or Strolling Away
  541. Mmmmmmmmm!
  542. Clothing
  543. Caladur's Dance Diary
  544. Dancing Treats...
  545. Australian Ceroc Forum - BACK ONLINE
  546. To ask or be asked - rapacious row
  547. Can MJ Spotlight routines win?
  548. Moving on UP
  549. The Hipsters formula - Recipe for a successful club?
  550. Isle of Wight Beach Boogie
  551. Best time of year to have a competition
  552. Most members online 10th July 2003
  553. Selling the dream - at carnivals
  554. Babe in Arms or Collecting Your Pension - How old is the average Ceroc Dancer...???
  555. 'Good Enough' to teach and DJ?
  556. Fair Price for a QUALITY Freestyle
  557. Freedom of Refusal???
  558. Is Taxi dancing required for "Good Dancer" status?
  559. Live Bands
  560. Handling / avoiding rejection
  561. Why no ceroc in Wales ?
  562. Would ceroc work in the USA ?
  563. New Record for Members Online TODAY at Midday
  564. Men In Black
  565. Bristol competition
  566. music
  567. Drip Drip Drip...
  568. Post lesson practice
  569. Does it matter what you wear?
  570. The best music for modern jive?
  571. Was it good for you last night?
  572. Footwork on switching to ceroc
  573. Ceroc Poole/Bournemouth way..?
  574. Location of Best Dancers
  575. The Need for an INDEPENDANT Teacher Training Organistaion
  576. Summer breaks
  577. Sweaty partners
  578. Strategies to keep beginners
  579. Shoulder Drop
  580. When we say "Im not good enough for you" (dance)
  581. duende
  582. A little moan
  583. Rotate or Scatter!
  584. Advanced dancers...
  585. Poll: Canvas, stage or playground?
  586. Love on the dance floor
  587. More men! How do we find and keep them dancing??
  588. Why doesn't your partner dance, then?
  589. Why doesn't your partner dance, then?
  590. Are the names of moves important to you...???
  591. Dance Floors
  592. Etiquette /space/consideration on the dancefloor?
  593. Why do you go to a workshop?
  594. Advanced Moves / Advanced lead + follow
  595. Dumbing down.
  596. Time for competitions to evolve ?
  597. Terminology Dictionary
  598. Dancing Leage Table
  599. Fancy dress and themed dances
  600. Tips for Dancing for these hot days
  601. A willingness to learn....
  602. Teaching MJ v Teaching in general
  603. Do you remember a first dance?
  604. Price for 'A list' workshops
  605. A BIG thanks to LL from Belfast!
  606. Is repetition good?
  607. Ceroc Fundamentalists v Ceroc Assassins
  608. Getting the best out of BFG.
  609. urgent - dj needed
  610. Life is a Cabaret
  611. How old is too old?
  612. Weston-Super-Mare Competition Video
  613. Bank Holiday Monday
  614. Same sex 'inappropriate' moves
  615. The Way Forward for Ceroc(tm) ?
  616. Spectating vs Dancing
  617. Pete Phiilips Drops Ettiquette notes(TM)
  618. How hard is it to start a new Ceroc or jive club in a new area?
  619. Regular Dance Partner Needed
  620. Clothes
  621. Being interrupted
  622. Would you mind
  623. Are there more MJers than Salsa dancers?
  624. Cross Advertising
  625. BBC1 at Stevenage tonight
  626. Better than Hipsters?
  627. How Young is too young, for you?
  628. Private lessons at Southport
  629. Unusual Dance Venues
  630. Honest feedback/comments on venues and events
  631. The Limitations of Modern Jive
  632. Not enough Saturdays!
  633. Worst and best named MJ moves
  634. WCS and Modern Jive
  635. Hotshots!
  636. Training(?) with a dance partner
  637. Jive in Belfast!
  638. Silk
  639. How many times a week do you do it?
  640. Move requests in classes
  641. Teachers/Dj money/value
  642. DVD dance list
  643. Lead or Follow
  644. Jiving to a Waltz?
  645. Gagging for a Dance
  646. Jive weekends v Weekly dance venues
  647. Images of dancers
  648. How to improve Modern Jive Clubs
  649. Teachers or Entertainers
  650. Mini-Masters 2004
  651. The Mighty Perth Posse
  652. Starting from scratch
  653. Dancing in the Media
  654. Wanted!!
  655. A night to remember
  656. Live Band Listing
  657. where to buy dance wear??
