View Full Version : Social events
- Ceroc Champs: London - Who's going ?
- Viktor & Lydia Style Workshop 8th Jun
- Vegas
- Salsa world record - Glasgow Jazz Festival
- Ceroc Scottish Championships
- Friday Night Hop!
- Dundee party
- Advanced Jive in Edinbugh
- dance class
- Hammersmith June 29th
- Gus - where were you???
- Anyone wanna visit?
- Viktor and Lydia at Stockport
- New Modern Jive Night In Fife ?
- Pre-Champs Party
- "macbop"!
- Scottish Competition 2002 20th Oct
- Summer Madness
- Fat Cats are in Toown!!
- Glasgow Party in November
- Wolverhampton
- Bristol
- Style Week-end Glasgow / Aberdeen: 21st - 22nd September
- Special coach from Aberdeen (via Dundee) to the Scottish Competition
- Charity Bash
- Read It And Weep
- Scotland - you have competition...
- Dance In Dundee
- ESDS Events
- Scottish Competition
- Glasgow advice needed, please
- Dancing in San Francisco
- "Hollywood Nights": 21 September Party
- Where to stay??
- Pre-Competition Party 19th Oct
- Glasgow Party: First Move?
- Ceroc 2002 Championships
- MAD! Weekend
- Anyone going to Camber?
- What shall I wear?
- Getting to Competition venue
- 10th Anniversary Party
- Travel Inn
- on the road again
- Dance Workshop
- Viktor & Lydia
- Open Jive Championships 2003 - Blackpool
- "Swing Sunday"
- Friday Party
- Perth venue launch & busking dates
- Rock Bottoms
- Si Cuba ! (Glasgow Film Theatre)
- How to recognise other forum members?
- Anywhere to Dance after Wed Class/Glasgow
- Night before the PARTY
- Hammersmith last Saturday?
- Hammersmith Xmas Party
- Fair warning, the people of Aberdeen
- Count is progressing....10, 9,........
- Children In Need
- To everyone that was in Cambs
- Party directions for 10th Anniversary
- The Gathering
- Entertain Me!!!
- I'm coming to Glasgow
- Boogie Nights Swing Edinburgh 18th/19th January
- Lindy Hop Workshop and Dance in East Kilbride
- Nice guy Eddie...
- Parrrrrrrrrtyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!
- Check Dis Out!
- 10th Anniversary dissapointment
- Despite the obvious...
- Route 66 party
- Scottish Comp 2003
- Christmas Party 28th Dec
- Stompin' in Brighton 2003
- Comps 2003 Charity or not?
- Bristol Leroc 2002 Competition
- Workshop- Edinburgh- January 18th/19th
- big thanks for the 50th party
- Christmas Ceroc parties in Scotland...
- Revolutionise the Dance World
- Highs & Lows in 2002
- Scottish Comp Charities to Benefit
- Swing Sunday Xmas Party - change of venue
- Dundee Christmas Party
- South Coast Tour
- Edinburgh Jan 18th/19th
- New admission prices for 2003 (classes in Scotland)
- Anyone fancy the Gathering
- Modern Jive January workshop
- Who was that swinging Polar Bear?
- Route 66 Party - nearly sold out!
- Freestyle & Free entry Competition £500 Cash Prize
- New Year Get Together
- Aberdeen Party
- Edinburgh Party 28th Dec - Sold Out
- Works Christmas Parties
- Glasgow party?
- Ball in Brum on Sat 28 Dec 2002
- This Sunday (5th)
- Ashtons tonight
- Party People
- ROUTE 66 Fri 17th Jan.
- Ceroc UK Championships 2003
- Ceroc / Modern Jive venues in or around Manchester
- Aberdeen Beach Ballroom
- All set for Perth Free Opening...
- For Your Interest
- The Big Dance Party - Sat. 15th March
- Even bigger!!!
- My Glasgow Valentine...
- ROUTE 66 Valentines Party
- Welcome to Perth!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Marcos Party 25/01/03 - Lost 'Earring'
- Sunday 2nd Feb - 'Swing Sunday'
- Monthly Parties at Marcos
- The ESDS Spring Fling, March 7th-9th
- Perth workshop
- Scotland Leroc
- MAd crew...
- Aberdeen Party at the Beach
- The BRILLIANT Beach Ballroom
- Ceroc Greenwich's Masked Valentines Ball
- Midsummer Beach Ballroom Party
- Rock Bottoms - Feb
- The Scottish Swing Riot!
- Ceroc Holiday in Cuba! Special Offer.
- THIS SUNDAY (23rd Feb) - Lindy Hop Workshop in East Kilbride
- Going To Glasgow
- Rock Bottoms Rocks again!
- Private view invitation!
- London week-end... What's on?
- Robert Cordoba
- Scotland Cabaret Team Preview
- C2D Hot tips for competitors
- The weekend in prospect!
- Blackpool - The Scots Rule OK!
- Blackpool: Full results?
- Blackpool - Extra Forum Awards
- Blackpool Judging - I thought it was OK
- More luck for Dundonians... New Monday class.
- Message from Keith C2D
- 18th October 2003
- Aberdeen Dance
- Farewell to Partick Burgh Halls... Saturday 8th March Party
- Now you can judge Blackpool
- C2D Official results with points!
- Dancing in Dublin
- Friday at Blackpool
- Dancing in Paris
- Your questions answered re C2D Competition
- A Blackpool Thankyou
- Dancing in Toronto
- It's Friday Pm And I Cannot Concentrate
- Dundee Parties
- Dundee Parties
- Route 66 Fri 21March
- For all the Londoners (and travellers)
- Blues Sisters @ Vegas
- Party in Newcastle
- Fatal attraction @ Route 66
- Happy Bunny !
- The Masked Ball
- Unashamed plug
- Vegas - Swing Dance exhibitions
- New Night in Dundee
- huuhhh?
- Dance Cards????
- Going to Australia?
- Chocolate Party
- Lift to Dundee
- For lovers of aerials etc....
- Forum - The Championship Tour
- London calling...
- Anyone interested in.......?
- Route 66 Fri 18th April
- Hipsters
- What ever happened to Stirling?
- Aberdeen Party
- And Alfie Too!
- Camber?
- Dancing in London this weekend
- BUS: Scotland to 'Beach Boogie'
- Tropical Ceroc
- 'Scottish Swing Riot' 27-29 June
- Go Scotland!
- Not Dancing In London This Weekend
- Champs 2003
- 2003 Champs Results
- Wanted ! Ticket for Camber !!!
- Wheres The Pics!
- London or Blackpool
- Next time?
- Glasgow 7th May
- It was all SO long ago...
- Quick Question
- Fri. 16th may...Route 66
- Scottish Competition 2003
- Rock Bottoms
- Competition partners sought!
- Any one at Camber? Help!!
- Partner competition.....
- Freestyle Demo at St Mary's tonight (16th May 2003)
- Happy BirthdayBirthdayBirthday SwingSwingSwing!!!
- Flashy mover
- Monster Jive Cocktail
- tickets for Nicky Haslam workshop and Ball
- party Weekender, Pwllheli, 30thMay
- Are there any ceroc parties/freestyles etc on tonight in london?
- At Home With Amanda
- Golden days Festival Portobello 14th June
- Vegas in Aberdeen
- route 66 Fri 20th June
- Glasgow: 14.06.03 Lost shoes
- Discounts for tourists
- We have a winner
- Fundraising Dance 4 Cancer Research UK.
- Time to party...
- Here's the plan.....
- Blackpool Video
- Salsa Charity Event
- Just a quickie...
- great charity night - great music
- Money Raised at Cancer Research Dance
- Route 66 Summer Surfin' safari Beach party
- Is it a holiday???
- Anyone going to Shania Twain in London?
- Partner sought 4 workshop
- The Tramp Has Landed In Aberdeen
- Middle England...
- film
- Big Perth Week-end - 16th/17th August 2003
- Kelly's last night of teaching at Charlton
- Does the Casbah rock?
- Ceroc Gran Canaria Holiday
- Marcos No smoking please
- Edinburgh Dance Night
- The Wedding Party
- Charity Dance
- Jive Masters Final - Walthamstow this Saturday!
- The P...c Triangle
- Saturday 9th August: GLASGOW
- Scottish Jivemasters
- Desperately Seeking Men!!!!
- Dances in Perth
- Not including the Tramp (Bristol)
- Jive Extras
- Jive Aces
- Perth Party: Group bookings
- Bristol - Saturday?
- Garden Party in Eastbourne
- Touch & Go
- Charity Ball
- Dance and Ski
- Bristol Results?
- ROUTE 66..Fri 15th August
- Gla: 09/08/03; satin jacket
- Hotels/ b&b for the Scottish Champs
- Lift to Perth from Glasgow?
- Congratulations all round!!!
- Barcelona was hot!
- Saturday 22nd November: ABERDEEN - Beach Ballroom.
- Photos from Sat. night
- Aussie Week-end: Glasgow 13th/14th September
- Brighton
- Vegas, Glasgow, 23 August
- Ice-Skating in London, 8 September
- Workshop notes?
- Beach Boogie seeks women!
- Hipsters invaded by dire dancing
- Last night of dancing at the Olympia.
