View Full Version : Let's talk about dance
- Ceroc Championships 2002
- Where's the picz?
- Dundee Party
- Lists of Moves
- Dundee weather + dancing with Beginners.
- Ceroc Ceilidh Party
- Saturday PINK Party
- Ceroc on BBC Breakfast show: Fri 22nd Feb.
- Murder on the Dancefloor
- UK Jive -Blackpool
- Aberdeen venues
- Leading vs following: which is most fun?
- Accidents
- Aberdeen Party
- Sweat Shirts
- Dance Competition
- Dance etiquette: Asking for a dance...
- Ceroc in Germany or France
- First signs...
- Women leading...
- Going Commando
- Fashion Faux Pas
- Pet Hate
- ceroc 101
- Film extras for 50's Dance film (Glasgow)
- Missing Men
- Addiction
- Big Night Out
- Name Dropping
- Odd Locations
- Memories from the 50's: Tell your story.
- How old is old?
- What does it for you?
- Newspaper Ads
- Ceroc Champs - The Aftermath
- Scottish Cabaret Team: UK Champions
- Murphy's Law of dance...
- Zoot suit sources
- Handedness
- Busking season opening shortly...
- Ceroc/jive on TV
- dance moves
- Ladies - What are you looking for in a dance?
- Black'n'white dancing shoes
- Opportunity Knocks! Commonwealth Games Opening & Closing Ceremonies
- How to surprise a lady
- Scottish Cabaret Team: Back by popular demand
- Big Brother can Ceroc!
- Singing along while dancing
- Viktor & Lydia
- Ceroc - No Age Limits!
- Cerocing Relatives
- I saw you
- Just visiting
- Scottish Championships ????????
- Watching the teacher/backleading
- Class etiquette
- Intermediate Cerocshop
- Dance Boots
- Too old to rock!
- Too rude?
- Dancing to a track you hate?
- Slave to the rhythm? Musical interpretation
- First night in Aberdeen
- Simply the Best??
- Social aspect of Ceroc
- Ceroc Grand Slam
- Mishaps on the Dance Floor and other Ceroc gossip...
- Championships in Musselburgh
- Venue Security
- Peroc
- Team Cabaret
- One dance or two...
- Partner wanted for Scottish Competition !
- Its all in the lead
- Deodorants or natural ?
- Just wondering if anyone can help
- Anti-social
- Ceroc In Your Life
- Keeping on topic!
- New Aberdeen Party Venue - Your views?
- The English are Coming!
- I'm scared..... Any advice welcome...
- Does Ceroc drive you to drink?
- Welcome to the Forum Craig!
- "Taxi"!
- Anyone in Embra??
- Teachers & image
- serious issue - Fire!
- big parties in different cities
- Greetings from the newest member
- Fun Poll: Limbs of Jelly - Ladies, what do you do?
- Two ladies on the go?
- A dance is just a dance...
- Good Bye
- What part of the World have you ceroced in ?
- Hair
- Cambs Nov weekend 17th 18TH spree
- Its all gone quiet .......
- Cliques
- 2 things, really.
- Name the teacher....
- Whats experience?
- Ceroc Dance tuition
- What workshops have you attended
- Congratulations to our newest Ceroc Teacher
- Teachers or Entertainers
- Why do you go to Ceroc?
- The Centenary
- Ceroc Champs 2002 Video: Now available!
- New Ceroc venues in Scotland: Stirling + Perth
- Covering mistakes ;-)
- Patience of a Saint
- Southern ceroc teachers/franchisees
- Places to Dance in Edinburgh
- X Rated Teachers
- Sleep deprived?
- Drops: Avoidance tactics
- Words of advice ?
- Thanks to Edinburgh Crowd
- Bits And Bobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Shoes
- Fun Poll - Shoes for Ladies
- re: patience of a saint
- The Scottish Championships
- Last night (Tues)
- Dancing in Films
- Party 19th, Champs 20th Oct
- Championships
- Thank you
- Wow !!! Scottish Championships!!
- Scots Comp 2003 - Teachers or no
- Pics??
- On a rotten night ...
- Intro of New Categories.
- MAd. Competiton categories
- Scottish Team Ceroc Champs 2002
- Blisters
- Role Reversal
- Dance Heroes
- Raunch Factor
- Thinking of moves
- Dan The man and his good lady visit Scotland!
- Sex on Legs!
- Teachers Reputations
- Buying Camcorder to video Ceroc - Advice needed.
- Taxi Dancers and Teachers First Night Experiences!
- Husbands, Wives & Partners
- Forum Members Identification
- Bye Bye London friends from Steve ! Hello Brum
- Does size matter
- Thank you for a great dance!
- Tips please !!!
- Ceroc UK Championships 2002 Video
- *sad*
- 10th Anniversary Dances
- Types Of Dancer!!
- Gorgeous gus workshops
- Retribution on Party Airsteppers
- 2 heads are better than 1?
- Dance Space
- Statistics
- Are New Zealanders really hot dancers?
- Dundee
- Tues 10th - Culter
- Polite Request
- V&L - Dance gods, or just gods??
- Blindfolded Ceroc
- Brruuuuuummmm
- Photos
- I wish women would not talk to me.......
- Dance Flooor Etiquette
- What about the students ??
- So then, what rocks your boat??
- Floorcraft ... or lack of it!!
- CEROC Dancers not welcome
- DJs vs Live Bands
- Promoting Ceroc
- Privileged Membership Scheme
- Frequent Flyers
- Dance Competition criteria
- Just for the ladies
- Dancing in Gourock
- Poll for the boys
- Burns Night
- Downloads
- How do you rate your dancing?
- Dancing & Eating
- Need new dance shoes? BoogieSteps are touring Scotland
- Selection Criteria
- Teacher qualifications & reviews?
- Ceroc could be bad for you?
- Performing...
- Performing. . .
- New Guy on the Block
- Ceroc on TV
- Dance Addict?
- Partners
- Excuses!
- Dancers in Canberra?
- 'How to Jive'
- Live band...
- Lindy Hop dance clips
- Double Trouble workshop
- Following?
- New Dance Craze to Hit the UK
- Is Ceroc too loud?
- Involuntary Erection
- TV Extras Wanted - 50's Jivers
- The worst thing!!
- Advanced Musicality Workshop - Amir & Kate
- Showcase Partner Wanted
- The Sleaze Thing
- Cleansing The Soles????
- Gigolo
- Jive Masters Competition
- Club Dancing
- BBC Radio 4 - Thursday 01/05/03 11:30am
- Keeping Beginners...
- Reason why you might want to cancel your trip to the Champs on Sunday
- Ballroom to Bedroom...
- Heat listings for the Champs
- Congratulations!!!!!
- Lunchtime Practice
- Other forums
- Consideration on the Dance floor
- Ceroc the mongrel
- Where's the fun?
- Dances per night
- Snubbing the snubbers???
- Dancing with beginners
- Books On Dance
- Intellect or emotion?
- Blackpool Videos/DVDs
- UK Dancers still the Biz
- Dancing on Video/DVD
- Dance Competitions are Evil
- Dance Clubs - Business or Mission?
- stiff shoulders
- What fabrics / (t)shirts for summer
- Favourite Dance Websites
- Can anyone recommend...
- The Right to Ban!
- Ceroc Exams
- Music Too Slow
- Ceilidh help required.
- British Champions???
- Justification for Banning
- Dancing in Leicester/Nottingham
- Partners who don't dance
- Lindy Hop at Hipsters - Wow!
- Things that make you go wow !
- Fancy A Dance In The Caribbean ???
- Changing style of Ceroc?
- I'm sorry, Dave, but your lead's too light
- Glasgow night still on tonight?
- Is there a place for an appropriate aerial?
- Why don't women ask men to dance ?
- Warts and all
- What do you think of the current crop of videos
- How far would you travel for a ceroc class ?
- Dancing Shoes???....
- codes of practice
- Jive Aces: Dancers wanted (TV appearance)
- In defence of Advanced Classes
- Advanced Class/Workshop Contents
- Dancing in the Heat
- Best Ceroc nights in Scotland?
- Bristol Dance Championships?