  658. Ten Commandments of MJ?
  659. JANGO - Tango-Jive Fusion with ATTITUDE! Coming to Doncaster
  660. What does your dancing say about you?
  661. Strictly Dancing Fever!
  662. Dancing Advice
  663. Glasgow Party
  664. Trampy's Tremor
  665. The Fastest Growing Dance Phenomenon?
  666. Can the UK compete against the US at 'Spotlight'?
  667. Malicious Rant against Ceroc!!
  668. Teaching Advanced Modern Jive - HELP NEEDED
  669. Classes vs Workshops vs Privates vs Freestyle vs Analysis
  670. Club dancing
  671. Team Cabaret Competitions - what are the judges looking for?
  672. Hotshot with a hernia?
  673. Ceroc Website (Confusing ?)
  674. Style & Technique Workshops/Weekends
  675. Strictly Come Dancing - Series 2
  676. Tickets on the door/Tickets only
  677. Dance competitions next six months
  678. CeRoc and other jive..
  679. Oxford Town Hall
  680. Cool Catz - Putting our money where our mouth is
  681. Challenging Your Modern Jive
  682. Chicken and Egg: dance or music
  683. Desert Island Moves
  684. All the world's a stage -- or is it?
  685. Dancing in the Sun... Ceroc is the hottest!
  686. How to KIll a MJ Venue
  687. Anyone Dancing at the Invercarse Mondays
  688. Any recommendations for a Monday class in W London?
  689. Any recommendations around Gatwick?
  690. Best dance website of 2004 awards
  691. MJ and the Singles scene
  692. Slow sngs
  693. men doing the womans part
  694. video clips
  695. What does modern jive work best as?
  696. Can't you see it woman???
  697. Jive that is sexier than salsa?
  698. Warmwell
  699. Playing to the crowd
  700. Has Ceroc Spoilt Me?
  701. Raffles
  702. Ceroc on a Sunday
  703. 3 moves then some style
  704. How do you cope when Windy Miller is in Trumpton?
  705. Signalling excuses
  706. Beautiful poetry
  707. Name and Shame
  708. Any young cerocers?
  709. Would you rather dance with a good lead(/follower), or a stylish dancer?
  710. Wot I like most about a freestyle is..
  711. When is styling not styling?
  712. Half a Dance
  713. Lindy moves
  714. Men's Styling
  715. Confessions
  716. Double Trouble
  717. Stealing dancers from other clubs??
  718. Post weekender blues!
  719. Ceroc on ebay
  720. Smoky Dance Floors - Where to find them :sick:
  721. So what do punters really want from an Advanced class ?
  722. Ceroc/MJ at the clubs
  723. dirty dancing two
  724. Acting as Judge (voting expereince)
  725. Education or Compensation?
  726. Odd Body Movements
  727. Partner immitation
  728. Wet Shirts
  729. ECS+WCS=Swing with street cred!!??
  730. Male/Female moves/styles/venues?
  731. Musicality - The Difference it Makes
  732. dancing in Holland
  733. Musicality: What is it to you?
  734. A good deal for Crew?
  735. Anyone been out bombing lately
  736. Dumbest Move you ever did Do!!
  737. "Modern Jive - A perspective" - Marc & Rachel
  738. trans-continental sychronised MJ event for charity
  739. Dance etiquette - tipsy (dance ) partners
  740. Fading enjoyment
  741. SCD Goes to Hollywood
  742. SCD used in MJ
  743. Christmas is coming....
  744. Naming & Shaming OR Praising Venues
  745. strictly dancing - Oz style
  746. Vote for Jon and Julia in SCD - ITT tonight !
  747. Dirty Dancing 2 - False Promises??
  748. Postitive Thread - Expansion of MJ
  749. Dance links
  750. The role of the ceroc website
  751. Hipsters feat. Robert Cordoba
  752. Non-smoky Dance Floors - Where to find them :clap:
  753. Marketing Image v Actual Reality
  754. Strictly Dance Fever
  755. Milestones in MJ development
  756. Urgent help required!
  757. Competitions - Intermediate or Advanced?
  758. Justifiable Competition techniques
  759. What is Blues?
  760. Modern Jive Dancers Association - Viva La Diva!
  761. Competitions:Ideas for rule changes
  762. To handjive or not to handjive
  763. Barriers to Competition
  764. Forum News Letter?
  765. Jive?? No thank you!
  766. SCD Champs of Champs 2004
  767. Two in a Row??
  768. Muggle's first MJ night
  769. Forumites at Stompin in Brighton 2003
  770. MJ new years resolutions
  771. Competition Music
  772. The best Venues for 2005 (dance comps)
  773. Calling Austrians
  774. Extending the 'Ceroc' model
  775. More Dancing Time
  776. beginner's moves????
  777. Advice on DVDs/videos
  778. Modern Jive Dance DVDs
  779. Dancing in Hampshire?
  780. Blackpool Competition Course?
  781. Lifetime contribution to Modern Jive award.
  782. Kill "The Madison"
  783. A list dancers
  784. Memorabilia from your favourite artist/band
  785. Ceroc Dubai!
  786. Ceroc changed the Yoyo?
  787. Influences on modern jive
  788. Ceroc Champs 2005?
  789. Dance with a stranger roolz?
  790. Jivemaster Rules
  791. Dancing in Preston Manchester Area
  792. You're at a Muggles Dinner Dance.....
  793. Unwrapping question
  794. Teaching Drops in Class?
  795. Teaching drops?
  796. Two quickies
  797. Ceroc In Singapore!
  798. I need a man!!!
  799. Cerocers from Lincolnshire?
  800. Is Hammersmith free-style too busy?
  801. Creation of a Modern Jive Reference Book
  802. Dancing mantras
  803. How to dance to music you don't like much
  804. Illegal Clubs?
  805. WHAT, you have to be 18 for ceroc champs?
  806. Teachers - past and present?
  807. Relativity of the beginner
  808. More Ceroc Media Coverage on BBC - Courtesy of Ceroc Middlesborough
  809. Spinning
  810. Dance on TV
  811. Amazing
  812. Memory aids
  813. What to do if a class overruns?
  814. A woman is...
  815. Ancient Ceroc Enterprises Website
  816. Aerials-What are the competition rules for Blackpool and Ceroc champs??
  817. TV Moments
  818. 101 easy ways to improve your dance
  819. Muggles and musicality
  820. Places to go after a Ceroc night (or, is £5.50 too much for a coffee?)
  821. Jango .... Top night in London?
  822. Dancing with closed eyes?
  823. Nice Night
  824. Exercises for a lighter lead
  825. What has the Forum done for you?
  826. Dancing near Didsbury
  827. Your local Venue Bans Smoking - What do you do?
  828. ANON: Your local Venue Bans Smoking - What do you do?
  829. Anton and Erin!!
  830. How many dances in a night make it 'a night'?
  831. Teaching moves vs. teaching positions
  832. Confidence and humility
  833. Compatibility?
  834. what irritates you on and off the dance floor
  835. Strictly Dance Fever auditions 2005
  836. Stunt Dancing
  837. Wednesday nights, central london
  838. Lights or not
  839. Handedness, dyslexia and dancing
  840. What dance is this?
  841. You need to flow?
  842. Sticky Floors
  843. Teaching the end of the routine first
  844. Your first dance with your current partner
  845. New prize for teachers at Blackpool
  846. Imagination on overtime?
  847. Nicknames
  848. Why do you compete?
  849. Hitting the breaks and loving it!
  850. Villages for the over 50's
  851. What makes a woman attractive?
  852. What makes a man irresistable?
  853. What makes a man irresistable?
  854. Dancing & learning styles
  855. Permission to drop
  856. How best to support women subject to rough dancing
  857. Strictly Dance Fever Tickets
  858. UK Champs Results
  859. Men, what are you looking for in a dance?
  860. Battle of the Weekenders - Results?
  861. Colds, flue, coughs & sniffles: spread or contain?
  862. Competitions: Hopes and expectations
  863. What if you got a Perfect Score?
  864. london thursday nights
  865. Blackpool 2005 vid
  866. Help-expensive Shoes?!?!?!?
  867. The first time I lead a backhander, it was:
  868. Scotland Competition 2005
  869. Online Dance Videos
  870. What made your friends stop dancing?
  871. Weak lead, lazy or subtle??
  872. The teaching of overtly sexual moves
  873. Help required in Nottingham?
  874. Blues, UCP, Sinful, Sensual... What are they & how do they differ?
  875. Deciphering dance diagrams ?
  876. What to say to beginners
  877. Intermediate Plus...Course!
  878. Blues:- how much is real?
  879. Dance;- How much is real
  880. Compliments
  881. Mixing Latin/Tango moves into Modern Jive
  882. NORTEL: Finchley/Whetstone Temporary Relocation - 21 & 22 March 2005
  883. Cool Catz Closes .......
  884. How to tell when the track is ending ?
  885. Ten things I learnt from MJ...
  886. Adapting to your partner
  887. Music "styles" and outfits
  888. Does Line Dancing kick MJ Butt?
  889. Sunday Dancing
  890. Styles of dance what are they?
  891. Mini-competitions
  892. Death Glare repairs
  893. adapting your moves to the music
  894. Ceroc Mile High Club?
  895. Music Suggestions Please
  896. Top 10 smokescreens
  897. Maintaining enthusiasm
  898. Leader / follower responsibilities
  899. Where did all those women come from?
  900. Teaching/dancing persona
  901. Best In The North - RESULT
  902. What should a beginners class offer ?
  903. Request nights.
  904. Who can't dance?
  905. Why are WCS dancers so limited?
  906. Dancing in south of France?
  907. Whats happened to the Comb ?
  908. Technical training
  909. Footwork
  910. Ceroc Promo CD.
  911. Warmwell party weekender
  912. What makes you come back for more?
  913. Futuristic dancing!
  914. It annoys me most when someone...
  915. What do you do that annoys other dancers?
  916. JiveMasters 2005
  917. Flirty Dancing
  918. MJ advice in song lyrics
  919. Where do you dance in front of a mirror at home?
  920. Dumbing-down?
  921. Following - the Dreamstate
  922. Active or passive?
  923. The First Move and variations...
  924. What women wear...
  925. Hello from sunny Worthing!
  926. Working and Cerocing in the UK
  927. Dance History - Manuals and clips
  928. Natural Dancers
  929. Rant: routines
  930. MJ Competitions: why bother?
  931. New website
  932. When to report unsociable behaviour?
  933. Ceroc in Belgium?
  934. The role of the Taxi dancer
  935. Good luck to everyone taking part at the Ceroc champs
  936. What difference does being left-handed make?
  937. Results - 2005 Ceroc Champs
  938. Remembering (people's) names
  939. French Dancing
  940. wokshops
  941. Saturday Night's Charity Dance in GUU
  942. Team Cabarets
  943. Beginners ... are we teaching them correctly?
  944. Cramp!!!!
  945. Where do you keep the beat
  946. One dance or more
  947. Tests for Ceroc?
  948. A request for some advice about buying Dance Shoes if I may
  949. Have you ever been injured because of someone's (avoidable) inexperience?
  950. Does your marketing p*ss off your existing customers?
  951. Where to go in the West Midlands
  952. Dancers performing moves ahead of the teacher
  953. Dance Heroes 2005
  954. The mark of a good teacher?
  955. elbowed noses!!