- Beach Boogie Splurge 3
- Aussie Invasion
- Jive Masters Heat 5 - Results
- Xmas Events
- Bob Peter's SwingKings
- Aberdeen near Inverurie
- Tonight at Perth
- Many Happy (Re)turns, Helen
- Lounge Lizard in Glasgow
- Fundraising Dance 4 Cancer Research UK
- Amir Giles - 8th Nov.
- New Night St Andrews 01 Oct
- The Chip Squad...
- Dancing in Paris...
- Great night at hammersmith
- Route 66 Fri 19th September
- Rhythmaires in Edinburgh 20th Sept.
- Charity dance in London this weekend
- BB - gorilla needs room mate
- Mission Possible!!.....Good Luck!
- The best of wishes...
- Halloween
- Amir's workshop
- New venue for Perth Classes
- Double Trouble Workshop Sat 27th
- Awesome Musicality
- BritRoc - Brighton Dance Championships
- New Night St Andrews: Free opening
- Photos
- Ceroc Manchester
- Congratulations Gus
- Moulin Rouge
- Hipsters
- Northwich Pics :)
- Scottish Champs
- Camber November
- What's on
- RebelYell
- Camp Sites
- Route 666 ..halloween Fancy Dress Party
- BritRoc
- Scottish champs 2004
- Brighton Ceroc
- Well done Brit Roc/C2D comments
- St Mary's 17th Oct
- Ashtons
- Post Scottish Champs 2003
- Baby Ceroc
- Insects After Ashtons...
- Party at Marcos 25th Oct
- Team Cabaret Results
- Scottish Comp 2003 Offical Results
- Las Palmas Holiday
- Rock Bottoms February
- ROCK BOTTOMS Next Weekend I.O.W
- Dancing in Birmingham this Friday / Saturday
- Halloween At Hipsters
- Ashtons - Back2School 1st Nov
- Aberdeen Party
- Musselburgh Video Clip
- Musselburgh Video Clip
- Thank You from Mr & Mrs Demon
- Workshops for Beach Ballroom Week-end - 22nd/23rd November
- Sugar Shack Halloween
- Two Cool Cats
- Ski & Dance
- Dance & Ski Holidays
- Cabarets R Us.
- Camber, November 2003
- Ashton's Back to School Party
- Twyford
- Where's it all happening????
- Dundee Sat 13th December 2003 Bonner Hall
- Dunblane Christmas Party
- Post Amir Giles workshop/sore feet!
- Sat 27th December Ball - London
- Flash Moves & Choreography Workshops - Sunday 23rd Novemeber, London
- Amir & Kate Workshop - Nov 29th
- Ceroc Christmas Parties in Scotland
- Uxbridge Freestyle this Saturday (17th)
- St Andrews on Wednesdays
- This weekend? Next weekend?
- November Route 66
- Las Palmas piccies
- Rock Bottoms - April
- BB Attire
- Dancing near Taunton?
- It's showtime!
- Beach Ballroom Party
- The Big Forum Gathering (B.F.G.)
- Ceroc in Australia
- Northwich this weekend
- Strictly Sinful classes
- Stompin' In Brighton
- Jive Masters 2003 Video
- Edinburgh Dance Night This Saturday
- Bonar Hall Dundee - 13th December
- Rock Bottoms Brighton (Nov 21-24)
- Xmas Party 27th Dec Edinburgh
- Camber Sters Photos
- New Glasgow Venue - Ceroc at Jumpin' Jaks!
- Route 66 Christmas Jingle Bell Jive Party
- Uxbridge
- Charity Dance
- The Grand?
- Stompin' in Brighton 2004 (27/28 March)
- Charity Dance at Bourbon st Glasgow
- Beaconsfield
- Goodbye St Mary's - Hello Chimes
- Ski & Jive, France & Italy 25th Jan 04
- What`s happening in Newcastle
- Dancing in the North West/Goodbye Brum
- Blackpool Event
- Jive Time stuff
- New Year
- Uxbridge Xmas Party
- New Year's DAY Party!!
- Sat 13 - Free Dance
- Windsor class Dec 10?
- Nottingham Freestyle - Sat 13.12.03
- Wythall on the 23rd
- Extravaganza Ball
- Christmas Ball
- Swingland christmas party
- Jumpin' Xmas Party
- Hammersmith Xmas bash
- 15/12/03 xmas events ??
- Ceroc Meets Lindy
- Charlton Christmas Ball
- Happy Christmas to all forum members.
- Edinburgh Christmas Party Tickets
- St Albans
- Stockport
- Southport Weekender 14-17 May 2004
- Ashtons
- Twickenham glitter...
- Peterculter Party Time
- Edin Xmas Party 27th Dec SOLD OUT
- Amir Is Back!
- Ticket Wanted for Edinburgh Xmas Doo
- The Jive Aces
- 100 Club
- Edin Xmas Party!
- Blackpool event in March
- New Year's Eve
- Donny Dance Tonite
- ESDS Spring Swing Fling 2004
- ideas for bored of Sale???
- Happy new Year
- Auld Lang Syne
- Ceroc Fleet
- Ceroc Bromley
- New Year's Eve Ealing
- Northwich
- Bognor 2004
- Route 66 16th January venue
- Big Fat Friday
- Beach Ballroom - February
- Ski & Dance £625 All inclusive....!
- Ashtons
- Swingin the Blues
- Official C2D info re Blackpool 04
- Bognor Jan 2004
- Ceroc Championships 2004
- Sat 10th Jan
- Recommendations, Weds, Uxbridge?
- Jive Bar
- Ceroc Stirling
- Uxbridge New Venue
- Nantwich 10 Jan?
- Glasgow Party 10th jan
- Sheffield venues?
- Friday Freestyle !!
- New Glasgow Tuesday Class
- Too many events...
- Aberdeen Party
- Fulham tonight
- Ceroc Greenwich
- Saturday Nights
- Sunday Tea Dance
- What's on tonight - London/midlands?
- Ideas for Venue
- partner required
- Ceroc Gloucester
- HMS President is back?
- Clapham Grand?
- Glasgow Night(s) Out
- Darth Vadar - where were you?
- Stockport This Saturday
- Drinks on Saturday night in London
- Anything happening in Scotland ?????
- Peterculter - and then Perth
- London Wednesday dilemma!
- The nature of competition
- Barn dance
- Godalming on Sundays
- Twyford 31st January
- Bisley announces closure( tuesday only)
- Busking in the snow? Stirling - Perth.
- "Scots on Tour" Workshops
- Dance Riviera Valentines Ball 7th Feb - Dartford
- Lindy Hoppers
- Place available for Rock Bottoms, IOW
- Whats on in London tonight (31st January)?
- Lift offered from Dundee to Amirs W/S Saturday
- Marco's
- Boom Boom Club
- Route 66 Fri 13th Feb..Latin Lovers Valentines Party
- Blackpool accomodation
- Valentines Day
- Hipsters
- Jordan & Tatiana
- Ceroc Champs 2004
- Will you be there too???
- Ceroc Newcastle
- Feb 14th Glasgow Party...
- Weekends Weekends Weekends
- Ashtons Feb 7th
- Northwich
- Make Room, Make Room
- Twyford Freestyle, 28th Feb - Billco's Bday
- Stirling
- Hotels in Blackpool?
- TV Shoot
- need ceroc dance clips!!
- Help wanted: Stirling Busk!
- Shameless Plug for Chigwell!!
- Driving to Blackpool
- Masked Ball of the East 2004
- UK Dance Championship 2004
- Saturday Freestyle in London
- Beach Ballroom Workshops - Men wanted!
- Blues dance on 28th with Lounge Lizard
- Beach Ballroom-may I be the first.......
- Ceroc Midlands Frrestyle 27th Feb
- Jive Bar 3rd March?
- Leaders required!
- More busking in the snow...
- Busking In South London
- Lounge Lizard (Peter Phillips) Takes a Standing Ovation
- Jumpin' Jaks closing early in March!
- Blackpool - Friday night
- Scottish Comp 2004
- The Jive Weekend - RIBBY - 5th-8th November
- Blackpool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Will the REAL Peter Philips please stand up
- Blackpool 2004 Photos
- Tales (or should that be Tails?) from the Tower
- Thank you thank you thank you
- Shoes lost at Blackpool
- Next Big Event..that i'll be at
- Post Comp blues
- Aberdeen Party in March
- ROUTE 66 Friday 19th March
- Dundee Party in April??
- Friday 12th March - Bournemouth/Poole area
- Sunningdale: March 20th: Charity Jive Event
- The Scottish Swing Riot!
- No disrespect to james and Mel but...
- Debster's farewell party - 30 April
- Ceroc Championships 2004
- Beach Ballroom - May 2004
- Accommodation network ...
- Dundee Party Night - Sat 3rd April
- Tuesday March 30th - London
- Twyford Ceroc
- Uxbridge Update
- Gladrags.....?
- Ceroc Gala 2004 Sydney
- May 8th Joe & Trish Sewell Workshop & Blues Party (DJ The Jive Jock)
- Saturday 27th March - Freestyle at Twyford!
- What's On Downunder
- new tactic?
- Calling Gus: DJ thing !!
- Camber, spare spaces
- Read It And Weep
- Dundee and Glasgow Info
- Ceroc/Jive in Dublin?