- Alternative venues if visiting South East
- Round the Dance Floor in 80 Drops – 3 DVD set by Peter Phillips
- shoe bargains
- Dance Idols
- "New breed of beginner" makes Glasgow Class Buzz
- What happens if you stop dancing?
- Youngsters!
- Smoking and Dancing don't mix
- How old were you for your first time?
- Peggy Spencer - Ballroom Blitz
- Dance moves d'base update
- Drops Seducers & Dance floor dips.
- Dancing In The Street
- Fast music for competitions....
- Is London IT?
- Do you go to ceroc on your own ?
- Name : Victor , Specialist subject : Dance Genius!!
- Where you go , I go
- Natural ability or time been around ?
- Most Popular dance style in UK
- New Judging system in Ice Skating
- If I owned Ceroc...
- Change at the top
- Ideal Dance Venues
- dancing in Bournemouth
- Closure of Ceroc London Forum
- Competitions
- Dartford tunnel area on a Monday
- Sydney comp
- The audience as judges
- The ceroc market
- What Makes A Great Dance Night?
- New ceroc website
- Dancing blindfolded??
- Traditional dance clips
- Choreography
- Hotshots...
- Intimidation/awestruck awkwardness
- Airsteps in Competitions??
- Producing a decent dance event video
- Sylvia Coleman?
- old friends in Glasgow
- Double Trouble
- Teacher Or Entertainer ?
- Shortage of Glasgow Males
- Ceroc Metro Jive Masters video
- Martin Elliot
- damsels in distress (scotish champs)
- Dance Partner wanted Leeds Area - more info
- A Scottish Weekender?
- Dance Legend Seeks Partner
- beginners in comps???
- Airsteps
- Welcome 007
- Do u have favorite people to dance to Certain tracks with?
- Completing a dance lesson
- Grading classes at the big events???
- Nice Ways To Say Get Lost!!!
- Ceroc Champs 2003 Video
- Now I've seen everything!
- What makes a dance partnership work?
- Friends and Family
- Ouch: that arm's attatched, you know!!
- Amir Gilles workshop... any available men?
- Differences in Height
- "Tonight's class will start at ............"
- Black and white or lurex
- Leicester / Milton Keynes help
- What are men really for?
- What are women really for
- How about this for an idea..?
- Ceroc or not
- Dancin' in my tails
- Cross-cultural dance styles
- Choreography
- 'fess up guys - How do you decide who to ask for a dance?
- dance films
- Things I Learned at tonight's class
- GRRRRRRRRRRRR! - inconsiderate dance floor etiquette
- How has Ceroc changed over the years?
- Plea to Franchisees on behalf of DJs
- What exactly is blues?
- Private Lesson
- How much time do you give to ceroc ?
- Women Dancing as Men
- Blackpool partner
- Live Bands
- Interesting Modern Jive website
- Teaching YOUR partner
- name calling
- William and Mary
- Looking forward to the punters' benefits of Ceroc
- Which country is best to learn Ceroc
- What other dances would you like?
- (Choose up to three) top reasons why people leave Ceroc (or any other MJ)?
- Dancing Day dreams
- Choice of dance venue
- Xmas dance classes
- Joining in the Intermediate class or chatting
- Talent
- Dancer, Taxi, Teacher, Franchisee?
- Ideal ratio men to women for all present
- How do you ?
- Competition regional heats
- Ceroc membership cards; Swipe system.
- How solid are your dancers?
- From Ceroc to Lindy?
- How long have you been dancing ceroc
- Do any of your work colleagues dance Ceroc?
- Oops! Trust me!!!!!
- Revenge of the tekkies
- Dancing in the street again
- Ceroc and Modern Jive History
- Retired from Competitions?
- Ceroc - Business Enterprise or "Gift to the World"?
- More dancing in the Street (tonite...)
- Men - how not to be sweaty when it gets hot
- BoogieSteps ... still going?
- Venue Crowd Capacity
- Exercises to Enhance Dance Performance
- 2004 Winners at Blackpool are .......
- Top Teachers?
- WLTM Mature Lady for Fun Weekend in Blackpool!
- Logging Dance Moves
- How to Win Competitions!!!
- Music or the Money
- Dancing in Crewe or Liverpool
- Jive Bar in London???
- Cabaret - Your views please
- DWAS Competitions
- The shape of things to come
- Competition Snobbery
- Teaching? Can any good dancer do that?
- Average Ceroccers on the Forum?
- Who were those dancers?
- Ceroc Teacher Training for All?
- Aerials - are they fair ??
- Communication - a two way street?
- Is it true?
- limp
- Forum Ettiquette
- news
- Scottish Dancers doing Rock Bottoms?
- Camcorders - are they an intrusion?
- Canadian Ceroc
- How has Scottish Dancing Improved?
- Glasgow on 12th-21st Feb, advice please!!
- Shoes
- Stompin' in Brighton 2003 dance video
- Dancewear stores
- Dance Business For Sale
- Teachers' and DJs' pay
- New Perth Venue
- Dancefloor Etiquette
- Competition/Dance Partners Website?
- difference?
- Dance-related hobbies
- Feedback on recent changes
- Who are the best dancers?
- ok who stinks
- Scottish Ceroc Championships
- knees
- Fan Club
- Camber Workshops
- Ceroc run out of ideas ?
- "Club" Competitions
- Classes in Irvine area?
- Heavy Handed?
- Spare Arm Syndrome
- Fav or best leaders/followers
- The Talc Thing
- Crew Loyalty
- Prediction of Comments re Blackpool 2004
- new dance
- Help!!
- Dance Today! fabulous magazine articles . . .
- Shy? Silly? Have a point?
- "best blues site in the world ... bar none"
- Competition Categories
- Forum Roll of Honour
- WCS at Blackpool???
- What makes music challenging to dance to?
- Competition Dance Style
- Dances, Thursdays, Reading area
- Competitive Costumes
- dance partner
- Osteopath
- knowing when it's time to take a break?
- moves music, and good dances...a query
- Technique in Modern Jive
- Ceroc mentioned in The Guardian
- Learning new techniques
- Pointless prizes
- Aussie invasion Spring 2004
- Competition Categories
- Name badges/pins for Ceroc wanted
- Jive/ceroc in New Zealand
- Britroc 2004 rules - spot the difference
- Forum Gathering
- Bouncy Hands
- Most Memorable dance moments?
- Dance moves covered in classes
- Who's on your black list (dance)
- Personal Hygiene
- Latin Jive .... WHat is it?
- why do people dance?
- Ripping off new customers
- Do we need fully qualified teachers to teach beginners?
- Harrasment;a topic banned on Bristol forum!!
- Crowded Venues
- That 'safety and etiquette on the dancefloor' issue...
- We need a new comp format where.....
- Tenerife jiving
- Shhh I'm listening!
- Tenerife jiving offer.
- Other dance styles
- London dance studio
- Is it bad manners for a Lady to initiate...
- Wanted: Dancers to create a new style of Modern Jive
- Anyone want to do the advanced
- Blues for beginners
- Dance Related Compliments...
- To be seen or not to be seen
- Stompin' in Brighton 2004 video
- Injured
- Dance Refusals
- Ceroc Champs - Open category
- Practice makes perfect
- Blackpool '05 - an Open category??
- Partner Wanted for Mikey's Sinful Class at Southport
- The rise and fall of certain venues
- conundrum re postings
- Southport Directions ... NOTE !!!
- Competition Prizes / money
- Strictly Come Dancing - fab or flop?
- How Young Is Too Young
- Ideal patnerships
- Private lessons
- Thinking of the last 6 months: Who goes to Ceroc vs other venues?
- Another Reality TV Opportunity
- Trying to trace Paul Forber
- Advanced Classes
- Your ideal venue / evening
- Teachers as examples to other Teachers
- Southport Feedback - BIG THANKS!!
- Would a Super Club (Hipsters) work outside London
- Football or Dancing?
- Expert vs. Good
- Barn Dance caller required
- Blackpool 2004 DVD
- Dance And Sail - The Best Holiday Ever Or What ???
- Racial representation
- Channel 4 Looking For Ceroc Dancing Family
- Place in a competition and you move up?
- Teaching Criteria
- The Ponytail Thing
- Club Crew ... owned body and Soul?
- Does music define the dance?
- Rules for stepping back
- Jive Masters 2003 Video
- Why hasn't Ceroc taken over the World??