  956. What makes a good demo?
  957. Tuesday 17th May
  958. TOP TIPS - For Endurance Freestyling
  959. Alcohol and dancing
  960. Airsteps - judging..
  961. Ladies' sabotage advice
  962. how good/bad is your dancing
  963. Ducasi's continuing adventures in Ceroc
  964. People who don't listen to the teacher
  965. Eating after dancing
  966. Teacher feedback
  967. Competitions: performance or dancing?
  968. Keeping it interesting for regular partners
  969. Should shines be included in MJ?
  970. DWAS Judging
  971. Condescending leads
  972. Independents teaching workshops
  973. Perth off 2 & 9 June?
  974. Obessive Compulsive Dancing Disorder
  975. New Zealand Championships and Workshop Event
  976. Leroc Comp In July..who's Gonna Be There?
  977. OCDD Dilema
  978. Strictly African Dancing
  979. I know this sounds desperate!!!
  980. Contact
  981. Moves From Hell (and why)
  982. Non-MJ dancers at MJ venues?
  983. Moves From Heaven (and why)
  984. What is Ceroc
  985. Moves for the Atheist (and why)
  986. The "No row"
  987. Experienced Dancers...do You Still Participate In Beginner/intermediate Classes?????
  988. Do You Have A Grumbling Teacher???
  989. Dance Costumes..what Really Stands Out??
  990. My New Dance Partner...
  991. What is a Ceroc move?
  992. Do You Have OCCFD???
  993. Using the quiet bits...
  994. Improving overall dancing levels
  995. Do weekenders change your dancing?
  996. Dance "Immigration"
  997. Move sequences
  998. Do you need a beat/base-line to dance?
  999. RE:Jango - What to expect?
  1000. Hussle Class with T&J??
  1001. Opportunity
  1002. Ceroc and Modern Jive Champs - Sydney 2005
  1003. Take Over..
  1004. Best Places to Dance in Manchester area
  1005. Weekender DVDs.
  1006. "Now" Magazine celebrities
  1007. United we stand
  1008. First part of the first move. Back right foot or left foot for followers
  1009. Learning curves
  1010. Stricly No Sequins: what's up?
  1011. Ceroc website goes international !
  1012. A smack in the head
  1013. How do you get a regular dance partner?
  1014. Skippy/Kicky Foot Thing
  1015. Demo / taxi "payment"?
  1016. Second part of the Cerocspin - footwork for followers
  1017. Would you be a taxi dancer?
  1018. A little less conversation a little more action please
  1019. smiley face or sour face?
  1020. Pole dancing as MJ inspiration
  1021. In & out
  1022. Jango - Hammersmith Mon 27th June - It was Good!
  1023. More women recently ?
  1024. Help! - Dancing in Wigan?
  1025. To what lengths?
  1026. The next Big Thing?
  1027. blister advice - try compeed plasters -they are fantastic.
  1028. Ban Stilleto Heels
  1029. What Kind Of Forum Addict Are You?
  1030. Monster Jive Cocktail, anyone?
  1031. Where should I go tonight
  1032. Mixing business and pleasure - does it work?
  1033. St Albans closed
  1034. Skirt or trousers for the ladies
  1035. Saying No
  1036. How would you want it?
  1037. Competition video clip
  1038. Strictly Ballroom
  1039. Strictly African Dancing
  1040. Dance Weekends - profitable?
  1041. Too many weekenders?
  1042. Preferred angle of approach?
  1043. 100 ways to wind up a hot shot
  1044. Dancing without feeling
  1045. Samba Dancing
  1046. What is a Hotshot Dancer?
  1047. Save the last dance ...
  1048. What Is An Independant Venue
  1049. What kind of drive does it take to become a good dancer?
  1050. 'Move' requests
  1051. Advanced dance weekends?
  1052. Dancing insecurities?
  1053. Accidental Learning
  1054. MJ - Regional / International Variations in MJ
  1055. Dancing as a man
  1056. What is Freestyle in Dance Competitions?
  1057. Dancing with someone famous.
  1058. I'm good at...
  1059. Private lesson: content?
  1060. Dancing and other forms of exercise?
  1061. Which Famous Person Would You Luurrve To Dance With??
  1062. Ceroc(tm) - UK Domination?
  1063. Dancing whilst tired
  1064. 22nd & 23rd July & 29th & 30th July
  1065. The Perfect Venue
  1066. Do Dancers Win Dance Competitions?
  1067. private lessons in Scotland - who gives 'em?
  1068. Who's responsible?
  1069. Looking for male to go to Barcelona Aug
  1070. What type of lead is preferable?
  1071. Top 100 cheesiest moves
  1072. Burn The Floor - 5-8 Oct 05 London
  1073. Improving coordination and rhythm
  1074. What's in a name?
  1075. Dancing Unlimited
  1076. The Whingers Corner - For all those feeling blue or hard-done-by
  1077. A short rant
  1078. Competitons - What Judges are looking for!
  1079. Help, I need a man!
  1080. Anyone going to the last night of Beach Boogie???
  1081. Driven wild or to distraction?
  1082. Competition newbie
  1083. Whose line is it anyway?
  1084. "Follow the Fleet" & "Shall we dance"