- Rock Bottoms 2nd April
- Dancing in Chester
- Friday 2nd April London
- Rockbottoms Brighton - Single Room available
- Jive Aces Edinburgh & Aberdeen dates
- What a night!!!!!
- Battle of the DJs
- Viktor comes to Brighton teaching every Friday
- The Long Good Friday at Twyford!!!!
- Modern Jive in Blackpool Area
- Beach Boogie - scottish contingency
- Route 66 - Friday 16th April
- Bank Holiday Monday
- Lift to Camber
- Scots Invasion - POSTPONED
- Aberdeen Beach Ballroom Weekend - 22nd/23rd May
- Aberdeen new venue: Wednesdays @ Jumpin' Jaks
- Come dancing! The BBC are filming the Ceroc Champs!
- Aberdeen Party - Friday 16th April.
- Peter's Garden Party 2004
- Saturday 17th April - London
- Solihull Saturday
- Jive Bar Still Jumpin?
- Who's going to Camber 2004?
- Saturday 1st May in London
- Ceroc Champs
- Off Topic
- BBC at Ceroc Champs
- Filming Pilot for the New Strictly Come Dancing
- NEW!! Hipsters on Wednesdays
- How was your Camber?
- Rock Bottoms, Torquay
- Perform Camber spotlight routine at Southport
- Aberdeen Jumpin Jaks!
- Eastbourne dance this Saturday (1st May)
- Forumite Meeting in Southport
- Southport Programme of events
- Monster Jive Cocktail 25th/27th June - Bisley
- Marc & Rachel's teaching and Perth
- Dancing tonight (1st May)
- Champs Comments/Results
- Ceroc champs - Lost Property
- Stompin' in Brighton 2005
- Scottish Champs Showcase
- Dance Diversity on a Sunday Night!
- REMINDER: Perth closed Thursday 6th May / Change of venue 13th May
- More dancing in the streets... Stirling!
- Australian June 2004 Ceroc International Champs Long Weekend
- Nantwich tonight 8/May/04
- Lift from Southport northwards ?????
- Ceroc Greenwich - New Venue - London
- Dance & Sail 2004
- Bristol 2004
- Route 66 fri 21st May
- supporters!!!
- JiveMasters 2004
- Hammersmith
- r there any Aussies going to Southport?
- Perth tonight!
- place available at Southport (female)
- WCS Workshop / Ceroc Plus Party Night
- Tuesday 25th May Shoreham
- Saturday In Dartford "dance Riviera"
- [thread created in error - message reposted]
- Club Riviera Sat 22 May 2004 - Dartford, Kent!
- Scottish Champs...places to stay!
- Glasgow Showtime 12th/13th June
- Swing Riot - still time 2 book!
- Southport Extravadanca 17-20 September
- Jive Bar alternatives?
- Southport Extravadanca Costume POLL
- Beach Ballroom Party & Workshops
- Freestyle at Twyford this Saturday!!!
- Who's going to Peter's party
- Dancing on a Friday night
- Hipsters - Wednesday nights
- Happy 30th SIMON
- New Venue In Brighton
- Mikey comes to Doncaster
- Jive Addiction's website Updated
- November Dance At Twyford
- No Hipsters This Wed
- Scottish Comp Showcase
- Southport : Ladies/Men Ratio
- Dance And Sail - The Best Holiday Ever Or What ???
- Any ideas????
- Rocsters
- 'Big Spender' with Amir and Kate tonight at BFF
- What's on Glasgow Sat 05/06/2004 ?
- Sail+Dance-Hall+Water-Ski+Tennis+Villa.....!
- Chat'nChug with BLITZ
- The Drops Meister Strikes Back
- Dirty Dancing!!!!!
- Lambs to the slaughter!
- New MJ CLub in the North West
- Try Flotilla Sailing 1-2 Days & Back to Villa & Dance Club.
- Dorking Halls
- Summer Ball, Folkestone, 3 Jul 04
- Route 66 Friday 18th June
- Twickenham Ceroc
- Swing Riot - Men?
- Where to dance??
- Dubrovnik - The Only Place To Be Next May 2005
- Barbican demo
- 60's Party?
- Any Ladies free for Scottish Champs?
- Ceroc Greenwich Presents on 17th July
- Yorkshire Dales
- Glasgow Tonight Tuesday 15th June
- Watersports + Jive, Ski & Rock Greece.
- Wythall Friday 25 June
- Scottish Jivemasters 2004
- Northwich 3rd July
- Sat 26 Jun 04
- DEEP BLUE - is not a porn film !!!
- Ceroc Barcelona Holiday
- Beach Boogie
- Urbanmetro - Slow Routine To Be Taught
- Tube strike. Road chaos or not?
- Deep Blue, Folkestone This Saturday!
- Maidstone closed 1st & 8th July
- 'Party in the Potteries' Kings Hall Stoke-on-Trent 2nd October 2004
- SW Challenge 2 July
- Are you going to the BFG?
- Chesham tonight....????
- Ashtons 23rd (Fri) July
- Anyone Going To Chigwell...???
- Adam and Mandy - What a weekend!
- Who's gonna be at Weston Super Mare...???
- Scottish Comp 14th August 2004
- Beach Boogie-sters
- Anyone going to Bristol Saturday 17.7 From North West?
- Bournemouth Pavillion
- Ealing Town Hall - Jiving Jamboree Beach Party - Sat 17th
- Kettering Wed. moves to Wellingborough
- Photos from the Bristol LeRoc weekend
- Cruise Holiday
- Perth - Don't Miss It
- Southport Video/DVD
- Stockport
- Go Cristina!
- Southport • September • Less than 200 places now available
- The Big Love Show
- Stevenage Party with Ice Cream oooo!
- Twyford freestyle on sat 31st July
- Badges for Forum Meeting at Southport
- Brighouse or Leeds?
- BB Aerials & Blues Championships
- Brighton who's going
- Casey McGill
- CerocMetro - What's happening at Cheshunt (and will you be there...?)
- Anything on in Warwick?
- Ski and Ceroc holiday - Jan 2005
- Room available for Scottish Competition
- Lift available for Scottish competition?
- Forumite Meeting in Southport
- Change at C2D
- Missing Trophy
- Dundee last night
- Uxbridge party
- Southport Extravadanca 17-20 September
- Dancing In Gloucester
- Ashtons Fri 20th Aug
- Aberdeen party last night!
- Twyford Summer Ball - Sat 28th Aug!!! (DWAS Comp)
- Spare places in chalet for Warmwell - 6/7 November
- Sail & Dance 19th Sept 04. + Ski & Dance 22nd Jan 05.
- Bromley
- For anyone close to Edinburgh...
- At the BFG,
- At the BFG,
- Car share to Southport & on to Greece Dance & Watersport Hol.
- Southport Extravadanca Programme
- Jive aces - Aberdeen forum!
- What is Dance Sail & Water sport’s….? Everything at your fingertips…..!
- Going to Wellingborough on Monday?
- Poll - Fri 3rd Sept : Ashtons or Hipsters?
- Are you from Glasgow? Are you going to BFG?
- The Friday Night JiveIn - Whaddya wanna hear...?
- BFG Booking problems
- Busking In Stirling
- Please say "Hello."
- Camber in November - help please.
- Sail & Jive, Greece 14 nights only £694....!
- Ski & Dance 2005. La Plagne.
- Nantwich on Saturday?
- Glasgow classes moving this week and next!
- BFG Golf opportunity
- Dance & Sail 2005 - brought to you by CerocMetro
- Sail & Jive, Greece 19 Sept only 2 places left....!
- Sat 18th September Brighton Mencap Charity Ball
- JiveMasters 2005
- JB hugs
- Camber Nov
- London on a Monday Night
- BFG Tickets
- Stirling Tuesdays @ Smith's
- Dundonians do it twice a week!
- Southport - A warm welcome awaits you
- Car Share - Edinburgh to Stirling
- BritRoc 2004 - who's going?
- Southport - The Aftermath
- End of month party in Edinburgh
- BFG Update
- Wythall freestyle Friday 24th September
- Horesham Freestyle 2nd October
- Jango…… launching on Monday 4th October!
- Ceroc Hyde(Manchester) tonight (24th September)
- Morris Dancing Workshop - Sat 9th October
- Camber-May
- BFG Weekend
- London - Charlton on Wednesday's
- The Jitterbug Club, Edinburgh
- Edinburgh Party 2nd October
- Beach Ballroom November 2004
- News About Ashton's This Friday!
- Peterborough on Saturday
- Scottish dancers visiting deep south!
- Busks
- RebelYell 2004
- Hipsters Closes it's doors
- Dundee's 7 Sins
- Sleazy Man Required! Northwich
- Battle of the friday nights (who won yest,1st oct)
- Urgent Demo needed 3/10/04
- Nantwich/Bowdon
- Edinburgh Advanced Ceroc Night
- Scarborough Master Classes 4-6 February 2005
- So - who is going to BritRoc...??
- Ceroc Las Palmas Holiday
- Christmas Freestyle Nights
- Sunday T-Jive, Yeah Baby Yeah!
- Hammersmith this saturday 9th
- 1940s dancers wanted for July 9th 2005
- Its in the Shops so why not Ceroc
- London Trophy Competition
- T-Dances Sunday 10th?