- Ceroc dancing in Nightclubs - Good marketing?
- Aussie Jive Masters 2004
- Which comp would you most like to win
- Politics? What Politics?
- Poll: SCD - who shall we support this week?
- Where have you danced? (More unusual places)
- One song or two?
- MJ a heartbreaker? - publicity at any price?
- MJ - True Love or Strolling Away
- Mmmmmmmmm!
- Clothing
- Caladur's Dance Diary
- Dancing Treats...
- Australian Ceroc Forum - BACK ONLINE
- To ask or be asked - rapacious row
- Can MJ Spotlight routines win?
- Moving on UP
- The Hipsters formula - Recipe for a successful club?
- Isle of Wight Beach Boogie
- Best time of year to have a competition
- Most members online 10th July 2003
- Selling the dream - at carnivals
- Babe in Arms or Collecting Your Pension - How old is the average Ceroc Dancer...???
- 'Good Enough' to teach and DJ?
- Fair Price for a QUALITY Freestyle
- Freedom of Refusal???
- Is Taxi dancing required for "Good Dancer" status?
- Live Bands
- Handling / avoiding rejection
- Why no ceroc in Wales ?
- Would ceroc work in the USA ?
- New Record for Members Online TODAY at Midday
- Men In Black
- Bristol competition
- music
- Drip Drip Drip...
- Post lesson practice
- Does it matter what you wear?
- The best music for modern jive?
- Was it good for you last night?
- Footwork on switching to ceroc
- Ceroc Poole/Bournemouth way..?
- Location of Best Dancers
- The Need for an INDEPENDANT Teacher Training Organistaion
- Summer breaks
- Sweaty partners
- Strategies to keep beginners
- Shoulder Drop
- When we say "Im not good enough for you" (dance)
- duende
- A little moan
- Rotate or Scatter!
- Advanced dancers...
- Poll: Canvas, stage or playground?
- Love on the dance floor
- More men! How do we find and keep them dancing??
- Why doesn't your partner dance, then?
- Why doesn't your partner dance, then?
- Are the names of moves important to you...???
- Dance Floors
- Etiquette /space/consideration on the dancefloor?
- Why do you go to a workshop?
- Advanced Moves / Advanced lead + follow
- Dumbing down.
- Time for competitions to evolve ?
- Terminology Dictionary
- Dancing Leage Table
- Fancy dress and themed dances
- Tips for Dancing for these hot days
- A willingness to learn....
- Teaching MJ v Teaching in general
- Do you remember a first dance?
- Price for 'A list' workshops
- A BIG thanks to LL from Belfast!
- Is repetition good?
- Ceroc Fundamentalists v Ceroc Assassins
- Getting the best out of BFG.
- urgent - dj needed
- Life is a Cabaret
- How old is too old?
- Weston-Super-Mare Competition Video
- Bank Holiday Monday
- Same sex 'inappropriate' moves
- The Way Forward for Ceroc(tm) ?
- Spectating vs Dancing
- Pete Phiilips Drops Ettiquette notes(TM)
- How hard is it to start a new Ceroc or jive club in a new area?
- Regular Dance Partner Needed
- Clothes
- Being interrupted
- Would you mind
- Are there more MJers than Salsa dancers?
- Cross Advertising
- BBC1 at Stevenage tonight
- Better than Hipsters?
- How Young is too young, for you?
- Private lessons at Southport
- Unusual Dance Venues
- Honest feedback/comments on venues and events
- The Limitations of Modern Jive
- Not enough Saturdays!
- Worst and best named MJ moves
- WCS and Modern Jive
- Hotshots!
- Training(?) with a dance partner
- Jive in Belfast!
- Silk
- How many times a week do you do it?
- Move requests in classes
- Teachers/Dj money/value
- DVD dance list
- Lead or Follow
- Jiving to a Waltz?
- Gagging for a Dance
- Jive weekends v Weekly dance venues
- Images of dancers
- How to improve Modern Jive Clubs
- Teachers or Entertainers
- Mini-Masters 2004
- The Mighty Perth Posse
- Starting from scratch
- Dancing in the Media
- Wanted!!
- A night to remember
- Live Band Listing
- where to buy dance wear??
- Ten Commandments of MJ?
- JANGO - Tango-Jive Fusion with ATTITUDE! Coming to Doncaster
- What does your dancing say about you?
- Strictly Dancing Fever!
- Dancing Advice
- Glasgow Party
- Trampy's Tremor
- The Fastest Growing Dance Phenomenon?
- Can the UK compete against the US at 'Spotlight'?
- Malicious Rant against Ceroc!!
- Teaching Advanced Modern Jive - HELP NEEDED
- Classes vs Workshops vs Privates vs Freestyle vs Analysis
- Club dancing
- Team Cabaret Competitions - what are the judges looking for?
- Hotshot with a hernia?
- Ceroc Website (Confusing ?)
- Style & Technique Workshops/Weekends
- Strictly Come Dancing - Series 2
- Tickets on the door/Tickets only
- Dance competitions next six months
- CeRoc and other jive..
- Oxford Town Hall
- Cool Catz - Putting our money where our mouth is
- Challenging Your Modern Jive
- Chicken and Egg: dance or music
- Desert Island Moves
- All the world's a stage -- or is it?
- Dancing in the Sun... Ceroc is the hottest!
- How to KIll a MJ Venue
- Anyone Dancing at the Invercarse Mondays
- Any recommendations for a Monday class in W London?
- Any recommendations around Gatwick?
- Best dance website of 2004 awards
- MJ and the Singles scene
- Slow sngs
- men doing the womans part
- video clips
- What does modern jive work best as?
- Can't you see it woman???
- Jive that is sexier than salsa?
- Warmwell
- Playing to the crowd
- Has Ceroc Spoilt Me?
- Raffles
- Ceroc on a Sunday
- 3 moves then some style
- How do you cope when Windy Miller is in Trumpton?
- Signalling excuses
- Beautiful poetry
- Name and Shame
- Any young cerocers?
- Would you rather dance with a good lead(/follower), or a stylish dancer?
- Wot I like most about a freestyle is..
- When is styling not styling?
- Half a Dance
- Lindy moves
- Men's Styling
- Confessions
- Double Trouble
- Stealing dancers from other clubs??
- Post weekender blues!
- Ceroc on ebay
- Smoky Dance Floors - Where to find them :sick:
- So what do punters really want from an Advanced class ?
- Ceroc/MJ at the clubs
- dirty dancing two
- Acting as Judge (voting expereince)
- Education or Compensation?
- Odd Body Movements
- Partner immitation
- Wet Shirts
- ECS+WCS=Swing with street cred!!??
- Male/Female moves/styles/venues?
- Musicality - The Difference it Makes
- dancing in Holland
- Musicality: What is it to you?
- A good deal for Crew?
- Anyone been out bombing lately
- Dumbest Move you ever did Do!!
- "Modern Jive - A perspective" - Marc & Rachel
- trans-continental sychronised MJ event for charity
- Dance etiquette - tipsy (dance ) partners
- Fading enjoyment
- SCD Goes to Hollywood
- SCD used in MJ
- Christmas is coming....
- Naming & Shaming OR Praising Venues
- strictly dancing - Oz style
- Vote for Jon and Julia in SCD - ITT tonight !
- Dirty Dancing 2 - False Promises??
- Postitive Thread - Expansion of MJ
- Dance links
- The role of the ceroc website
- Hipsters feat. Robert Cordoba
- Non-smoky Dance Floors - Where to find them :clap:
- Marketing Image v Actual Reality
- Strictly Dance Fever
- Milestones in MJ development
- Urgent help required!
- Competitions - Intermediate or Advanced?
- Justifiable Competition techniques
- What is Blues?
- Modern Jive Dancers Association - Viva La Diva!
- Competitions:Ideas for rule changes
- To handjive or not to handjive
- Barriers to Competition
- Forum News Letter?
- Jive?? No thank you!
- SCD Champs of Champs 2004
- Two in a Row??
- Muggle's first MJ night
- Forumites at Stompin in Brighton 2003
- MJ new years resolutions
- Competition Music
- The best Venues for 2005 (dance comps)
- Calling Austrians
- Extending the 'Ceroc' model
- More Dancing Time
- beginner's moves????