  1085. Has the dancing and smoking problem gone away?
  1086. Thanks TWK
  1087. Ceroc Middlesborough web page
  1088. Do drinking and dancing mix?
  1089. WCS Monday eve in Oxford
  1090. How many drops?
  1091. Ceroc Constabulary?
  1092. Leadable mini-aerials?
  1093. Dance cravings?
  1094. Dance Face?
  1095. Chatting after a dance
  1096. Routines to make you go...OH YEAH BABY!
  1097. Hammersmith Jango - is it on tomorrow? 8)
  1098. Taxi Dancers
  1099. Pssst, I'm Watching You!!!
  1100. Dance Jams
  1101. Performance/freestyle dancing
  1102. Busking in Perth
  1103. 100 top pervy move
  1104. What motivates you to dance at venues?
  1105. Ceroc Down Under...
  1106. Northampton Town FC and Ceroc
  1107. Ouch!
  1108. Music considerations when choosing a venue
  1109. Champs 2005 DVD - Cancelled
  1110. What has happened to Jiveholic site
  1111. Footwork, frame, technique etc...
  1112. Weston Super Mare Video
  1113. Dance ambitions...
  1114. asking for a second dance
  1115. introducing dips and drops
  1116. Horror Stories Of Evil People Who Have Dropped Me
  1117. Neck holds etc.
  1118. Help for a shy lass?
  1119. Too Short Or Too Tall???
  1120. So wadda ya do then?
  1121. Best Costume Ideas For Theme Dance Parties.
  1122. How do you request a dance?
  1123. Mix and match in beginners class
  1124. Burn the Floor Tickets
  1125. Ask the Oracle
  1126. Rhythm Riot Camber 2005
  1127. Sometimes enough is enough!
  1128. Club competition
  1129. Music @ Mussleburgh Comp.
  1130. Putting on showcases
  1131. Ego
  1132. Dance links and listings
  1133. "Giving" a dance
  1134. Share This
  1135. What Division are you in?
  1136. Ceroc European Championships
  1137. Chill out zone
  1138. Dance or the Music
  1139. Dancing in Cornwall
  1140. Bristol Info Please
  1141. Help/advice needed...
  1142. Chill Out zones
  1143. Kyle & Sarah
  1144. Moving on....
  1145. Ceroc Champs photos
  1146. Workshops (fancy a good row?)
  1147. Scot Champs
  1148. First move KJ and Roll in Somersault
  1149. Best Wishes For Your First Night
  1150. A Leading Question
  1151. Judging? What's the score?
  1152. Dancing in Amsterdam
  1153. Merengue question
  1154. Strictly Come Dancing Tickets
  1155. Swindon on Monday
  1156. Thanks Gary - Casbah 9 Sept 2005
  1157. Pictures with a dance theme
  1158. Stupid question on footwork
  1159. Ahhh,back Problems + Southport Looms!
  1160. Tuesday Nights @ Ealing Town Hall
  1161. what is happening with the C2D DVD, Blackpool 2005?
  1162. whats the record number of ladies or men over
  1163. Do we know what 'GOOD' looks like?
  1164. Is the Dance important for Ceroc?
  1165. What have you learnt from your dancing?
  1166. Admit Ones: Landscape or Portrait?
  1167. First Impressions?
  1168. If it was your venue, what would you do?
  1169. Injuries
  1170. Are you a dancer?
  1171. Expectation on Teachers
  1172. Dance Police
  1173. Dancing Portsmouth
  1174. Venues in Manchester
  1175. Back to Basics?
  1176. The Cuban blues
  1177. Doom-Doom or Sheuggy-Sheug?!? (with poll) take 3.
  1178. asking for a “double trouble” dance
  1179. Common bad habits
  1180. A new H******s?
  1181. Advance Weekender
  1182. Monday dancing in the North Midlands?
  1183. Levels of Dancers on Workshops
  1184. Medieval Torture
  1185. The Jive Aces
  1186. Smiling
  1187. SCD - Your dream dozen
  1188. Check Check??
  1189. Strictly Come Dancing - series 3
  1190. Midlanders Rejoice!
  1191. Fake tan for ceroc comps?
  1192. Your personal top ten leads/followers
  1193. Improving - a double-edged sword?
  1194. Bruce Goes Dancing
  1195. Does anyone still wear tights??
  1196. How to get a look in ??
  1197. Danicing in Nottingham/Mansfield area
  1198. Desperately seeking...
  1199. Finally - a Brit wins something on the Aussies turf...
  1200. Rebel Yell the Aftermath
  1201. Saturday Swings?
  1202. Long hair and bobby dazzlers
  1203. Male demos in weekender DVDs
  1204. Should I be ever so tempted by a Country and Western evening.
  1205. STORM: Ceroc Camber 3-5 March 2006: who's going?
  1206. Does a Teachers age make a difference?
  1207. Christmas downtime
  1208. Focus on technique & Blues Freestyle! New Sunday nights in Stirling!
  1209. Feedback on Club nights
  1210. Does a Teacher's sex make a difference?
  1211. Anyone out there from Swindon?
  1212. Teaching/Real Dance Experience?
  1213. Are you getting enough?
  1214. BritRock Aftermath & Results
  1215. How many dancers are in the UK?
  1216. The Orgin of ceroc
  1217. What could kill MJ?
  1218. Modern Jive
  1219. teaching of lead/follow in Salsa vs. MJ
  1220. Reminiscing bout music
  1221. STOMP - The UK Tour
  1222. How can you make every dance special?
  1223. dance like Britney
  1224. Becoming a teacher
  1225. Forum Power
  1226. Eye Contact
  1227. Am I smiling more??
  1228. Followers - improving the dance experience...
  1229. Do they MJ in Ireland?
  1230. My dance shoes need help
  1231. Whos going to Amirs t-dance?
  1232. Teachers in the OPEN category?
  1233. When the music stops early
  1234. 'SUPER CLUBS' ... do they exist
  1235. First move footwork (leading with the right hand...)
  1236. Novelty and fad dances
  1237. Perfect numbers of men and ladies
  1238. Does your partner dance?
  1239. Dancing in West London?
  1240. Inverness News
  1241. Stop falling over
  1242. Here's My Back
  1243. types of jiving
  1244. Do we have to choose a venue now based on the DJ ?
  1245. Who would be a dj?
  1246. Younger dancers.
  1247. The wurlitzer returns!
  1248. "Too young to dance"
  1249. Ceroc Intranet site for taxi-dancers
  1250. dancing saturday 5th November?
  1251. Censorship on the Forum
  1252. Misleading/confusing Signals
  1253. Friday feeling (love or hate)
  1254. Is it Freestyle or Circus?
  1255. Dancing In Southampton?
  1256. " JAMS "do we like them?
  1257. when no means no
  1258. Scottish Champs 2006
  1259. Are you comfortable dancing drops with
  1260. What is Aussie Style?
  1261. To Dip/Drop or not: Whose Responsibility?
  1262. Looking for Msfab
  1263. Dance Theory in Ceroc?
  1264. Dirty Dancing comes to Bristol???
  1265. Avoiding Muscle Strain
  1266. Advice to bands
  1267. Naming and shaming...
  1268. look for clips of Paul Warden & Catriona Wiles
  1269. Increasing dance stamina -- without chocolate or sweets ?
  1270. Nerved out..
  1271. Private Tuition at Dance Weekends
  1272. Ant and Dec Seek Jive Team Cabaret for Xmas Show
  1273. Mentorn TV needs a mother-in-law who jives!
  1274. Top 10 Dance commandments
  1275. Dance etiquette ..again ..sorry
  1276. Camber November 2005 Dvd
  1277. Avoiding Cold Turkey - Dancing over the Christmas Holiday.
  1278. Rubbishing ceroc (we're so much better now)
  1279. Are 'Better' dancers an 'Elite'
  1280. What are you working on?
  1281. Dance Clothes
  1282. Dancing in the south - help required please.
  1283. 25 Years of Ceroc - Happy Silver Jubilee!!!