- A Night with Peter Phillips - October 22nd
- Tv Extras
- Who's going to Ski & Dance La Plagne 22nd Jan 05
- Glasgow Monthly Party
- Hemel Hempstead ceroc directions
- Ribby Weekender - 5th November
- Dundee party weekend
- Any events on 22 and 23 in Edinburgh?
- New Years Eve Parties!!
- Win A Free Dance Holiday. Draw 31st October 2004.
- A friend in need - space at Rock Bottoms.
- Lifts to Camber in November
- What's on this Friday?
- Bognor Jan 05
- Sad News
- Swing On A Sunday Afternoon
- Homeless, again...
- Date for your Diary
- New venue for Reading
- 40s charity night in Oakham
- Beginners workshops Stirling. Sunday 24th Oct.
- Dance holidays...anyone been and anyone going?
- Ceroc in New Zealand
- Next Years Events
- New Bracknell Night on Sundays!
- New Years DAY "Chill out" Dance
- New Beginners Lindy Hop block starts this week.
- Ski & Dance. 6 Places left..! 22 Jan H.B. La Plagne France
- London Mondays?
- Top US Teacher/ Competitor touring the UK dance scene
- November Beach Ballroom Week-end Programme
- Edinburgh Hogmanay Ball!
- Beyond the (Central Belt) Sea????????
- Xmas Party/Night out
- ESDS Jitterbug Class
- Anyone not going to Camber ?
- Help - I'm in Cardiff for a month!
- Who's going to Bognor?
- Whos going to Rock Bottoms Brighton ?
- PreXmas Edinburgh Special 23rd December
- Harlem Hotshots in Edinburgh & "Swing On A Sunday Afternoon"
- Jumpin'Jaks Dundee Closure
- Jivemasters Finals
- White Christmas Party - Albert Halls, Stirling - 23rd December
- Nottingham Tea Dance this Sunday
- Twyford's Xmas Party - 18th Dec 'Uniforms!'
- ESDS Xmas Party with the Swing Kings
- Twyford Freestyle this Saturday (27th Nov)!
- Read It And Weep
- Lady looking for moral support, Hammersmith 11 Dec
- Greenford Xmas Party
- SKI & DANCE *La Plagne. Extra rooms now available!
- Monday Night Jango
- Jango Presents a Strictly Come Dancing Christmas Special - Mon 13th Dec, H'smith
- Ceroc Greenwich Xmas Party
- Windsor Xmas party
- Hammersmith xmas party 11th dec
- Calling all forumites! Nantwich 11th Dec
- Glasgow Saturday Party 11th Dec is it on or off ?
- Twyford xmas party
- Sunday T-Jive - Ding dong baby,... ding ding dong.
- Dundee Invercarse Xmas Party
- Twyford Christmas Freestyle
- New Years Day Parties !!
- Windsor Christmas party 22/12
- Bognor Room Share
- Nantwich New Year's Eve
- Stockport Town Hall - New Years Eve Party
- dancing around chester
- Christmas eve - Beaconsfield or Twyford?
- Stirling - Ceroc Scotland Xmas Party
- Club Ego Party - 19th Jan.
- ashtons 1st venture
- Who's going to Bognor?
- Edinburgh Nights Reopen Mon the 10th
- Oxford-Grand Xmas Party
- Hogmany Ball - Caption Competition
- Tsunami Fundraising in Scotland
- Tsunami Fundraising London.
- Jango New Year’s Resolution Mon 10th Jan – Free Night
- Kenobe at Jive+ Friday Freestyle, Oxford, Fri 21 Jan
- Events Listing for 2005
- Southport June '05 - who's going?
- Ceroc Solihull Charity Freestyle - Jan 29
- Blackpool 2005
- Freestyle Night at Twyford - Sat 8th Jan!!
- RebelRoc Camber March 2005
- Can anyone tell me...?
- Beach Ballroom February 2005
- Rock Bottoms Torquay (14 - 17 Jan)
- Spring Swing Fling 2005
- Best in the North Competition - Heat 1
- Dance Holiday in Spain
- Nottingham Class
- woooooo hoooooo!
- Guinness on Saturday?
- Swingin' the Blues..
- Balboa in Edinburgh
- Ashtons (This friday)
- This Friday 21st Jan - What do doing?
- This Saturday 22nd Jan - Where will you be?
- Jivemasters 2005
- Glasgow to Route 66
- Last weekend in Feb
- Competitions
- What I did on Jan 21st (Scotland)...
- Cool Catz on Tour
- Saturday 29th January
- Southport 2005
- Ashtons - One Wednesday a month - Peter Phillips DJ
- Extra 'Technical workout' Class every Thursday - Perth.
- Fulham ceroc Thursdays
- Scarborough
- Costa Dorado-Jiveaddiction 15/05/05
- Double Trouble Workshop 26th Feb Edinburgh
- Hipsters 4 February
- Birmingham Wythall 8 Feb
- London Ceroc Champs
- Twyford Freestyle - Sat 26th Feb (Billco's Bday!)
- Ceroc Manchester - New venue - 24th Feb
- Looking for a Partner!!!
- Nortel is Back !!!! 12th February - This Saturday
- Monday 28th Feb: Glasgow - anything on?
- Amersham 12/2/2005 + DWAS
- Are you ready for the 19th?
- US Grand Nationals, Atlanta May 26 - 30
- Tea and Cake at 10 Paces
- More than the average freestyle?
- Blackpool: Room Available
- Next Guinness Freestyle Saturday 19th February 2005
- Camber in May
- FREE Ceroc Nights - 21st & 28th Feb, Reading!
- Well,was the 19th on another level?
- Shall we dance!
- 100 Club, this Saturday 26 February
- Events in Fife
- Byo Kids
- Britroc 2005
- Events for Charity
- good luck for blackpool
- Tickets going for Blackpool
- Nottingham this Saturday
- Hotel Room Going in Blackpool
- Blackpool; Where is everyone staying?
- Accord Charity Dinner Glasgow Tonight
- Report from Blackpool, 2005
- What an end to a great night
- Twyford Freestyle - Sat 12th March
- Nortel - Boyz & Basques - 19th March 2005
- Saturday 12th March What's on?
- Casbah Fridays
- Easter Weekend Events!
- Any chance of a lift to Route 66 tonight ???
- Mobile Club Event at Waverly
- Funky Divas and Cool Dudes
- Kenobe @ Twyford's 'The Long Good Friday Night'
- Friday of Aberdeen Beach Ballroom W/E (22nd April 2005)
- aangezien het lot het zou hebben
- Easter Monday - Ceroc As Usual
- Beach Ballroom April 2005
- VIP Forumite in London next week....
- London 9th April - Hammersmith... whats it like?
- London 17th April - HMS President - do we need a membership card!?!?!?
- Just visiting
- Walthamstow Dance this Saturday! Whats this like?!!? 8)
- Scottish Comp 3rd Sept 2005
- Dundee Wednesdays
- Charity Party in Glasgow, April 30th
- Dundee Busk - Saturday 9th April
- Banbury tonite . . .
- Another Forumite n London
- Spanish Dance Holiday 02-09 October 2005
- Twyford Freestyle - Sat 16th April
- London Champs ! 2005
- Fat Sam's Band on tour
- Anything on in Swindon?
- Guinness (this Saturday)
- Nicole Cutler teaching MJ!!!
- Scientologists at Walthamstow and Ashtons?
- Ceroc Greenwich Presents......
- Hammersmith Ceroc Champs - 1st May
- Ceroc champs; accomodation thread
- Hammersmith Sat 23rd
- TWK at Oxford
- James Hunter
- ESDS Balboa Classes
- How to deal with overcrowding
- Finger on the Pulse
- Beach Boogie / Weston Super Mare - How to get there?
- "Last chance to dance" Dance At Finchley
- Re: Fab time dancing up in London Sunday.
- Dundee Party Weekend!
- Getting to Ceroc Twyford on a Friday?
- MJC 9 24th-26th June
- Dancing in the North West
- Photos from the Champs
- What do I do to "get in the know" for future events??!?!
- Jive-n-Cruise III
- Big Phat Friday
- Who's going to Southport? June 05
- Forum Weekend
- Salford - near Manchester
- Colon Cancer Concern Charity Ball
- Saturday - Coventry or Nantwich??
- Accommodation for the Scottish Ceroc Champs weekend.
- Holiday DJs & Dance Instructors Needed...!
- CeRoc Gloucester
- Jango con Gus-to, Gorgeous Gus Guests at Jango - Mon 16 May
- glasgow busk!
- HOT, HOT, HOT in Rio
- thursday 19th May !!!!!
- Friday 20th/ Saturday 21st May?
- Friday 20th - Edinburgh
- Who's coming to greenwich on saturday
- Spare place at Beach Boogie
- Tango Weekend - Aberdeen
- Brighton Saturday
- Beach Party at Ashtons 30/5/2005
- Ceroc Greenwich Party Night (21st May) - SOLD OUT
- Review: ISH, Central London
- Bank Holiday Weekend May 2005
- Anyone besides Gus coming to NZ Champs?
- Edinburgh Freestyles
- Edinburgh Style Workshop 28th May 2005
- Windsor?
- Cool Catz Music? Surprise Guest slot
- Twyford June 4th
- Edin 28th May Free Style Workshop for Men
- Friday 3rd June - Cheshunt For a Quid !