- Advice on DVDs/videos
- Modern Jive Dance DVDs
- Dancing in Hampshire?
- Blackpool Competition Course?
- Lifetime contribution to Modern Jive award.
- Kill "The Madison"
- A list dancers
- Memorabilia from your favourite artist/band
- Ceroc Dubai!
- Ceroc changed the Yoyo?
- Influences on modern jive
- Ceroc Champs 2005?
- Dance with a stranger roolz?
- Jivemaster Rules
- Dancing in Preston Manchester Area
- You're at a Muggles Dinner Dance.....
- Unwrapping question
- Teaching Drops in Class?
- Teaching drops?
- Two quickies
- Ceroc In Singapore!
- I need a man!!!
- Cerocers from Lincolnshire?
- Is Hammersmith free-style too busy?
- Creation of a Modern Jive Reference Book
- Dancing mantras
- How to dance to music you don't like much
- Illegal Clubs?
- WHAT, you have to be 18 for ceroc champs?
- Teachers - past and present?
- Relativity of the beginner
- More Ceroc Media Coverage on BBC - Courtesy of Ceroc Middlesborough
- Spinning
- Dance on TV
- Amazing
- Memory aids
- What to do if a class overruns?
- A woman is...
- Ancient Ceroc Enterprises Website
- Aerials-What are the competition rules for Blackpool and Ceroc champs??
- TV Moments
- 101 easy ways to improve your dance
- Muggles and musicality
- Places to go after a Ceroc night (or, is £5.50 too much for a coffee?)
- Jango .... Top night in London?
- Dancing with closed eyes?
- Nice Night
- Exercises for a lighter lead
- What has the Forum done for you?
- Dancing near Didsbury
- Your local Venue Bans Smoking - What do you do?
- ANON: Your local Venue Bans Smoking - What do you do?
- Anton and Erin!!
- How many dances in a night make it 'a night'?
- Teaching moves vs. teaching positions
- Confidence and humility
- Compatibility?
- what irritates you on and off the dance floor
- Strictly Dance Fever auditions 2005
- Stunt Dancing
- Wednesday nights, central london
- Lights or not
- Handedness, dyslexia and dancing
- What dance is this?
- You need to flow?
- Sticky Floors
- Teaching the end of the routine first
- Your first dance with your current partner
- New prize for teachers at Blackpool
- Imagination on overtime?
- Nicknames
- Why do you compete?
- Hitting the breaks and loving it!
- Villages for the over 50's
- What makes a woman attractive?
- What makes a man irresistable?
- What makes a man irresistable?
- Dancing & learning styles
- Permission to drop
- How best to support women subject to rough dancing
- Strictly Dance Fever Tickets
- UK Champs Results
- Men, what are you looking for in a dance?
- Battle of the Weekenders - Results?
- Colds, flue, coughs & sniffles: spread or contain?
- Competitions: Hopes and expectations
- What if you got a Perfect Score?
- london thursday nights
- Blackpool 2005 vid
- Help-expensive Shoes?!?!?!?
- The first time I lead a backhander, it was:
- Scotland Competition 2005
- Online Dance Videos
- What made your friends stop dancing?
- Weak lead, lazy or subtle??
- The teaching of overtly sexual moves
- Help required in Nottingham?
- Blues, UCP, Sinful, Sensual... What are they & how do they differ?
- Deciphering dance diagrams ?
- What to say to beginners
- Intermediate Plus...Course!
- Blues:- how much is real?
- Dance;- How much is real
- Compliments
- Mixing Latin/Tango moves into Modern Jive
- NORTEL: Finchley/Whetstone Temporary Relocation - 21 & 22 March 2005
- Cool Catz Closes .......
- How to tell when the track is ending ?
- Ten things I learnt from MJ...
- Adapting to your partner
- Music "styles" and outfits
- Does Line Dancing kick MJ Butt?
- Sunday Dancing
- Styles of dance what are they?
- Mini-competitions
- Death Glare repairs
- adapting your moves to the music
- Ceroc Mile High Club?
- Music Suggestions Please
- Top 10 smokescreens
- Maintaining enthusiasm
- Leader / follower responsibilities
- Where did all those women come from?
- Teaching/dancing persona
- Best In The North - RESULT
- What should a beginners class offer ?
- Request nights.
- Who can't dance?
- Why are WCS dancers so limited?
- Dancing in south of France?
- Whats happened to the Comb ?
- Technical training
- Footwork
- Ceroc Promo CD.
- Warmwell party weekender
- What makes you come back for more?
- Futuristic dancing!
- It annoys me most when someone...
- What do you do that annoys other dancers?
- JiveMasters 2005
- Flirty Dancing
- MJ advice in song lyrics
- Where do you dance in front of a mirror at home?
- Dumbing-down?
- Following - the Dreamstate
- Active or passive?
- The First Move and variations...
- What women wear...
- Hello from sunny Worthing!
- Working and Cerocing in the UK
- Dance History - Manuals and clips
- Natural Dancers
- Rant: routines
- MJ Competitions: why bother?
- New website
- When to report unsociable behaviour?
- Ceroc in Belgium?
- The role of the Taxi dancer
- Good luck to everyone taking part at the Ceroc champs
- What difference does being left-handed make?
- Results - 2005 Ceroc Champs
- Remembering (people's) names
- French Dancing
- wokshops
- Saturday Night's Charity Dance in GUU
- Team Cabarets
- Beginners ... are we teaching them correctly?
- Cramp!!!!
- Where do you keep the beat
- One dance or more
- Tests for Ceroc?
- A request for some advice about buying Dance Shoes if I may
- Have you ever been injured because of someone's (avoidable) inexperience?
- Does your marketing p*ss off your existing customers?
- Where to go in the West Midlands
- Dancers performing moves ahead of the teacher
- Dance Heroes 2005
- The mark of a good teacher?
- elbowed noses!!
- What makes a good demo?
- Tuesday 17th May
- TOP TIPS - For Endurance Freestyling
- Alcohol and dancing
- Airsteps - judging..
- Ladies' sabotage advice
- how good/bad is your dancing
- Ducasi's continuing adventures in Ceroc
- People who don't listen to the teacher
- Eating after dancing
- Teacher feedback
- Competitions: performance or dancing?
- Keeping it interesting for regular partners
- Should shines be included in MJ?
- DWAS Judging
- Condescending leads
- Independents teaching workshops
- Perth off 2 & 9 June?
- Obessive Compulsive Dancing Disorder
- New Zealand Championships and Workshop Event
- Leroc Comp In July..who's Gonna Be There?
- OCDD Dilema
- Strictly African Dancing
- I know this sounds desperate!!!
- Contact
- Moves From Hell (and why)
- Non-MJ dancers at MJ venues?
- Moves From Heaven (and why)
- What is Ceroc
- Moves for the Atheist (and why)
- The "No row"
- Experienced You Still Participate In Beginner/intermediate Classes?????
- Do You Have A Grumbling Teacher???
- Dance Costumes..what Really Stands Out??
- My New Dance Partner...
- What is a Ceroc move?
- Do You Have OCCFD???
- Using the quiet bits...
- Improving overall dancing levels
- Do weekenders change your dancing?
- Dance "Immigration"
- Move sequences
- Do you need a beat/base-line to dance?
- RE:Jango - What to expect?
- Hussle Class with T&J??
- Opportunity
- Ceroc and Modern Jive Champs - Sydney 2005
- Take Over..
- Best Places to Dance in Manchester area
- Weekender DVDs.
- "Now" Magazine celebrities
- United we stand
- First part of the first move. Back right foot or left foot for followers
- Learning curves
- Stricly No Sequins: what's up?
- Ceroc website goes international !
- A smack in the head
- How do you get a regular dance partner?
- Skippy/Kicky Foot Thing
- Demo / taxi "payment"?
- Second part of the Cerocspin - footwork for followers
- Would you be a taxi dancer?
- A little less conversation a little more action please
- smiley face or sour face?
- Pole dancing as MJ inspiration
- In & out
- Jango - Hammersmith Mon 27th June - It was Good!
- More women recently ?
- Help! - Dancing in Wigan?
- To what lengths?
- The next Big Thing?
- blister advice - try compeed plasters -they are fantastic.