  1284. Who decides (Ticket or not to Ticket )
  1285. Welcome Back Ceroc Forum!!!
  1286. Dance Meat
  1287. Le Step Sunshine Dance Weekend
  1288. The role of a Taxi dancer
  1289. Dance shoe shops - Hemel or Central London
  1290. Have we run out of MJ dance topics?
  1291. Dips vs Seducers vs Drops
  1292. Rhythm method?
  1293. Exclusivity - surely this sucks?
  1294. Wot is Kiwi style ?
  1295. What makes a good dancer?
  1296. At least the Evening Standard heard about Ceroc.
  1297. the "Ceroc Model" and 'long term' dancers
  1298. Long-term Intermediates
  1299. Value for Money
  1300. Leading without being lead.
  1301. The 'rights' and 'wrongs' of musicality
  1302. Men in MJ - a Selfish Thread
  1303. Refusing a dance - is there ever a good reason?
  1304. Strictly Dance Fever 2!!!!
  1305. Men get in for free?
  1306. Are teachers responsible for pupils' bad habits?
  1307. Dance teaching that "draws out" rather than "imposes"
  1308. London - whats going on next week? 8)
  1309. Why good dancers are attractive!
  1310. Price rises at ceroc
  1311. New years eve party at Ealing Town hall - £30??
  1312. Why good dancers are attractive
  1313. Tips Please for avoiding foot pain
  1314. Twyford 23rd
  1315. Did the Forum Make a difference to smoking at MJ venues?
  1316. Leather or Suede?
  1317. 2 Per Track or 2 Per Round...
  1318. Hammersmith town hall dances - what are they like?
  1319. Jivemasters 2006?
  1320. Last post for 2005!
  1321. Ceroc N.I
  1322. Why are there so many married women at Ceroc??
  1323. Dancing in/around Lancaster
  1324. Married Hotshots responsible for Alist teachers bad habits
  1325. Male Wanted-For Choreographed Workshop!!
  1326. Who's Competing At Blackpool This Year Then???
  1327. Gender control at ticketed events: legal?
  1328. Automatic Gender Balancing
  1329. Men dancing as followers
  1330. MJ points of reference
  1331. so... how well do you dance???
  1332. Power of the Forum
  1333. Just got the Britroc 2005 DVD! Great viewing!
  1334. Dance levels: "Card" system?
  1335. modern Jive Family tree
  1336. Has Modern Jive divided?
  1337. Exam / grading system in Ceroc: good or bad idea?
  1338. A few moves well? or a lot of moves?
  1339. Name names! What is your signature move
  1340. Focus workshops Residential week-end: Dundee 7th April 2006
  1341. Who needs a man when you can have a machine
  1342. Travelling all over the floor
  1343. Hypnotised While Dancing?
  1344. Where does the hand bounce come from
  1345. What do we want from Cabarets at weekenders ?
  1346. Perth- Expectations of classes and venues!
  1347. When Desire and Dancing collide..
  1348. Stirling Sunday night - 'Smooth Grooves'
  1349. Ceroc Rules
  1350. Ladies arm styling
  1351. Bognor Dvd featuring Joseph & Sadie.
  1352. Taxi Dancers
  1353. Learning with a partner..
  1354. SCARBOROUGH Jive Weekend - Availability for One Person
  1355. What should be taught in Beginners classes
  1356. Would you trust this?
  1357. Dancing in Russia
  1358. Holding and relaxing the frame
  1359. Straight and gay
  1360. Crippling Dance Shoes!!!
  1361. Are Mikey's "Strictly Sinful" workshops ...
  1362. Teaching numbers: any indication of quality?
  1363. Great Job Well Done
  1364. Berlin visit
  1365. Video of yourself dancing - go for it!
  1366. Your Best Dance Event Of 2005.
  1367. Ceroc Muswell Hill: Busking
  1368. Darren & Lilia at Dorking
  1369. Tapping into the Chinese Market!
  1370. Darren & Lilia in MARCH
  1371. I know that naming names is not allowed on the forum due to leagal reasons but...
  1372. swing and blues
  1373. Hot Dance Dresses!!
  1374. Articles wanted?
  1375. For once in my life ....
  1376. Suede soles
  1377. Dancing & Leading with One Arm
  1378. Nuneaton
  1379. Meeting of minds
  1380. Dancing is dangerous to my wardrobe - warning: rant ahead
  1381. Lack of Spacial Awareness or just totally oblivious/selfish of those around you ..?
  1382. The New Venue in Bow is Really Good
  1383. Heloo, I'm a newbie
  1384. When No means No?
  1385. Big Headed Beginners!
  1386. Is it worthwhile complaining?
  1387. Feb 14th whats on tonight
  1388. Is it Time We had formal Structure in MJ
  1389. What skills have you learnt recently?
  1390. Strictly dance fever 2006
  1391. Google video
  1392. I knew there was a reason...
  1393. Question - dancing when pregnant??
  1394. Should teachers demo the routine before a class?
  1395. Most common comments said at ceroc/jive event
  1396. Which foot to step back with in the first move?
  1397. Dance Class Recommendations?
  1398. Aylesbury Beginners only
  1399. Do you lead to Dance or Dance to lead?
  1400. Your Most Embarrassing Dance Moments.
  1401. Is he/she truly stepping back on the right? Or Left? Which is it?
  1402. Surprise, surprise!
  1403. Oh what a night ...
  1404. Spaces at STORM - anyone interested?
  1405. How do ladies improve their dancing?
  1406. Blackpool Results
  1407. Storm 06; the aftermath
  1408. Perth Class 9th March 2006
  1409. Storm Photos
  1410. Asking for someone's phone number after a dance track. What is the correct etiquette?
  1411. Spoiled for choice in Dundee...
  1412. Adding an avatar
  1413. Blackpool Photos
  1414. The Jive Aces rule ok
  1415. Would there be demand for a full week at Camber ?
  1416. Too old to dance?!
  1417. Ceroc Live "Midas Touch" freestyle - Saturday 11th March
  1418. storm or shower
  1419. Riot at The Rite
  1420. Amir's Thigh Brushing Tip has improved my connection and balance!
  1421. Funky Lush this Sunday
  1422. Dance with a ...?
  1423. Portsmouth - Saturday Showcase
  1424. The Jitterbug Years: 17th March on BBC2
  1425. Storm shoes
  1426. spinning
  1427. Does Bristol Dance....?
  1428. Do you know Clive Long or Les Snell?
  1429. hip hop n jive
  1430. 6 most useful intermediate moves?
  1431. Your favourite dance tunes!
  1432. Fab New Venue
  1433. Blackpool 2006 Dvd
  1434. Let's talk about shoes
  1435. Storm 2006 Pics
  1436. Weekender booking practice
  1437. Ceroc Essentials...
  1438. Is there a north/south divide?
  1439. Strictly Dance Fever - Series II
  1440. Dance Etiquette
  1441. Travelling to the Ceroc Champs
  1442. Does Birmingham dance?.......
  1443. Assimilating Salseros
  1444. Congratulations bobgadjet
  1445. West Coast Swing at Hipsters
  1446. Shoes for Competitions?
  1447. Training Crew (taxi dancers & demos)
  1448. "I'm not really any good"
  1449. Do Blues rooms work at Freestyles
  1450. Coldplay video
  1451. Couples at Freestyles who won't dance with anyone else...
  1452. Who do you plan to dance with?
  1453. Hitting the breaks - away from dance
  1454. Reporting the darker side of dance?
  1455. What makes a swing dance 'swing'?
  1456. 'Experts' taking part in the Beginner's Refresher Class
  1457. Floorcraft and Muggles
  1458. Launch of online MJ Magazine
  1459. Dance Pumps
  1460. Busk in Arbroath and Montrose 8th April
  1461. Where to go in Scotland?
  1462. Aberdeen Beach Ballroom - Dance Weekend April 2006
  1463. Movie - Take the lead
  1464. Blues 'Improvers' workshop
  1465. RE:Hammersmith Comp 2006 - What is the format of the rounds?
  1466. RE: Hammersmith Comp 2006 - Is it true what I hear about food and drink?
  1467. "Latino Jive" ??