- Forum Spamfest
- Personal Apology from Adam
- Live 8 - Hyde Park, 2nd July
- Busking in Stirling. Saturday 4th June
- Southport cancellations?????!!
- Who's dancing where tonight??
- WCS & Big Fat Friday
- Weston Super Mare
- Photos at Southport
- Soul and Motown Session at Camber/Bognor
- Stirling New Venue
- Hammersmith 11th June
- How to deal with "undercrowding"
- Places Available for Southport
- Hipsters - Tues..
- Southport June 2005 - The Aftermath
- Jive in the Reading area
- Southport September 2005 - who's going?
- dancing in Leicester
- brit roc
- Southport photos
- Sleazebags.........
- Jive+ Oxford Freestyle (Cat, Lee, Phil, Yuko & TwK) Sat 18 June
- Charity Dance at Fleet - 8th July
- Too hot to dance - need aircon, gasp...
- Dirty Dancing
- Twyford Summer Ball (DWAS Comp) 9th July!
- 2005 Blackpool DVD???????
- Where are you dancing tonight????
- Funds Raised at Colon Cancer Charity Ball
- Perth Busk & Edinburgh Party this Saturday 25/6/05
- Dundee Jazz
- Happy Wedding day: Niall and Marion
- Car share to MJC on Sat 23rd June evening
- Bye bye Bex!!
- Dundee Blues Bonanza!
- MJC-Well.How was it for you?
- Greenwich Tue 28 June?
- Friday 1st
- Finchley Ceroc
- Jive Bar tonight, who's going?
- Hipsters - Friday
- Twyford Friday
- Live 8
- Live8 or Dancing?
- Sat 9th July
- Monster Jive Party @ Cheshunt 1/7/05
- WCS Wednesdays
- Woking tonight
- Modern Jive near Barnsley
- school or church halls for hire?
- I can't decide...
- Can anyone give me a lift to Daventry?
- Birmingham Jazz festival
- Melanie's workshop
- 15th + 16th July
- Beach Boogie
- Central London Venue
- No Jive Bar this week!
- Dancing in Scotland
- New Inverness Venue - Help wanted!
- Nightclub 2-step & WCS Workshop with Cat Wiles
- Scottish Comp Sept 3rd whos going
- Visiting Scotland
- Visiting Manchester 27 July
- Pilgrimage down south in August
- Aberdeen: "Free at the Dee" 4th Sept
- Options for Wednesday
- Inverness 23rd & 30th July
- Accomodation Weston Super Mare 2005
- Ceroc Greenwich PArty 20th August
- Competition Open Day Workshop - 31st July, Perth.
- blindfolded in Southport.
- whose up for a girls day/night out 20th August
- Ashtons or Jango T Dance?
- Accomodation:Scotland Comp 2005
- Britrock COmp Accomodation
- Friday 29 July - what's on?
- Saturday 30th July - London area freestyle?
- Manchester Ceroc Freestyle in Romiley 30/07/05
- Mini Forum Gathering
- Gloucester Dance tonight - is there a Class before hand?
- Intermediate Improvers workshop nr Northampton 7th Aug
- 26th August Leroc/ceroc Compitition/free Style Dance!!
- Hipsters/Cheshunt or OTHER this Friday?
- Big Forumette Shopping Extravaganza
- Edinburgh Jazz & Blues Festival
- Accommodation in Scotland
- Barcelona
- Pink Martini...
- Tonight - Tuesday
- Wednesday...
- Is Ceroc Cheltenham on on Monday?
- Dance Riviera Opening night.
- WCS - Wed nights in Hammersmith
- Ashton's 19th August
- Weekend of 20th/21st August
- Saturday night
- Getting Away From The Aberdeen Party
- WSM Competition Pictures up now
- HMS President 7th Aug
- Weston-Super-Mare Dvd
- Party Night 20th August 2005
- Twyford Freestyle - Sat 13th Aug!!
- Where to go in the Midlands this weekend?
- Southport party theme.
- Glasgow Party Sat 13th August
- 20 August - for those not going to Greenwich...
- One room available for Scottish Comp.
- Future dance holidays
- Southport Essential Items:
- Jive Bar 24th August?
- Ducasi's Grand Tour of Scotland, September 2005
- Brent Cross
- Finchley
- What's happening - Saturday 27th August
- What's on in Brighton then (26-29/8) ?
- Inverness Busk, Party and Launch!
- Chesham..... Monday or Friday
- Saturday 27th August - Something different
- Milton Keynes on the 27th.
- 26th August dance/comp in bristol!!!
- Friday 2nd September
- Kettering Tonight (Fri 26th)
- Anything on Sunday 28th Aug
- Letchworth - tonight 29th August
- Luton Tuesdays
- Saturday 3rd Sept - Twyford Freestyle!!
- And now for something completely different...
- Granada - 5-12 September
- glasgow monthly party 10th sept
- 9th, 10th September?
- Wythall on Friday 9/8?
- Scot Challenge
- scottish champs the results
- Edinburgh Tue St Stephens moved to Marcos
- Greenwich Party Night - Oct 15
- Southport Female Ticket Available
- Tuesday night at Ealing
- Camber "Jive Spree" November 2005
- Stevenage
- Rebel Yell or Twyford??
- tea dance Sunday 11 Sept
- Alternative to Southport Wkend :tears:
- Glasgow Party Night
- Male places left on Amir's workshop this Saturday!
- One last Competition
- Where is the 2005 Chance 2 Dance DVD???
- Compare and Contrast SOUTHPORT and CAMBER
- Friday 30th September
- Dancing in Dundee
- 5 November 2005
- Asthons tonight
- Southport - September 2008 - who's going?
- Jive BAr 21st Sept - who's going?
- Southport September 2005: The Good and The Bad
- Scarborough February 06
- Weekenders. What if ....?
- Southport Photos
- This Weekend
- What's on this weekend (24/25th Sep), in the NW?
- 1 October Clevedon DEC Niger Appeal Dance
- Tue 27th Sept
- Saturday 24th September
- Who's going to Pitlochry?
- Brit Roc 2005
- Anyone going to La Pineda 2nd October?
- Saturday 1 Oct 2005?
- Friday 30th September
- Ashtons - still cool?
- Monday night dancing in london
- Party in the Potteries II
- Glasgow Monthly Party 8th October
- Sunday 2nd October London
- Amir teaching at the Beach Ballroom November 05!
- Halloween Party Edinburgh 29th of October?
- Saturday 8th October - Edinburgh
- Kenobe Dance Experience Dates - October
- Friday 7th October?
- Rebel yell
- BETTER THAN CHOCOLATE Bill’s leaving party
- Greenwich Party Night
- 'Grease' Spectacular, Daventry - Sat 8th October
- Scots Visting London Oct. 7-9
- Inverness
- Friday the 14th October
- Who's going to Bognor 13-16 January 2006?
- SPAIN - La Pineda
- Halloween Parties
- Ashtons Charidee T dance Sun 16th Oct
- We're coming to Hove and Maidstsone !
- Birmingham Glee Club
- Las Palmas
- Rutherglen Town Hall Class Thursday 20th October
- 21st October
- Rock Bottoms IOW 28-31 Oct
- Bristol Dancing
- Sat 22 October
- Strictly Ballroom Dancing in Glasgow Nov 7th–12th
- Quick Straw Poll
- London first weekend in December - what's on?
- Tea Dance HMS President 23rd October
- Sat 29 Oct
- Sun 30th Oct - London
- Fri 28th
- Good News if your name's Lynn
- Ealing 28th October
- Beach Ball Room
- I've just bought a new diary for 2006...
- New Years Eve 2005 Whats on? Where to go?
- Christmas Eve (saturday)
- Blackpool, are you?
- November in the West Midlands
- On Your Own Christmas Day?
- weekenders Camber Bognor etc etc
- The EasyFox Tour 2005
- Thursday 29th December - Wots happening down south
- Girlie Night Chez Moi
- 4th/5th/6th November
- Cheap Accomidation in Dundee?
- Glasgow Party 12th November - Drathzel's Leaving Party
- Edinburgh Christmas Party 23rd Dec
- Jive Bar Next Wednesday?
- Tonight - BFF
- London 18-20th Nov
- Festive Ceroc in the Midlands
- Finchley monday
- CJ Road Trip
- Camber froze the balls off my brass monkey
- Twyford this Saturday
- Strictly Ballroom Fever
- Camber pre dance party at the Barn
- Sat 26th November
- Camber timetable - recommendations?
- 11th November Oxford freesytle
- Glasgow Farce
- Storm - Looking to share
- A few photos from Ashtons on Friday
- Camber: the good, the bad and the ugly.
- 19/11/05
- Jive Weekend Bognor Regis on the 13 - 16 Jan 2006
- Friday 18th November (London area)
- Post Lush Pre TJive Brunch..a social event?
- Peterboro Tea dance Sunday 20 Nov
- Lift needed to Route66 this friday!!
- Poll: gender imbalance at weekenders
- Friday 18th - tonight!!!
- Who's going to Camber in May 2006 (5th–8th)?
- Who's going to Southport 2nd-5th June 2006?
- Who is Wittybird ??
- Berkhamsted Sunday
- Detail About Aberdeen
- 23rd December, Xmas parties.