- Ban Stilleto Heels
- What Kind Of Forum Addict Are You?
- Monster Jive Cocktail, anyone?
- Where should I go tonight
- Mixing business and pleasure - does it work?
- St Albans closed
- Skirt or trousers for the ladies
- Saying No
- How would you want it?
- Competition video clip
- Strictly Ballroom
- Strictly African Dancing
- Dance Weekends - profitable?
- Too many weekenders?
- Preferred angle of approach?
- 100 ways to wind up a hot shot
- Dancing without feeling
- Samba Dancing
- What is a Hotshot Dancer?
- Save the last dance ...
- What Is An Independant Venue
- What kind of drive does it take to become a good dancer?
- 'Move' requests
- Advanced dance weekends?
- Dancing insecurities?
- Accidental Learning
- MJ - Regional / International Variations in MJ
- Dancing as a man
- What is Freestyle in Dance Competitions?
- Dancing with someone famous.
- I'm good at...
- Private lesson: content?
- Dancing and other forms of exercise?
- Which Famous Person Would You Luurrve To Dance With??
- Ceroc(tm) - UK Domination?
- Dancing whilst tired
- 22nd & 23rd July & 29th & 30th July
- The Perfect Venue
- Do Dancers Win Dance Competitions?
- private lessons in Scotland - who gives 'em?
- Who's responsible?
- Looking for male to go to Barcelona Aug
- What type of lead is preferable?
- Top 100 cheesiest moves
- Burn The Floor - 5-8 Oct 05 London
- Improving coordination and rhythm
- What's in a name?
- Dancing Unlimited
- The Whingers Corner - For all those feeling blue or hard-done-by
- A short rant
- Competitons - What Judges are looking for!
- Help, I need a man!
- Anyone going to the last night of Beach Boogie???
- Driven wild or to distraction?
- Competition newbie
- Whose line is it anyway?
- "Follow the Fleet" & "Shall we dance"
- Has the dancing and smoking problem gone away?
- Thanks TWK
- Ceroc Middlesborough web page
- Do drinking and dancing mix?
- WCS Monday eve in Oxford
- How many drops?
- Ceroc Constabulary?
- Leadable mini-aerials?
- Dance cravings?
- Dance Face?
- Chatting after a dance
- Routines to make you go...OH YEAH BABY!
- Hammersmith Jango - is it on tomorrow? 8)
- Taxi Dancers
- Pssst, I'm Watching You!!!
- Dance Jams
- Performance/freestyle dancing
- Busking in Perth
- 100 top pervy move
- What motivates you to dance at venues?
- Ceroc Down Under...
- Northampton Town FC and Ceroc
- Ouch!
- Music considerations when choosing a venue
- Champs 2005 DVD - Cancelled
- What has happened to Jiveholic site
- Footwork, frame, technique etc...
- Weston Super Mare Video
- Dance ambitions...
- asking for a second dance
- introducing dips and drops
- Horror Stories Of Evil People Who Have Dropped Me
- Neck holds etc.
- Help for a shy lass?
- Too Short Or Too Tall???
- So wadda ya do then?
- Best Costume Ideas For Theme Dance Parties.
- How do you request a dance?
- Mix and match in beginners class
- Burn the Floor Tickets
- Ask the Oracle
- Rhythm Riot Camber 2005
- Sometimes enough is enough!
- Club competition
- Music @ Mussleburgh Comp.
- Putting on showcases
- Ego
- Dance links and listings
- "Giving" a dance
- Share This
- What Division are you in?
- Ceroc European Championships
- Chill out zone
- Dance or the Music
- Dancing in Cornwall
- Bristol Info Please
- Help/advice needed...
- Chill Out zones
- Kyle & Sarah
- Moving on....
- Ceroc Champs photos
- Workshops (fancy a good row?)
- Scot Champs
- First move KJ and Roll in Somersault
- Best Wishes For Your First Night
- A Leading Question
- Judging? What's the score?
- Dancing in Amsterdam
- Merengue question
- Strictly Come Dancing Tickets
- Swindon on Monday
- Thanks Gary - Casbah 9 Sept 2005
- Pictures with a dance theme
- Stupid question on footwork
- Ahhh,back Problems + Southport Looms!
- Tuesday Nights @ Ealing Town Hall
- what is happening with the C2D DVD, Blackpool 2005?
- whats the record number of ladies or men over
- Do we know what 'GOOD' looks like?
- Is the Dance important for Ceroc?
- What have you learnt from your dancing?
- Admit Ones: Landscape or Portrait?
- First Impressions?
- If it was your venue, what would you do?
- Injuries
- Are you a dancer?
- Expectation on Teachers
- Dance Police
- Dancing Portsmouth
- Venues in Manchester
- Back to Basics?
- The Cuban blues
- Doom-Doom or Sheuggy-Sheug?!? (with poll) take 3.
- asking for a “double trouble” dance
- Common bad habits
- A new H******s?
- Advance Weekender
- Monday dancing in the North Midlands?
- Levels of Dancers on Workshops
- Medieval Torture
- The Jive Aces
- Smiling
- SCD - Your dream dozen
- Check Check??
- Strictly Come Dancing - series 3
- Midlanders Rejoice!
- Fake tan for ceroc comps?
- Your personal top ten leads/followers
- Improving - a double-edged sword?
- Bruce Goes Dancing
- Does anyone still wear tights??
- How to get a look in ??
- Danicing in Nottingham/Mansfield area
- Desperately seeking...
- Finally - a Brit wins something on the Aussies turf...
- Rebel Yell the Aftermath
- Saturday Swings?
- Long hair and bobby dazzlers
- Male demos in weekender DVDs
- Should I be ever so tempted by a Country and Western evening.
- STORM: Ceroc Camber 3-5 March 2006: who's going?
- Does a Teachers age make a difference?
- Christmas downtime
- Focus on technique & Blues Freestyle! New Sunday nights in Stirling!
- Feedback on Club nights
- Does a Teacher's sex make a difference?
- Anyone out there from Swindon?
- Teaching/Real Dance Experience?
- Are you getting enough?
- BritRock Aftermath & Results
- How many dancers are in the UK?
- The Orgin of ceroc
- What could kill MJ?
- Modern Jive
- teaching of lead/follow in Salsa vs. MJ
- Reminiscing bout music
- STOMP - The UK Tour
- How can you make every dance special?
- dance like Britney
- Becoming a teacher
- Forum Power
- Eye Contact
- Am I smiling more??
- Followers - improving the dance experience...
- Do they MJ in Ireland?
- My dance shoes need help
- Whos going to Amirs t-dance?
- Teachers in the OPEN category?
- When the music stops early
- 'SUPER CLUBS' ... do they exist
- First move footwork (leading with the right hand...)
- Novelty and fad dances
- Perfect numbers of men and ladies
- Does your partner dance?
- Dancing in West London?
- Inverness News
- Stop falling over
- Here's My Back
- types of jiving
- Do we have to choose a venue now based on the DJ ?
- Who would be a dj?
- Younger dancers.
- The wurlitzer returns!
- "Too young to dance"
- Ceroc Intranet site for taxi-dancers
- dancing saturday 5th November?
- Censorship on the Forum
- Misleading/confusing Signals
- Friday feeling (love or hate)
- Is it Freestyle or Circus?
- Dancing In Southampton?
- " JAMS "do we like them?
- when no means no
- Scottish Champs 2006
- Are you comfortable dancing drops with
- What is Aussie Style?
- To Dip/Drop or not: Whose Responsibility?
- Looking for Msfab
- Dance Theory in Ceroc?
- Dirty Dancing comes to Bristol???
- Avoiding Muscle Strain
- Advice to bands
- Naming and shaming...
- look for clips of Paul Warden & Catriona Wiles
- Increasing dance stamina -- without chocolate or sweets ?
- Nerved out..
- Private Tuition at Dance Weekends
- Ant and Dec Seek Jive Team Cabaret for Xmas Show
- Mentorn TV needs a mother-in-law who jives!
- Top 10 Dance commandments
- Dance etiquette ..again ..sorry
- Camber November 2005 Dvd
- Avoiding Cold Turkey - Dancing over the Christmas Holiday.
- Rubbishing ceroc (we're so much better now)
- Are 'Better' dancers an 'Elite'
- What are you working on?