  1468. portable dance floor
  1469. Cost of Workshops
  1470. Training the Best – Common sense or Elitism
  1471. Glasgow members?
  1472. hugs vs. kissing on the cheeks
  1473. How do you Choose a dance partner for comps
  1474. Dance Injuries - Q & A's....
  1475. Anyone fancy a new job - in the sun?
  1476. 24 hour dancing at Camber
  1477. Aberdeen workshop - ladies wanted!
  1478. Is youth the key?
  1479. Ceroc(tm) - Saviour or Beelzebub?
  1480. Weekend Extras
  1481. Tango Etiquette?
  1482. How Much Do You Spend Weekly/monthly On Dance?
  1483. Should MJ DJs be more progressive?
  1484. Pure Freestyle Night during the week
  1485. Blues Championships
  1486. Dancin Down Under.
  1487. Cutting the cost of dancing
  1488. Wow!!
  1489. A question of which class needs the best teacher
  1490. Ceroc Champs 2006 - Results
  1491. North West - War breaks out
  1492. What to do if you get out of time?
  1493. New comps thread
  1494. Ceroc X category
  1495. Improving posture
  1496. Monster Jive Cocktail 2006??
  1497. Selling chalet for Camber weekend 5-7th May
  1498. Ceroc with under 10s!
  1499. Does the music style dictate the dance style?
  1500. Stamping
  1501. DASBO – Dance Anti Social Behaviour Order
  1502. Douglas Hotel - ABDN 20th May
  1503. Why did God invent Ceroc (for men)?
  1504. Dirty Tricks
  1505. Ceroc Champs 2006 DVD
  1506. What Beginners should learn
  1507. Evolution of dance!
  1508. Style of teaching ?
  1509. Champs 2006 DVD
  1510. Useful and useless beginner's moves
  1511. Dancing and Fans
  1512. Dancing in Prague
  1513. Lead & follow vs solo routines
  1514. Beach Ballroom with Amir
  1515. Dancing in the Huntingdon Area
  1516. FREE HOLIDAY! Modern Jive teacher needed for dance holiday
  1517. Anyone a member Of Greens health Club
  1518. Teachers dancing with punters?
  1519. celtic tiger
  1520. Only me
  1521. Storm DVD (Statement On Behalf Of Steve Thomas)
  1522. How many moves do you know in Modern Jive ?
  1523. Arguments
  1524. after work dance classes
  1525. Flamenco classes
  1526. Ceroc SNOBS
  1527. Dealing with talons.
  1528. How to get the Buzz Back!!!
  1529. Chill - Ceroc Weekender April 2007
  1530. Glasgow 27.5.06
  1531. Southport 2006 - any tips?
  1532. Why did Hipsters fail?
  1533. Chanel 4 - 4Dance
  1534. Men dancing with men
  1535. Learning new dance forms....
  1536. Wishing it would end ?
  1537. LivingTV 2 tonight - 9pm
  1538. Brechin Pageant
  1539. Summer dancing
  1540. Selling non-drink things at MJ dance venues?
  1541. Amateur cabarets?
  1542. Best dance film scenes?
  1543. How long is your longest lasting shirt/top safe for dancing
  1544. New Move - Boob Stroke
  1545. Have a nice sabbatical Nina
  1546. Dance Partner
  1547. Aerials
  1548. well done The Tramp!
  1549. I'm from Bilbao (Spain)
  1550. Running after a (dance) partner
  1551. Your place or mine ? ( What's it like dancing at other venues)
  1552. Criticism on the Forum
  1553. Hygiene et al
  1554. Yankers and Bouncers - any tips?
  1555. Let's talk about style.....
  1556. Poor dance web sites
  1557. Car Share From Gla/Edi To B-B Party 2moro?
  1558. Dancing in the street
  1559. Embarrassing dance moments
  1560. Pontins Brean Sands Weekender Oct 07
  1561. Dancer insecurities
  1562. Dancing on your own at Jive/ceroc events
  1563. Relaxing while dancing
  1564. Ceroc Report cards
  1565. Big Dance
  1566. Improvers' Class
  1567. Help needed Scottish Charity Competition 9th Sept 2006
  1568. Aberdeen Thursday Venue
  1569. One dance vs two
  1570. Dance-proof hairstyles?
  1571. Article: The Evolution of MJ
  1572. Dancing round the world - where the hell is Matt
  1573. South west leroc challenge
  1574. Theory or moves!
  1575. Laybacks / Dominators
  1576. Ceroc in Italy/Milan
  1577. Guest teachers
  1578. Why can't I dance to fast tracks ?
  1579. Taxi dancers: Minimum Necessary Criteria (MNC) training
  1580. Teachers running out of moves
  1581. The Blame Game
  1582. Are shorts ever acceptable?
  1583. Would you.....um (dance the blues)?
  1584. When you cant dance but want to
  1585. Are some dancers incompatible?
  1586. Some Females Who Taxi As Men Tough To Lead
  1587. Barefoot boogie - anyone done it?
  1588. Too much musicality?
  1589. Most original nicknames for fellow cerocers
  1590. Unhappy Ladies
  1591. Teaching without Insurance
  1592. Southport June 2006 DVD
  1593. Ten things I LOVE about dancing
  1594. A Great Night
  1595. Under arms (men)
  1596. Warning: Dancing leads to hell!
  1597. Influences in MJ?
  1598. Different Place, Different Style!!!!
  1599. What is Scottish Style?
  1600. Men making noises
  1601. Dance Shoes Anyone? Glasgow/Dundee
  1602. Can you help me with blues?
  1603. First move...walk into your partner
  1604. how much do dance shoes influence your style?
  1605. Ceroc in Canterbury (or surrounding area)?
  1606. Temporary dancefloor
  1607. Beginners moving to Intermediate
  1608. Dancing decisions (tango)
  1609. Gosh, I am normal after all.....
  1610. Dancing in and around Bath
  1611. Westside Rumble team at WSM
  1612. Dance Shoes Shop in Newcastle
  1613. Accident during Dancing!
  1614. Thank you ladies
  1615. Junior Breakdancing
  1616. Southport Performance's
  1617. Hello
  1618. Miscellaneous Dance Tips
  1619. Making Ceroc Cool
  1620. Do we need MJ nights?
  1621. Thong Song
  1622. Scottish Ceroc Champs - Open category patrner needed
  1623. 1940s Big Band dance night in Bristol
  1624. What dance is cool?
  1625. What dance is cool (2)?
  1626. Ugly women/men don’t get dances
  1627. Raising the bar or lowering it?
  1628. How self-confident are you?
  1629. Signals....an unavoidable discussion
  1630. ceroc membership card
  1631. Which dances are snooty?
  1632. Which dances are snooty (2)
  1633. Good looking verses Great dancer
  1634. Feelin' Good
  1635. Competing or just dancing for fun?
  1636. Anyone do other dancing?
  1637. First "big" freestyle
  1638. North of England Blues Champs - 2006
  1639. my nu dance piccies
  1640. Strange Dance Souvenirs
  1641. whats the craziest thing anyone said to you while dancing
  1642. This is great choreography
  1643. I am Dancing in Wigan tonight. Any thoughts?
  1644. What makes a good dancer?
  1645. You never know your luck...
  1646. Which Dance area are you from?
  1647. "WHY do women bother?"