- dance holidays
- Christmas Balls etc.
- Friday 2nd & Saturday 3rd December
- Hammersmith Xmas party 10th december
- "ICE" the coolest dance in Town January 1st New Years Day
- The Big Bang. 22nd April 2006
- Scarborough Feb 2006
- Rockbottoms, January and June 2006 (Torquay)
- Funky lush
- Edinburgh Party 23 Dec almost gone
- Greenwich 3rd Boy Ticket
- No Jive Bar tonight
- Ealing friday
- Chesham Friday
- 9th/10th December
- Ashtons Dec 11th
- Christmas Eve's events
- 16, 17, 18 Dec in London
- Ashtons - Friday 16th Dec
- Dundee Wednesdays
- Leeds
- Free 1 week dancing! 19th-23rd december
- Tickets for Glasgow xmas party
- Car share to Stirling Saturday?
- Lift to Stirling from Perth please!
- T jive Sunday
- Can you help me get to Route 66 tonight?
- Cliquey Venues
- Stirling Party: how was it for you?!?
- Christmas Eve (Amersham)
- Cat's WCS venue change
- 29th December
- tue 27th Dec.......
- ICE New Years day
- Ashtons Ball Ticket for sale!
- Ashtons or Daventry?
- oxford 23rd Dec
- Sunday Brunch 8th Jan
- Dundee Christmas Party -22 December 2005 WDYT
- Psssst! Anyone got an unwanted Ashtons ticket?
- Ashtons BlacknWhite ball ticket wanted!!!
- Pre-Edinburgh Party Drinks?
- Funky Lush! January 2006! Woo! It's Great!
- Finchley on Boxing day
- Spare Ashtons Ticket
- Another Ashtons ticket wanted
- Greenwich 29th
- Ashtons Black and white do the aftermath
- Glitter Ball Bedford 29th December
- Henry Wood Hall
- Post Farewell Henry Wood Hall Party
- Greenwich Ball Thur 29th Dec 2005 - wow!
- Travel to Edinburgh Hogmanay Ball ?
- London Eye & River Dance
- Greenwich Ball - how to improve it??
- Ealing new Years Eve ball and the 'after life'
- Emma Clark was in Scotland for Hogmany!
- Weekend starting 6th January - Who's dancing where?
- Berko and the Jive Aces 8th Jan
- The Masked Ball Walthamstow
- Remember Uxbridge Ceroc?
- Memoirs of a Geisha: London Tues 17 Jan / Thurs 19 Jan
- Hooray henley,s
- BFF 6th Jan?
- How far would you go?
- Hot shot teachers wanted
- Funky Lush and Berko lift offered /required
- Funky Lush Sun - Whats it like?
- One more sleep...
- Busking
- list of items for weekenders
- New Brechin Class
- Monday Lush mmmm!
- Beach Ballroom - Feb...
- Sat/Sun 14+15 January
- afternoon dance venue at Bognor
- Spare place at Bognor available
- Dancing in Bristol 24 Jan
- Harrow Launch Party
- The Polar Freezestyle. Feb 18th
- Red Hot and Blue
- Fri,Sat,Sun 20,21,22 Jan 06
- Jive Bar Advanced Class Wed 18 Jan
- Lift from Glasgow to Route 66 this Friday ????
- Storm Stuff
- Who's going to La Pineda in May
- West Midlands Ceroc
- Hammersmith "teachers update night", 28th Jan 2006
- Sat 28th Jan. Hammersmith or Chiswick
- Ceroc Hits East London
- London Ceroc Champs - 30 April 2006
- One Last Lush....
- Storm ticket????????
- Rockbottoms Isle if Wight 31st march 2006
- Dunfermline Ceroc class?
- Wanted: 2 men
- Stuck in Kettering
- T-jive and workshop this Sunday (29th Jan)
- Am Dram
- Bedford on Mondays
- East London slaps back
- Jive 'n' cruise III
- Dundee class on wednesdays
- Boston Tea Party
- Greenwich Tonight?
- Hammersmith on 11th Feb
- Brechin this week - 9/10th February
- Weekend of dance 17th Feb
- Fri/Sat 17/18th Feb
- Girl's Storm Ticket Available
- Friday 10th Feb
- Edinburgh Advanced/Style 15 Feb
- Gasp! Choke!
- Whetstone tonight (11 Feb)
- WANTED Lady's ticket for Southport
- A visit to Scotland in April.
- Brechin this Friday - 17th Feb
- In London tomorrow night - 15th Feb
- Slinkys - Sun 19 March - Who's going?
- STORM ticket (male) wanted
- Last minute cat herding
- Hotel rooms in London going spare
- Lift from Glasgow to Route 66 this Friday and Marco's on Saturday? :)
- Spare Ticket - London eye and river dance
- Anything going on in Scotland the weekend after the BFG?
- Southport - September 2006...
- Ceroc NI April Weekend
- Lift Back From Edi Party Back To Thornliebank Please?
- Accomodation for Scottish Champs Weekend.
- Wychwood Festival, Cheltenham Racecourse
- Spare storm ticket!!!
- Couple male tickets London Eye/boat event tonight!
- Bow - Jongleurs
- Stockport Sat 25th Who's going
- (Southern) Friday night - non-Stormers?
- DVD filming
- Forum meet at Blackpool?
- Dilemma over Camber
- DUNDEE: 7th to 9th April at Dykehead
- whos going Southport FEBRUARY 2007
- 11th March
- Blackpool rules for Advanced section?
- Is Brechin on tonight weatherwise.
- I will be in Hereford April 2-14th
- Brechin Tonight - 3rd March '06
- Rutherglen Thursday Class
- Breeze 2006 - Weston-super-mare - Who's going?
- w/e 10th March 06 - Where will you be?
- London tonight?
- MARCH 17/18/19th 2006
- Lift from t-dance to slinkys?19th march
- Anything on in the Midlands this Weekend?
- Easter weekend
- Jango T-Dance Sunday 19th March
- Aberdeen Party Sat 11th March
- London next Tuesday
- Viktor's Last Time in Hove
- Blues Room At Hammersmith this Saturday!
- Hammersmith - where to stay?
- Chesham 24th March
- Gender balance control! for or against
- Are you going to Hammersmith on the 18th?
- Brechin - 17th March Change of Venue
- Aberdeen - change of venue 16th March
- Restaurants in Hammersmith
- Glasgow Party
- T-jive - last minute change of venue
- Wednesday 22nd March Central London
- April 1st
- Whos Coming To Torquay In June 2006?
- Storm 2, March 2 - 4th 2007
- This weekend. 24th - 26th march
- Workshops with the Strictly Come Dancing Stars
- Weekend - 31st march/1 & 2 april
- Daventry 8th April Ballroom Blitz
- Scotland, wye-eye!!!
- Easter - 14-17th April
- Beach Booooooogie!!
- Changes at Monday-Lush
- We love Berko
- Kettering on Wednesdays
- Competitions - separate section for teachers?
- Helllllp
- week end 7th 8th & 9th April
- Hammersmith Ceroc Champs
- Barcelona Aug 2006
- Did you leave your shoes at the Glasgow Party?
- WKEND 28TH april/29TH/30TH/1ST may
- London on Thursday
- Club Class Accom For 3 For Southport June 2006
- Easter Weekend 14/15/16/17 April 2006
- Nottingham on Thursdays
- That's dedication
- 22nd April
- Lift needed Dundee to Aberdeen for Blues classes
- Weston-super-Mare Champs
- Who's going to Chiswick on 15 April?
- Bekhamsted on Easter Sunday, 16 April
- Aberdeen Beach Ballroom
- Marconi club Chelmsford...
- Slinky's Saturday 20th May '06
- FYI: anyone close to Edinburgh
- Help! Man needed to book with for Camber
- Blues Room @ The Ceroc Champs
- Chesham DWAS 17th April
- Ceroc Watford - Dance Buddy needed
- 21,22,23 April; who's going where?
- TWK visits hooray Henley
- Champs Bank Holiday W'end 28 - 1st Who is going where?
- Picnic In The Park 2006
- Thurs /Fri - Birmingham - What's On
- Stockport this saturday Whose going?
- The Big Bang - This Weekend - Spare Ticket
- May bank hoiliday weekend Brighton
- SCD stars in Abdn in June
- Visit to London in June
- Blue Harlem - Komedia Brighton 29 June
- Uxbridge or Ashtead for a newbie?
- Southport - september 06 - need (Scottish!) room mates!
- Who's going to Ceroc Worcestershire's PULSE on May 20th?
- Dundee
- Help! I want to dance in Derbyshire, this Sat 29/04!
- BFG Glasgow
- London 1st/2nd July what's on?
- Dance Fever in Perth
- This Thurs/Fri 27/28:04
- HMS president Tea dance.
- Wychwood Musical Festival 2nd -4th June
- Lush Saturday night pre Champs practice
- Aberdeen busk on Saturday
- Stop Press - Ceroc Results
- Finchley/Whetstone 1st May 2006 OPEN
- Note: Muswell Hill this week - on Wednesday, not Thursday
- Weekend of 6/7 May
- Edinburgh Party!