- Dance Clothes
- Dancing in the south - help required please.
- 25 Years of Ceroc - Happy Silver Jubilee!!!
- Who decides (Ticket or not to Ticket )
- Welcome Back Ceroc Forum!!!
- Dance Meat
- Le Step Sunshine Dance Weekend
- The role of a Taxi dancer
- Dance shoe shops - Hemel or Central London
- Have we run out of MJ dance topics?
- Dips vs Seducers vs Drops
- Rhythm method?
- Exclusivity - surely this sucks?
- Wot is Kiwi style ?
- What makes a good dancer?
- At least the Evening Standard heard about Ceroc.
- the "Ceroc Model" and 'long term' dancers
- Long-term Intermediates
- Value for Money
- Leading without being lead.
- The 'rights' and 'wrongs' of musicality
- Men in MJ - a Selfish Thread
- Refusing a dance - is there ever a good reason?
- Strictly Dance Fever 2!!!!
- Men get in for free?
- Are teachers responsible for pupils' bad habits?
- Dance teaching that "draws out" rather than "imposes"
- London - whats going on next week? 8)
- Why good dancers are attractive!
- Price rises at ceroc
- New years eve party at Ealing Town hall - £30??
- Why good dancers are attractive
- Tips Please for avoiding foot pain
- Twyford 23rd
- Did the Forum Make a difference to smoking at MJ venues?
- Leather or Suede?
- 2 Per Track or 2 Per Round...
- Hammersmith town hall dances - what are they like?
- Jivemasters 2006?
- Last post for 2005!
- Ceroc N.I
- Why are there so many married women at Ceroc??
- Dancing in/around Lancaster
- Married Hotshots responsible for Alist teachers bad habits
- Male Wanted-For Choreographed Workshop!!
- Who's Competing At Blackpool This Year Then???
- Gender control at ticketed events: legal?
- Automatic Gender Balancing
- Men dancing as followers
- MJ points of reference
- so... how well do you dance???
- Power of the Forum
- Just got the Britroc 2005 DVD! Great viewing!
- Dance levels: "Card" system?
- modern Jive Family tree
- Has Modern Jive divided?
- Exam / grading system in Ceroc: good or bad idea?
- A few moves well? or a lot of moves?
- Name names! What is your signature move
- Focus workshops Residential week-end: Dundee 7th April 2006
- Who needs a man when you can have a machine
- Travelling all over the floor
- Hypnotised While Dancing?
- Where does the hand bounce come from
- What do we want from Cabarets at weekenders ?
- Perth- Expectations of classes and venues!
- When Desire and Dancing collide..
- Stirling Sunday night - 'Smooth Grooves'
- Ceroc Rules
- Ladies arm styling
- Bognor Dvd featuring Joseph & Sadie.
- Taxi Dancers
- Learning with a partner..
- SCARBOROUGH Jive Weekend - Availability for One Person
- What should be taught in Beginners classes
- Would you trust this?
- Dancing in Russia
- Holding and relaxing the frame
- Straight and gay
- Crippling Dance Shoes!!!
- Are Mikey's "Strictly Sinful" workshops ...
- Teaching numbers: any indication of quality?
- Great Job Well Done
- Berlin visit
- Video of yourself dancing - go for it!
- Your Best Dance Event Of 2005.
- Ceroc Muswell Hill: Busking
- Darren & Lilia at Dorking
- Tapping into the Chinese Market!
- Darren & Lilia in MARCH
- I know that naming names is not allowed on the forum due to leagal reasons but...
- swing and blues
- Hot Dance Dresses!!
- Articles wanted?
- For once in my life ....
- Suede soles
- Dancing & Leading with One Arm
- Nuneaton
- Meeting of minds
- Dancing is dangerous to my wardrobe - warning: rant ahead
- Lack of Spacial Awareness or just totally oblivious/selfish of those around you ..?
- The New Venue in Bow is Really Good
- Heloo, I'm a newbie
- When No means No?
- Big Headed Beginners!
- Is it worthwhile complaining?
- Feb 14th whats on tonight
- Is it Time We had formal Structure in MJ
- What skills have you learnt recently?
- Strictly dance fever 2006
- Google video
- I knew there was a reason...
- Question - dancing when pregnant??
- Should teachers demo the routine before a class?
- Most common comments said at ceroc/jive event
- Which foot to step back with in the first move?
- Dance Class Recommendations?
- Aylesbury Beginners only
- Do you lead to Dance or Dance to lead?
- Your Most Embarrassing Dance Moments.
- Is he/she truly stepping back on the right? Or Left? Which is it?
- Surprise, surprise!
- Oh what a night ...
- Spaces at STORM - anyone interested?
- How do ladies improve their dancing?
- Blackpool Results
- Storm 06; the aftermath
- Perth Class 9th March 2006
- Storm Photos
- Asking for someone's phone number after a dance track. What is the correct etiquette?
- Spoiled for choice in Dundee...
- Adding an avatar
- Blackpool Photos
- The Jive Aces rule ok
- Would there be demand for a full week at Camber ?
- Too old to dance?!
- Ceroc Live "Midas Touch" freestyle - Saturday 11th March
- storm or shower
- Riot at The Rite
- Amir's Thigh Brushing Tip has improved my connection and balance!
- Funky Lush this Sunday
- Dance with a ...?
- Portsmouth - Saturday Showcase
- The Jitterbug Years: 17th March on BBC2
- Storm shoes
- spinning
- Does Bristol Dance....?
- Do you know Clive Long or Les Snell?
- hip hop n jive
- 6 most useful intermediate moves?
- Your favourite dance tunes!
- Fab New Venue
- Blackpool 2006 Dvd
- Let's talk about shoes
- Storm 2006 Pics
- Weekender booking practice
- Ceroc Essentials...
- Is there a north/south divide?
- Strictly Dance Fever - Series II
- Dance Etiquette
- Travelling to the Ceroc Champs
- Does Birmingham dance?.......
- Assimilating Salseros
- Congratulations bobgadjet
- West Coast Swing at Hipsters
- Shoes for Competitions?
- Training Crew (taxi dancers & demos)
- "I'm not really any good"
- Do Blues rooms work at Freestyles
- Coldplay video
- Couples at Freestyles who won't dance with anyone else...
- Who do you plan to dance with?
- Hitting the breaks - away from dance
- Reporting the darker side of dance?
- What makes a swing dance 'swing'?
- 'Experts' taking part in the Beginner's Refresher Class
- Floorcraft and Muggles
- Launch of online MJ Magazine
- Dance Pumps
- Busk in Arbroath and Montrose 8th April
- Where to go in Scotland?
- Aberdeen Beach Ballroom - Dance Weekend April 2006
- Movie - Take the lead
- Blues 'Improvers' workshop
- RE:Hammersmith Comp 2006 - What is the format of the rounds?
- RE: Hammersmith Comp 2006 - Is it true what I hear about food and drink?
- "Latino Jive" ??
- portable dance floor
- Cost of Workshops
- Training the Best – Common sense or Elitism
- Glasgow members?
- hugs vs. kissing on the cheeks
- How do you Choose a dance partner for comps
- Dance Injuries - Q & A's....
- Anyone fancy a new job - in the sun?
- 24 hour dancing at Camber
- Aberdeen workshop - ladies wanted!
- Is youth the key?
- Ceroc(tm) - Saviour or Beelzebub?
- Weekend Extras
- Tango Etiquette?
- How Much Do You Spend Weekly/monthly On Dance?
- Should MJ DJs be more progressive?
- Pure Freestyle Night during the week
- Blues Championships
- Dancin Down Under.
- Cutting the cost of dancing
- Wow!!
- A question of which class needs the best teacher
- Ceroc Champs 2006 - Results
- North West - War breaks out
- What to do if you get out of time?
- New comps thread
- Ceroc X category
- Improving posture
- Monster Jive Cocktail 2006??
- Selling chalet for Camber weekend 5-7th May
- Ceroc with under 10s!
- Does the music style dictate the dance style?
- Stamping
- DASBO – Dance Anti Social Behaviour Order
- Douglas Hotel - ABDN 20th May
- Why did God invent Ceroc (for men)?
- Dirty Tricks
- Ceroc Champs 2006 DVD
- What Beginners should learn
- Evolution of dance!