  1648. How far would you travel?
  1649. Scottish Champs Intermediate Partner Wanted...
  1650. Dangerous moves w/o asking. Wot do u do?
  1651. Scottish Comp Charitable Lady Needed
  1652. Spinning & Spotting
  1653. Bluewater Busk
  1654. The demise of double trouble????
  1655. Asking elite dancers to dance?
  1656. 'Advanced' or Suicidal Teaching?
  1657. Are forumites more poetic?
  1658. Ladies, do you ask guys to dance?
  1659. Dance or dancer?
  1660. Guys, do you ask ladies to dance?
  1661. Male Partner wanted for Scotland
  1662. Guys, do you ask guys to dance?
  1663. Dance: Art, Sport or Science ?
  1664. expensive lessons
  1665. Places available at Breeze
  1666. Belfast Class
  1667. Teaching beginners
  1668. Mixing it up
  1669. Weird/funny moves
  1670. Teaching do you have to be qualified
  1671. Dance: Art, Sport or Science: the Poll!
  1672. North England Blues Comp? Where were you ?
  1674. Dice Dancing - it's a dangerous game...
  1675. Musselburgh Party Prices
  1676. Flock theory?
  1677. Chris from Scotland
  1678. Musselburgh Video Clips
  1679. New Ceroc website
  1680. Ceroc: insider / outsider views...
  1681. Weekenders and Sleep don't Mix!
  1682. Blues Room for everyone?
  1683. Donald where's your troosers?
  1684. Did anyone watch "How Ballet changed my life"?
  1685. Beginners moves and floorcraft
  1686. Best video phone for dance clips?
  1687. Dance teacher for Spain
  1688. Could partner dancing really be a solo activity?
  1689. Beginners, and Beginners ?
  1690. Calling Scottish or Irish Dancers
  1691. Ceroc.. Enjoyment or Endurance event?
  1692. Single and sharing
  1693. Venue Letdowns!!!!
  1694. How long have you been dancing MJ?
  1695. How long have you been dancing
  1696. Age of Ceroc teachers?
  1697. Confidence level
  1698. Men dancing
  1699. Masculinity ?
  1700. confident or cocky?
  1701. Is a bit of advance notification too much to ask for a cancelled night ?
  1702. Other music interprtations
  1703. Girls being girls... or boys... or girls...
  1704. What's the point of Beginner Moves?
  1705. Teachers as role models
  1706. Beginners at weekenders
  1707. MJ for the club market?
  1708. The Ten Commandments of Modern Jive
  1709. fixed partners
  1710. Dance twins?
  1711. To successfully compete takes .....
  1712. Overseas dancers and dancing
  1713. Development, Progression
  1714. Taking the lead
  1715. Why Can't I Dance Some Nights?
  1716. Monday, West of London
  1717. Are you addicted to Dance? - Survey
  1718. did you hear...
  1719. The Refuser
  1720. Dance Competitions! What do u feel about them?
  1721. How much
  1722. Is it supposed to hurt this much?
  1723. Just Call Me Stupid
  1724. Good dancer ?
  1725. Is dancing in your genes?
  1726. Timing
  1727. Glide, Glide....not Bounce, Bounce!
  1728. Simon Boreland - visionary or cynical manipulator?
  1729. Watching dance video
  1730. Edinburgh Dancing
  1731. Heels? Or no?
  1732. Mo'Jive Instructors - have they sussed the secret?
  1733. The need for competition in London
  1734. The time of your life?
  1735. The Modern Jive Grand Slam
  1736. Inverness Curfew!
  1737. Workshops - making them work!
  1738. Henley Ceroc
  1739. Video Gallery?
  1740. Ergonomics of a dance floor (and why the Hippodrome won't work as an MJ venue)
  1741. How was your Ceroc Class this week?
  1742. Corporate Dance Events
  1743. DJ trouble
  1744. An apology
  1745. Practice space
  1746. Should 'Shines' be taught as part of MJ?
  1747. A Pat on the Back
  1748. Ceroc Central
  1749. A nice dance web site
  1750. Good MJ websites
  1751. Going Solo?
  1752. Technique in Beginners lesson?
  1753. Results from Midlands Champs
  1754. Seniors Category
  1755. Paying teachers...
  1756. Are Teachers standards dropping or rising?
  1757. An Organisation for Modern Jive Organisers?
  1758. The song that requires the greatest musical interpretation ?
  1759. Does your MJ teacher "work the floor"?
  1760. So you think you can dance
  1761. (men) multiple spinning and spotting
  1762. West Coast Clips!
  1763. Websites for Blochs?
  1764. Forgive and forget or hold a grudge?
  1765. Help midlands dancing tomorrow night
  1766. Gender Balance the word from Ceroc HQ
  1767. Male followers and female leaders - comparative ability
  1768. How to STOP bad floorcraft
  1769. Birthday Dances - For or Against?
  1770. Demonstrators - unsung heroes of an MJ Night
  1771. Practice or dance?
  1772. The Ceroc(tm) Master Plan is revealed?
  1773. Modern Jive Day
  1774. If I enjoy a dance, can I assume my partner also enjoys that dance.
  1775. Deep end or shallow end?
  1776. Following the music or following the lead...
  1777. At what point does dancing become showing off?
  1778. Dancing with an ex
  1779. Cogitation on the dance floor.
  1780. Robert Austin and Claire Hilliard
  1781. Visit to Aberdeen
  1782. Blues based Freestyles
  1783. Ceroc jive blog
  1784. Tango on the NHS
  1785. Teacher Training Courses
  1786. NYE 2006 Dances
  1787. Midlands Question...
  1788. Dance related collective nouns
  1789. Three nights a week!
  1790. Dance Shoes Shop in Dundee?
  1791. Benji Schwimmer on 'So you think you can dance'
  1792. Fat Lads Don't Dance (Radio 4 10:30, 9th Dec)
  1793. Dundee Ice Arena wednesday
  1794. One thing has been bugging me for a few months now.....
  1795. Twyford?
  1796. Do you have any dance scars.???
  1797. No going back!
  1798. Should MJ teachers be trained?
  1799. Elbow injuries
  1800. Dancing around non-dancers
  1801. So you think you can dance?
  1802. Dance presents
  1803. HELP!!!!! - Gem-tac in London
  1804. Freestyle info./whos going to Southport?
  1805. Stamping Feet
  1806. How often are you refused do you refuse a dance ?
  1807. New Year DANCE Resolutions
  1808. Asking People for a Dance
  1809. I'm Kicking Off 2007 at .....?
  1810. The Dancer's Brain
  1811. Dancing in Scarborough...
  1812. What's the dominant emotion in Ceroc?
  1813. Dance Shoes
  1814. Why did you go to your first class?
  1815. pilates
  1816. Clubs, bars and restaurants where you can dance
  1817. Talcum powder
  1818. My Dancing .
  1819. Dance venues in Harlow, Essex
  1820. Mea culpa
  1821. Building a community
  1822. 2 Q's
  1823. Attractive new venue in Glasgow
  1824. Up and coming for 07'
  1825. Pretzels - Love 'em or Hate 'em???
  1826. End of an Era or two at least!
  1827. TOTAL EXPRESSION the end of ceroc or the start of something new
  1828. Competitions: Can Taxi Dancers enter as "Intermediate"?
  1829. Competition...
  1830. Does anyone actually pay to go to a Ceroc London Class?
  1831. Rutherglen Classes on Thursdays moving to Jumpin' Jaks
  1832. Tiger looking for Brechin
  1833. What Ceroc does well...
  1834. What Ceroc does badly....
  1835. Cerocing to Waltz time
  1836. Jordan Frisbee
  1837. Frustrated Female
  1838. What showcase / cabaret would you like to see?
  1839. Any dentists/medics out there?
  1840. Does it seem strange...
  1841. Who else has been Spoiled by Ceroc?
  1842. Strictly Baby Ballroom
  1843. Photos & Video Clips needed
  1844. Who's the boss (or You Lead at My Speed)
  1845. Connecting - "whether you need to or not?"
  1846. Wot no Ceroc/Modern Jive ?
  1847. MJ in Pasadena, Los Angelos
  1848. blues moves good and bad......