- Ceroc Champs Photos
- Camber urgent: chalet for 1 male & 1 female available
- Travel From London To Southport
- Stevenage 17th May
- Chance To Dance , Sheffield, Saturday 13 May
- Anyone going to Rock Bottoms - Torquay 12-15th May
- Camber May 06, the aftermath
- Camber photos
- wkend 12th/13th/14th may
- Jive Vibe Dancathon, Rushden, 27/28 May
- Boogaloo Stan
- Dancing near Carlisle?
- Big Bang 18th 19th August 2006
- Twyford 19th May / Henley 20th May
- Thursday 1st June. where's a happening venue??
- Who is going to Hammersmith?
- Muswell Hill Tea Dance Monday 29th May
- Weekend May 19th-21st
- Blaze: Scottish Week-ender! Craig Tara 11th - 14th May 2007
- Windsor on weds
- I am back in June where will you be
- New Leeds Venue - a visit
- Southport 15-18 September 2006
- Whose planning to go to Southport 2nd - 5th February 2007
- Ceroc Bliss (Camber) 29th Sept 2006?
- Who, What, Where, 26th-29th May
- Calling Aberdonians!
- Beach Ballroom Weekend Friday Night Invasion
- Ceroc Weekenders
- Who's going to Chill @ Prestatyn 20-22 April 2007
- Who's going where - Weekenders...
- London 12th-15th June; where do you dance?!!!
- Chesham tonight
- Male Ticket For Southport Available
- Stirling Smooth Grooves Tea-Dance
- Will you be cliquey at Southport ?
- Who is not going to Southport
- Too many weekenders?
- Which weekender?
- Female ticket for Southport available
- Lift to Southport?
- Southport - where to shop and how much parking!
- Southport v Jamaica v Cliquey
- Southport - 2 Spare Ladies Tickets available
- DanceCard - Doc Martin & Giddy Giraffe - 9th June Red Hot & Blue
- Regular Wednesday Freestyle - would it work?
- Bow - opening until Midnight
- Dancing near Manchester
- Southport June 06; the aftermath
- Southport June 06 in progress
- STOP PRESS!! SilverFox caught in action at Southport
- Southport June 2006 - photos
- "Who's going where this weekends" threads - do we need them?
- 9, 10, 11 June
- Weekender names
- If you could only go to one weekender - which would it be?
- Are you going to WSM? Competing?
- Your first ever weekender
- The Easy, Foxy, Dirty, Suxby Tour 16th - 19th June 2006
- Who's going where weekend 16th June
- List of Weekenders
- Dirty Dancing at Daventry.
- Party in the Potteries
- Ladies needed a blues Night
- Last minute Dancing in Scotland 16th-19th June - Edinburgh & Aberdeen
- June 30th - Anything on?
- Greenwich Freestyle 17 June 06 - Photos
- Photos finally
- Stirling B&Bs
- Monster Jive Cocktail 12th August 2006 Brookwood Surrey
- Who is going where weekend 23rd June ?
- Next Muswell Hill Tea Dance
- Stirling Focus Workshop and Tea Dance!
- Pictures, Hammersmith June 24
- Yippee, another Slinkys!!
- Monday Meltdown Photos
- Jango Weekend in July:- Hotel Special Deals
- Help Needed: Blaze or Southport?
- saturday night 1st July
- Inverness' First party night
- Daventry - Pics & What Happened
- Chiswick freestyle
- July 7/8/9th
- 12th August: Twyford Vs. MJC
- Modern jive in Glasgow - choices
- T in The Park anyone going?
- Ceroc Fulham
- Photos from Jango last night
- Bangor (N.I) Busk 01.07.06
- Ceroc NI Hits The World Wide Web
- Glasgow - Cheap & Cheerful Accommodation
- Franck's Angels (?) at Glasgow Party
- Weekend 21st, 22nd, 23rd July
- Swindon Ceroc this Sat - Whats it like? 8)
- Lift wanted to London after Scottish Champs
- Lift needed to Glasgow party tonight (8/7/06)
- Lift needed to Dundee party 15th July.
- Which is your favourite modern jive venue and why?
- Chesham Monday closing ?
- Dancing near Darlington, Co. Durham Firday 4th August?
- Dundee Wednesday Night
- Fusion Dance Party, Saturday 15th of July in Earl’s Court!
- Southport Weekend?
- Dundee party this Saturday
- Jools Holland - Saturday 15 July - yes, that's tomorrow!
- Oxford 14th July
- Rail strikes looming :-(...
- A wee visit
- Bliss female £29 ticket for sale
- Weekend - 4th / 5th + 6th August
- Derbyshire Help Wanted Please
- Hammersmith 22nd July 2006
- Short Notice!
- A wee trip to London on the 12th/13th/14th August?
- Results of Weston Super mare??
- Late travel to Beach Boogie
- Coventry Summer Ball 29th July
- Stirling Jango Weekend
- Harrow
- Funky Lush 13 August
- Ashtons wednesday
- CRUISE NEXT MAY/JUNE what do you guys think?
- Chester 31st July
- Weekend 28th - 30th July
- Herrang 2006!
- Photos from Putney Tea Dance, 30 July 2006
- Stockport and Northwich
- Edinburgh Jazz & Blues Festival
- August Bank Holiday Weekend
- Kidderminster September 9th
- Beach Boogie Big Night???
- Camp Savoy
- Diva-licious Tour to Scotland
- Big Bang WSM 18th and 19th August
- Dance Fever November
- Photographs from Ceroc Greenwich, 5 August 2006
- Busk..
- Swish 2007 - The Posh One. Feb 16th - 19th
- Anyone going to glasgow this weekend?
- North West 12th August Choices
- Exiled to Devon!
- Bristol Balloon Fiesta
- Ashton's 18th aug
- West Midlands
- jammy is coming to london!!!!
- Brit Rock
- Edinburgh Fringe
- Funky Lush 13 August
- Southport to Reading?
- Weekend 18/19/20 Aug
- Birmingham Ceroc Class Monday 28 August
- James Hunter Plays Glasgow!
- Photographs from Hammersmith, 12 August 2006
- Party weekender - 4-6 Nov
- Blaze May 2007 - HELP!
- September: A great month for dancing in Scotland
- Accommodation recommendations near Scottish comps
- Who going to the Scottish Comp
- Lots of dances for ash in London next week
- Sunday (20/8) Tea dance
- FoxyLady is coming to scotland !
- London's best freestyle venue?
- Photos from Ashtons, 18 August 2006
- A visit to Hampshire!
- North West's Best Freestyle Venue
- August Bank Hol weekend 25/6/7/8 Poll
- Ashtons - This Fri - Whats the place like? 8)
- I know its late notice, but.......
- Photographs from Ashtons, 26 August 2005
- Anyone tried The Engine Shed at Wetherby?
- Photos from Putney Tea Dance, 27 August 2006
- Weekend 01/02/03 Sept Who's going where?
- Aberdeen Busk...
- Southport: travelling to...
- Scottish Comp Italian Connection
- Scottish Comp Dance Wear
- Stirling Ceroc Class - Lifts to Falirk?
- DebRA, and the Scottish competition
- Is there a Funky Lush on this coming Sun??
- Jango 4th Sept 06- change of venue
- Anyone doing WCS in Swindon Sat 9th?
- Spare place at Southport 2006
- Who's attending what weekend Sep 8, 9, 10
- An Aberdonian Beowulf in London
- Leaving Drinks For LemonCake........
- Who's going where? Week-end 14th October?
- Stirling Latin Weekeder - 23rd/24th September
- Best of luck for Scotland guys! 8)
- Busk in Montrose/Brechin - 16th Sept
- lift from Edinburgh Airport into Edinburgh tommorrow morning at 9 ish
- Pre-Champs Party - No Licensed bar: Bring Your Own!
- Scottish Champs 2006, The aftermath
- Photos from Hammersmith, 9 September 2006
- Anyone going to WCS this weekend
- Brechin 15th, 22nd & 29th Sept - venue change
- Bliss - Male Wristband Available
- Whats on this Saturday 16th Sept?
- South Kensington or Marylebone Chimes
- Female Southport Ticket Available
- Who isn't going to Southport?
- Southport Sept 06,the aftermath.
- Musselburgh DVD
- Who's going to Brit Rock? (Oct 13 & 14)
- oct
- East Coast Jive 17th Nov to 20th Nov Scarborough
- What's on Sat. 23rd Sept?
- Accomodation for stirling?
- Blaze May 07 Men required!!!!
- Oct 6-9th
- Inverness this weekend (23/24th): Fencing
- UnderPar and Mrs Par dancing in MK 20th Sept
- Heading Down South
- Strictly Latin Week-end
- Tonight (Friday 22nd)
- Route 66 - 22/09
- Photos from Ashtons, 22 September 2006
- Is anyone going to Funky Lush tonight?
- Who's competing in Midlands champs in Nov
- Camber (Jive) November 2006
- going round the world
- DVD of Scottish Champs
- Whats on - Weekend 29/30/1st
- Scotland tonight...
- Off our heads!!!!!!!!!!!
- Christina Aguilera....
- Oct 7th..will you come along?
- Latin Explosion 4?
- Bliss 2006 - photos
- *** - Freya and Fi go South
- ESG's brother's band plays Bedford for Jive Vibe
- Ceroc Stirling
- Breeze - getting down to business.. how do we??..