- Style of teaching ?
- Champs 2006 DVD
- Useful and useless beginner's moves
- Dancing and Fans
- Dancing in Prague
- Lead & follow vs solo routines
- Beach Ballroom with Amir
- Dancing in the Huntingdon Area
- FREE HOLIDAY! Modern Jive teacher needed for dance holiday
- Anyone a member Of Greens health Club
- Teachers dancing with punters?
- celtic tiger
- Only me
- Storm DVD (Statement On Behalf Of Steve Thomas)
- How many moves do you know in Modern Jive ?
- Arguments
- after work dance classes
- Flamenco classes
- Ceroc SNOBS
- Dealing with talons.
- How to get the Buzz Back!!!
- Chill - Ceroc Weekender April 2007
- Glasgow 27.5.06
- Southport 2006 - any tips?
- Why did Hipsters fail?
- Chanel 4 - 4Dance
- Men dancing with men
- Learning new dance forms....
- Wishing it would end ?
- LivingTV 2 tonight - 9pm
- Brechin Pageant
- Summer dancing
- Selling non-drink things at MJ dance venues?
- Amateur cabarets?
- Best dance film scenes?
- How long is your longest lasting shirt/top safe for dancing
- New Move - Boob Stroke
- Have a nice sabbatical Nina
- Dance Partner
- Aerials
- well done The Tramp!
- I'm from Bilbao (Spain)
- Running after a (dance) partner
- Your place or mine ? ( What's it like dancing at other venues)
- Criticism on the Forum
- Hygiene et al
- Yankers and Bouncers - any tips?
- Let's talk about style.....
- Poor dance web sites
- Car Share From Gla/Edi To B-B Party 2moro?
- Dancing in the street
- Embarrassing dance moments
- Pontins Brean Sands Weekender Oct 07
- Dancer insecurities
- Dancing on your own at Jive/ceroc events
- Relaxing while dancing
- Ceroc Report cards
- Big Dance
- Improvers' Class
- Help needed Scottish Charity Competition 9th Sept 2006
- Aberdeen Thursday Venue
- One dance vs two
- Dance-proof hairstyles?
- Article: The Evolution of MJ
- Dancing round the world - where the hell is Matt
- South west leroc challenge
- Theory or moves!
- Laybacks / Dominators
- Ceroc in Italy/Milan
- Guest teachers
- Why can't I dance to fast tracks ?
- Taxi dancers: Minimum Necessary Criteria (MNC) training
- Teachers running out of moves
- The Blame Game
- Are shorts ever acceptable?
- Would (dance the blues)?
- When you cant dance but want to
- Are some dancers incompatible?
- Some Females Who Taxi As Men Tough To Lead
- Barefoot boogie - anyone done it?
- Too much musicality?
- Most original nicknames for fellow cerocers
- Unhappy Ladies
- Teaching without Insurance
- Southport June 2006 DVD
- Ten things I LOVE about dancing
- A Great Night
- Under arms (men)
- Warning: Dancing leads to hell!
- Influences in MJ?
- Different Place, Different Style!!!!
- What is Scottish Style?
- Men making noises
- Dance Shoes Anyone? Glasgow/Dundee
- Can you help me with blues?
- First move...walk into your partner
- how much do dance shoes influence your style?
- Ceroc in Canterbury (or surrounding area)?
- Temporary dancefloor
- Beginners moving to Intermediate
- Dancing decisions (tango)
- Gosh, I am normal after all.....
- Dancing in and around Bath
- Westside Rumble team at WSM
- Dance Shoes Shop in Newcastle
- Accident during Dancing!
- Thank you ladies
- Junior Breakdancing
- Southport Performance's
- Hello
- Miscellaneous Dance Tips
- Making Ceroc Cool
- Do we need MJ nights?
- Thong Song
- Scottish Ceroc Champs - Open category patrner needed
- 1940s Big Band dance night in Bristol
- What dance is cool?
- What dance is cool (2)?
- Ugly women/men don’t get dances
- Raising the bar or lowering it?
- How self-confident are you?
- unavoidable discussion
- ceroc membership card
- Which dances are snooty?
- Which dances are snooty (2)
- Good looking verses Great dancer
- Feelin' Good
- Competing or just dancing for fun?
- Anyone do other dancing?
- First "big" freestyle
- North of England Blues Champs - 2006
- my nu dance piccies
- Strange Dance Souvenirs
- whats the craziest thing anyone said to you while dancing
- This is great choreography
- I am Dancing in Wigan tonight. Any thoughts?
- What makes a good dancer?
- You never know your luck...
- Which Dance area are you from?
- "WHY do women bother?"
- How far would you travel?
- Scottish Champs Intermediate Partner Wanted...
- Dangerous moves w/o asking. Wot do u do?
- Scottish Comp Charitable Lady Needed
- Spinning & Spotting
- Bluewater Busk
- The demise of double trouble????
- Asking elite dancers to dance?
- 'Advanced' or Suicidal Teaching?
- Are forumites more poetic?
- Ladies, do you ask guys to dance?
- Dance or dancer?
- Guys, do you ask ladies to dance?
- Male Partner wanted for Scotland
- Guys, do you ask guys to dance?
- Dance: Art, Sport or Science ?
- expensive lessons
- Places available at Breeze
- Belfast Class
- Teaching beginners
- Mixing it up
- Weird/funny moves
- Teaching do you have to be qualified
- Dance: Art, Sport or Science: the Poll!
- North England Blues Comp? Where were you ?
- Dice Dancing - it's a dangerous game...
- Musselburgh Party Prices
- Flock theory?
- Chris from Scotland
- Musselburgh Video Clips
- New Ceroc website
- Ceroc: insider / outsider views...
- Weekenders and Sleep don't Mix!
- Blues Room for everyone?
- Donald where's your troosers?
- Did anyone watch "How Ballet changed my life"?
- Beginners moves and floorcraft
- Best video phone for dance clips?
- Dance teacher for Spain
- Could partner dancing really be a solo activity?
- Beginners, and Beginners ?
- Calling Scottish or Irish Dancers
- Ceroc.. Enjoyment or Endurance event?
- Single and sharing
- Venue Letdowns!!!!
- How long have you been dancing MJ?
- How long have you been dancing
- Age of Ceroc teachers?
- Confidence level
- Men dancing
- Masculinity ?
- confident or cocky?
- Is a bit of advance notification too much to ask for a cancelled night ?
- Other music interprtations
- Girls being girls... or boys... or girls...
- What's the point of Beginner Moves?
- Teachers as role models
- Beginners at weekenders
- MJ for the club market?
- The Ten Commandments of Modern Jive
- fixed partners
- Dance twins?
- To successfully compete takes .....
- Overseas dancers and dancing
- Development, Progression
- Taking the lead
- Why Can't I Dance Some Nights?
- Monday, West of London
- Are you addicted to Dance? - Survey
- did you hear...
- The Refuser
- Dance Competitions! What do u feel about them?
- How much
- Is it supposed to hurt this much?
- Just Call Me Stupid
- Good dancer ?
- Is dancing in your genes?
- Timing
- Glide, Glide....not Bounce, Bounce!
- Simon Boreland - visionary or cynical manipulator?
- Watching dance video
- Edinburgh Dancing
- Heels? Or no?
- Mo'Jive Instructors - have they sussed the secret?
- The need for competition in London
- The time of your life?
- The Modern Jive Grand Slam
- Inverness Curfew!
- Workshops - making them work!
- Henley Ceroc
- Video Gallery?
- Ergonomics of a dance floor (and why the Hippodrome won't work as an MJ venue)
- How was your Ceroc Class this week?
- Corporate Dance Events
- DJ trouble
- An apology
- Practice space
- Should 'Shines' be taught as part of MJ?
- A Pat on the Back
- Ceroc Central
- A nice dance web site
- Good MJ websites
- Going Solo?
- Technique in Beginners lesson?
- Results from Midlands Champs
- Seniors Category
- Paying teachers...
- Are Teachers standards dropping or rising?
- An Organisation for Modern Jive Organisers?
- The song that requires the greatest musical interpretation ?
- Does your MJ teacher "work the floor"?
- So you think you can dance
- (men) multiple spinning and spotting
- West Coast Clips!
- Websites for Blochs?