  1849. Weekender classes: useful?
  1850. Has a weekender class encouraged you to try a different dance style regularly?
  1851. Lead support for followers improvisations
  1852. Any great self invented moves?
  1853. "Venue hogging" discussion
  1854. Dance Bags
  1855. MJ in 100 years' time
  1856. How many calories do you burn in an evening of MJ?
  1857. Having to pay for tap water
  1858. Social Dance Venue - Livingston, West Lothian - Chicago Rock Cafe.
  1859. Follower support for leader's improvisations
  1860. Head Mic's - are we going to have problems?
  1861. Why do you ask?
  1862. Cabaret Routines - copyright?
  1863. Beginners
  1864. Intimidating vs In-demand
  1865. Back injury
  1866. You tube challenge for forumites
  1867. Beginners classes only
  1868. storm - ticket available
  1869. Dancing in Spain
  1870. Wikipedia Ceroc article - any changes?
  1871. Snowballing...
  1872. Which leg to use in drops for taking weight
  1873. Operators Insurance
  1874. Why my dancing is good
  1875. One bad dance...
  1876. Ceroc DVDs - why are they such a pain to order online?
  1877. Taxi! Pro's and Con's
  1878. Teaching - addition to the basic model?
  1879. Let's talk about hats
  1880. Club dancing?
  1881. I wont ask for a dance a social experiment
  1882. Should 'Share with a stranger' ask for a person's sexual orientation?
  1883. Pics and Ceroc logos
  1884. How many weekender women pay for a ghost male?
  1885. Shoe Shop help!!!
  1886. Car Dancing
  1887. southport feb 07 official photos
  1888. MJ as therapy
  1889. Any Suggestions please
  1890. Are you a Middle or Edge dancer?
  1891. Dancing in Paris
  1892. It's a Funny Old World
  1893. Tag, or Not to Tag?
  1894. New way to select a dancer partner
  1895. "That bloke over there looks like Mike Ellard"
  1896. "Dancer clusters" in the UK
  1897. What do you call a group of MJ-ers?
  1898. You're all amateurs....
  1899. Ceroc Wiltshire - Advice Please
  1900. Do you Drink and Jive???
  1901. Lowering your game
  1902. What's the world's most popular (partner) dance?
  1903. Ballroom etiquette?
  1904. Dancing whilst in pain
  1905. Ceroc teaching audition news....
  1906. Girls chat about competition outfits
  1907. Two tier system
  1908. Losing the passion
  1909. Royal Crown Revue in The UK
  1910. Papped by Mac (or anyone else)
  1911. Eurovision Dance Contest unveiled
  1912. Hammersmith Town Hall - demolition or temporary closure?
  1913. Words of wisdom
  1914. (The lack of) Public transport information on organiser's web sites
  1915. New Ceroc Aerial Rules?
  1916. What do you want to know?
  1917. Phrasing the music
  1918. Venues Banning Aerials List
  1919. Are you are talented Dancer?
  1920. A Beginners Guide to Understanding Music
  1921. Is Ceroc for old people ?
  1922. But this is madness! NO! This is AIRDANCE...
  1923. Thank You Lorna. x
  1924. Dancing in Nottingham Area
  1925. CRB and MJ Teachers
  1926. Dancing in Dulwich
  1927. Blondes @ JJ's
  1928. Scar Wars (Murder on the Dance Floor)
  1929. Ceroc Domination Part IV
  1930. What makes you keep coming back?
  1931. Should Ethics come first in MJ Businesses?
  1932. Why so few airsteps competitors?
  1933. Does learning to lead improve your following and vice versa?
  1934. How many...?
  1935. Dancing with the injured
  1936. Feedback for Owners, Teachers, Managers, DJs etc
  1937. Teach Me Something NEW!!
  1938. How have you changed since you were a fledgeling ?
  1939. Just Wondering. . . .
  1940. Wheres My Shoes
  1941. What do you want in a Showcase ?
  1942. What should be the criteria for different freestyle categories at competitions?
  1943. Youthful dominance at the champs....
  1944. dance partner required
  1945. Champs Photos?
  1946. Standing v sitting
  1947. Blaze Phrasing Theory Workshop 2007
  1948. Anyone been dancing Down Under?
  1949. A request from New York
  1950. The Champs, less a competition, more a show?
  1951. Terrible Advice
  1952. Breeze Blues Comp
  1953. Weekender workshop levels
  1954. constructive comments on dancing videos and stuff
  1955. Does Ceroc (HQ) know how to run its business?
  1956. What Weekender Workshop Level are You?
  1957. Does experience matter?
  1958. I was blind but now I can see. Aggggghhhhh..........
  1959. Ballroom acceptance
  1960. Awesome foursome
  1961. I've danced with Ghost and I'm a teacher / taxi / demo
  1962. I've danced with robd and I'm a blonde / brunette / redhead
  1963. Starting a new dance dilemma
  1964. Marco Edinburgh Class
  1965. New Marketing Idea ?
  1966. Dance Floor Advice
  1967. Dance partners
  1968. Improving the male dancer "stock"
  1969. What marketing works in MJ?
  1970. Dirty Dancing - dancers needed for TV Prog.
  1971. Playful dancing
  1972. Grants for dance.
  1973. Crossing to the dark side...
  1974. Southport & Escape - Compare and contrast
  1975. Southport workshops
  1976. Should you ask teachers to dance if you don't dance their dance-style?
  1977. Where do people learn about dance-floor etiquette?
  1978. Making Waltzing Compulsory
  1979. Spinning videos thread
  1980. Can you push Intermediates too far? (Jive Nation youtube clip)
  1981. Innovative Dancers / Instructors
  1982. What would MJ be like without Ceroc?
  1983. Whats CJ doing in Milton Keynes ?
  1984. What do you ladies want?
  1985. What do you men want
  1986. Workshop Partner for 23rd June
  1987. All about the Blues
  1988. Dancing video feedback
  1989. Showcase music
  1990. Dancing Politics
  1991. Private Lessons
  1992. Looking Good or Feeling Good?
  1993. Why don't Ceroc offer the full range of teaching?
  1994. Paid to snoop on your competitors
  1995. Please stop hurting me :flower:
  1996. Ceroc Prices for freestyle only
  1997. Floorcraft and T-shirt colour
  1998. Is Ceroc now just WCS in disguise ?
  1999. Name & Praise !
  2000. Why don't they all do that.