- Forgive and forget or hold a grudge?
- Help midlands dancing tomorrow night
- Gender Balance the word from Ceroc HQ
- Male followers and female leaders - comparative ability
- How to STOP bad floorcraft
- Birthday Dances - For or Against?
- Demonstrators - unsung heroes of an MJ Night
- Practice or dance?
- The Ceroc(tm) Master Plan is revealed?
- Modern Jive Day
- If I enjoy a dance, can I assume my partner also enjoys that dance.
- Deep end or shallow end?
- Following the music or following the lead...
- At what point does dancing become showing off?
- Dancing with an ex
- Cogitation on the dance floor.
- Robert Austin and Claire Hilliard
- Visit to Aberdeen
- Blues based Freestyles
- Ceroc jive blog
- Tango on the NHS
- Teacher Training Courses
- NYE 2006 Dances
- Midlands Question...
- Dance related collective nouns
- Three nights a week!
- Dance Shoes Shop in Dundee?
- Benji Schwimmer on 'So you think you can dance'
- Fat Lads Don't Dance (Radio 4 10:30, 9th Dec)
- Dundee Ice Arena wednesday
- One thing has been bugging me for a few months now.....
- Twyford?
- Do you have any dance scars.???
- No going back!
- Should MJ teachers be trained?
- Elbow injuries
- Dancing around non-dancers
- So you think you can dance?
- Dance presents
- HELP!!!!! - Gem-tac in London
- Freestyle info./whos going to Southport?
- Stamping Feet
- How often are you refused do you refuse a dance ?
- New Year DANCE Resolutions
- Asking People for a Dance
- I'm Kicking Off 2007 at .....?
- The Dancer's Brain
- Dancing in Scarborough...
- What's the dominant emotion in Ceroc?
- Dance Shoes
- Why did you go to your first class?
- pilates
- Clubs, bars and restaurants where you can dance
- Talcum powder
- My Dancing .
- Dance venues in Harlow, Essex
- Mea culpa
- Building a community
- 2 Q's
- Attractive new venue in Glasgow
- Up and coming for 07'
- Pretzels - Love 'em or Hate 'em???
- End of an Era or two at least!
- TOTAL EXPRESSION the end of ceroc or the start of something new
- Competitions: Can Taxi Dancers enter as "Intermediate"?
- Competition...
- Does anyone actually pay to go to a Ceroc London Class?
- Rutherglen Classes on Thursdays moving to Jumpin' Jaks
- Tiger looking for Brechin
- What Ceroc does well...
- What Ceroc does badly....
- Cerocing to Waltz time
- Jordan Frisbee
- Frustrated Female
- What showcase / cabaret would you like to see?
- Any dentists/medics out there?
- Does it seem strange...
- Who else has been Spoiled by Ceroc?
- Strictly Baby Ballroom
- Photos & Video Clips needed
- Who's the boss (or You Lead at My Speed)
- Connecting - "whether you need to or not?"
- Wot no Ceroc/Modern Jive ?
- MJ in Pasadena, Los Angelos
- blues moves good and bad......
- Weekender classes: useful?
- Has a weekender class encouraged you to try a different dance style regularly?
- Lead support for followers improvisations
- Any great self invented moves?
- "Venue hogging" discussion
- Dance Bags
- MJ in 100 years' time
- How many calories do you burn in an evening of MJ?
- Having to pay for tap water
- Social Dance Venue - Livingston, West Lothian - Chicago Rock Cafe.
- Follower support for leader's improvisations
- Head Mic's - are we going to have problems?
- Why do you ask?
- Cabaret Routines - copyright?
- Beginners
- Intimidating vs In-demand
- Back injury
- You tube challenge for forumites
- Beginners classes only
- storm - ticket available
- Dancing in Spain
- Wikipedia Ceroc article - any changes?
- Snowballing...
- Which leg to use in drops for taking weight
- Operators Insurance
- Why my dancing is good
- One bad dance...
- Ceroc DVDs - why are they such a pain to order online?
- Taxi! Pro's and Con's
- Teaching - addition to the basic model?
- Let's talk about hats
- Club dancing?
- I wont ask for a dance a social experiment
- Should 'Share with a stranger' ask for a person's sexual orientation?
- Pics and Ceroc logos
- How many weekender women pay for a ghost male?
- Shoe Shop help!!!
- Car Dancing
- southport feb 07 official photos
- MJ as therapy
- Any Suggestions please
- Are you a Middle or Edge dancer?
- Dancing in Paris
- It's a Funny Old World
- Tag, or Not to Tag?
- New way to select a dancer partner
- "That bloke over there looks like Mike Ellard"
- "Dancer clusters" in the UK
- What do you call a group of MJ-ers?
- You're all amateurs....
- Ceroc Wiltshire - Advice Please
- Do you Drink and Jive???
- Lowering your game
- What's the world's most popular (partner) dance?
- Ballroom etiquette?
- Dancing whilst in pain
- Ceroc teaching audition news....
- Girls chat about competition outfits
- Two tier system
- Losing the passion
- Royal Crown Revue in The UK
- Papped by Mac (or anyone else)
- Eurovision Dance Contest unveiled
- Hammersmith Town Hall - demolition or temporary closure?
- Words of wisdom
- (The lack of) Public transport information on organiser's web sites
- New Ceroc Aerial Rules?
- What do you want to know?
- Phrasing the music
- Venues Banning Aerials List
- Are you are talented Dancer?
- A Beginners Guide to Understanding Music
- Is Ceroc for old people ?
- But this is madness! NO! This is AIRDANCE...
- Thank You Lorna. x
- Dancing in Nottingham Area
- CRB and MJ Teachers
- Dancing in Dulwich
- Blondes @ JJ's
- Scar Wars (Murder on the Dance Floor)
- Ceroc Domination Part IV
- What makes you keep coming back?
- Should Ethics come first in MJ Businesses?
- Why so few airsteps competitors?
- Does learning to lead improve your following and vice versa?
- How many...?
- Dancing with the injured
- Feedback for Owners, Teachers, Managers, DJs etc
- Teach Me Something NEW!!
- How have you changed since you were a fledgeling ?
- Just Wondering. . . .
- Wheres My Shoes
- What do you want in a Showcase ?
- What should be the criteria for different freestyle categories at competitions?
- Youthful dominance at the champs....
- dance partner required
- Champs Photos?
- Standing v sitting
- Blaze Phrasing Theory Workshop 2007
- Anyone been dancing Down Under?
- A request from New York
- The Champs, less a competition, more a show?
- Terrible Advice
- Breeze Blues Comp
- Weekender workshop levels
- constructive comments on dancing videos and stuff
- Does Ceroc (HQ) know how to run its business?
- What Weekender Workshop Level are You?
- Does experience matter?
- I was blind but now I can see. Aggggghhhhh..........
- Ballroom acceptance
- Awesome foursome
- I've danced with Ghost and I'm a teacher / taxi / demo
- I've danced with robd and I'm a blonde / brunette / redhead
- Starting a new dance dilemma
- Marco Edinburgh Class
- New Marketing Idea ?
- Dance Floor Advice
- Dance partners
- Improving the male dancer "stock"
- What marketing works in MJ?
- Dirty Dancing - dancers needed for TV Prog.
- Playful dancing
- Grants for dance.
- Crossing to the dark side...
- Southport & Escape - Compare and contrast
- Southport workshops
- Should you ask teachers to dance if you don't dance their dance-style?
- Where do people learn about dance-floor etiquette?
- Making Waltzing Compulsory
- Spinning videos thread
- Can you push Intermediates too far? (Jive Nation youtube clip)
- Innovative Dancers / Instructors
- What would MJ be like without Ceroc?
- Whats CJ doing in Milton Keynes ?
- What do you ladies want?
- What do you men want
- Workshop Partner for 23rd June
- All about the Blues
- Dancing video feedback
- Showcase music
- Dancing Politics
- Private Lessons
- Looking Good or Feeling Good?
- Why don't Ceroc offer the full range of teaching?
- Paid to snoop on your competitors
- Please stop hurting me :flower:
- Ceroc Prices for freestyle only
- Floorcraft and T-shirt colour
- Is Ceroc now just WCS in disguise ?
- Name & Praise !
- Why don't they all do that.
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