- HALLOWEEN 28th Oct
- Glasgow Uni - Wednesday Night
- Ticket to Breeze bought for £129 now £99
- Back To Skool
- leaving drinks for cms!
- Ceroc Thames Valley
- Jiving Dan is coming to Glasgow 18th Oct
- BREEZE - how was it for you???
- Party Weekender Warmwell Nov06
- Photos from Breeze 2006
- Glasgow Party - Saturday 14th October - Venue change!
- Glasgow Uni - Wed 11th October
- Beach Ballroom Week-end: 18th-19th November 2006
- Battle of the Bands at Jumpin' Jaks, Aberdeen. Starts 18/10/06
- Brit Rock Tickets - Free To Good Home
- WCS Bisley Tea Dance
- Daventry Freestyle & Teadance - 21st Oct
- Decisions, Decisions! Weekend 20th-22nd October!
- 2 Free Tickets For Monster Jive Tonight (Sat 14)
- Brit Rock 2006 - So how did it go?
- Bescot Stadium 14th oct
- Scarborough November 2006 - who's going
- Dance Events not to miss in 2007- Year Planner
- Daventry floor
- Manchester Area - Good MJ Venues/Events?
- Kirriemuir tea dance
- Simon Borland's Party at the Hippodrome, 20/10/06
- London over the Xmas/New Year week - whats on?
- Saturday Night Kirriemuir Party
- Kettering or Rugby?
- Glasgow meet?????
- Rock Bottoms 3rd November
- Monday 30th October - Meet Brendan Cole!
- Inverness Halloween Party & Focus Sunday!
- MJ in 2007 ?
- What's on this weekend 27/28/29 October?
- Who is going to Funky Lush is Sat??
- Ealing town hall on Tuesdays?
- Midlands Champs 4th November
- Warmwell November 3rd-5th 06 tickets available
- Rutherglen Thursday nights
- Perth - November 23rd. SteveB's leaving party!
- Possible Venue for freestyle in London
- My Birthday, Funky Lush and Travelodge Hotels
- I want to go to Camber
- Dundee Party - Bonar Hall - Saturday 4th November!
- Who's Where 3/4/5 Nov?
- 2nd/3rd/4th November – London
- Ashton's or Jive Bar tonight?
- The Spinderella Ball 25th November 2006
- Virgin user
- Brussels MJ?
- Belfast Party
- Weekend 10th/11th/12th
- Photos from Greenwich Halloween Party
- Hope to see some of you in Perth on the 17th
- The DavidJames weekender FAQ
- Freestyle in Brighouse?
- SINderella Ball Daventry 29 December
- Please help, Ticket for Camber required.
- Back in Scotland!
- Camber Nov 06 The Aftermath
- Photos from Hammersmith, 11 November 2006
- Burton Town Hall Ball - 11/11
- Dancing in Singapore
- Southport Or Bognor?????
- Friday 17th Nov
- What's on weekend of 17 18 November?
- Perth Venue Change - 16th Nov
- Salsa Weekender, Brean Sands 1-4th Dec
- Hammersmith 25th November
- Tornado Twirly heading towards Aberdeen
- Anyone Going to Northfleet on Sat?
- Masked Ball - Brechin Sat 16th Dec
- Get together at Crowborough
- Belfast Party Photographs
- Whats On Friday 24th November
- Saturday 16th Dec..Any Edinburgh freestyles?
- Rushden 25 November
- A sense of community
- WCS tea dance photos
- Argentinian tango in London
- Where Is The Best Place To Jingle Me Bells This Christmas.
- Masquerade Ball 10th Dec 06
- Edinburgh XMAS Party 23rd December
- Birmingham or Nuneaton
- Dundee Party - 2nd Dec
- Whats on weekend of 2nd 3rd december
- Bromley 25th Nov
- Who is going to the Stirling American Smooth Ball on the 23rd December?
- Brechin - Change Of Venue, 1st Dec.
- Edinburgh Party!
- New Years eve (Midlands)
- DDs Farewell to Stirling
- Rugby before Christmas
- Who is DJing at Chiswick this Saturday 2nd Dec??
- Salsa/Jive Weekender 2/3rd Dec Brean Sands
- Christmas parties - worth the extra?
- whats on in scotland 15-18th Dec
- Floor to sleep on in the greenwich area this weekend!HELP!!
- Dancing in the Gran Canaries next week from 2nd Dec
- Northampton Freestyle Friday 1st Dec..
- Whats on this weekend?
- Dundee Party-Bonar Hall
- Who's going where- 2 Dec 2006, M6 Corridor?
- Ashtons today (Sunday December 3)?
- Sunday Lunchtimes, Crowborough
- Mini-adventure (in an escort)....
- Who's attending what weekend 8/9/10 Dec 2006
- Daventry 27th or 29th Dec
- So how many MJ venues have you danced at in UK?
- Who was dancing at Windsor 6th December?
- The friendliest venue you've danced at as a visitor
- Somewhere to stay-Newcastle
- Bangor Charity Ball
- Who's attending what? Weekend 15/16/17 Dec
- Kensington roof gardens....
- Marc DJ at Marcus Garvey Wed 13th
- End of an Era...
- Jivetime "entertainment" weekender, Jan 2007, Bognor Regis
- Stirling Christmas do!
- Oxford this Weekend - where is the best place to park?
- Car share: Perth to Brechin Masked Ball
- Masked Ball, Brechin - Sold Out!!
- Daventry on 29th December?
- Bangor Party Photographs
- Edinburgh Xmas Party 23rd SOLD OUT
- Ashton's B&W: Dec 27th
- UTOPIA - sold out
- Twyfords masked ball
- Dancing at Putney
- Anyone know about...
- Week ending 22/23/24 Dec . Who's going where?
- Boxing day dances?
- What dancing in london is there on in the xmas/NYE week?
- American Smooth Christmas Ball
- Edinburgh Christmas Party Cabaret video
- Boxing Day Boogie
- Glasgow - 4th Jan
- Who's doing what for new year?
- Black and white ball tonight......
- Friday 29th December - Dundee Night Out
- Dancing in and around London in January...
- Any spare tickets for Daventry tonight?
- SINderella Ball in Daventry - review
- 3 spare tickets for Ealing NYE party
- Xmas - NYE dancing: hype?
- TONIGHT - New Years Eve
- First weekend of 2007 - 5th/6th/7th - London & SE
- Bow has changed nights!
- Mon Jan 8th - any Classes in London??
- Dilemma - Blues on Sat 27th Jan 2007
- I fancy dancing out of my regular area this evening.
- Beach Ballroom February
- Southport Feb 07 Looking for a man to book with
- Beach Boogie Summer 2007
- Hammersmith 13th Jan(2rooms)
- Aberdeen Focus Workshop and Tea-Dance, 21/01/07
- Who's going to Utopia on Friday?
- 1 girl wanted (for WCS)
- Help! - Saturday 20th January: Herts?
- Ticket required for Southport
- Virgins going to Ashtons - any tips?
- Ceroc Brechin - 1 year old today
- Champs Speculation
- Flap Jack Friday - Amir
- Help! Stranded Englishman desperate for lift to Glasgow party!
- Utopia reviews
- Burton or Hammersmith
- Week-end 20th-21st April week-enders
- Glasgow Party! 13th January
- hammersmith blues room the after's
- Evesham Utopia Launch Friday 19th January 07
- Berko tonight!
- Vonney's Charity Ball Friday 2/3/07
- Who's attending what on weekend 19/20/21 Jan 2007?
- Aftermath thread for............
- Inverness - Change of Venue for Thursday 18th January 2007
- Cheeks! Birthday Celebration in Brechin Friday 19th January
- Was last night amazing for you too?
- Breeze Oct 2007
- Tuesday night review - Ceroc Putney
- Classes in Perth Australia
- Ceroc in Essex
- Scotland tonight...
- Just wondered if anyone was going to Chesham
- Jive Nation (again)
- Help: London Tonight - Jive Bar
- Im So Excited.. only 8 Days to go
- Berkhamsted 10 February
- Twickenham on a monday night
- Ceroc Charity Ball (Chesham) 27th Jan
- Tea Dance aboard HMS President 28th Jan
- Storm 2 Chalet Available
- Visit to Aberdeen [combined]
- travelodge hotels weekend of 9th Feb
- Bromley this Sat Chicago Night
- Glasgow busk tomorrow [Sat 27th]
- 2 x female tickets for SOUTHPORT
- Wolverhampton Thursday 1st Feb Pre SP
- Dundee Party! Saturday 3rd Feb!
- Blackpool Competition March 16/17 2007 - Who's attending?
- This weekend 2-4th Feb
- Bognor review anyone???
- Scotland V Wales: Sat Feb 10th..
- Southport Tickets - 2 Female
- Aberdeen Busk.
- couples Tickets for southport 2-4 Feb
- Southport Feb 07: The Aftermath
- Today's workshop with Simon and Nicole was brilliant!
- The Blue Room
- Dundee Party Friday 16th February.
- Who's Attending What Weekend 9 / 10 / 11 Feb 2007?
- Free-style changes at Ceroc Central
- Who's attending what weekend 16 / 17 / 18 Feb 2007
- Revolution Dance
- Rock Nite?
- Who Is Going To Utopia Tonight?
- Vegas at Ego on sat 10th?
- utopia your views
- Hammersmith.....£13!
- Utopia urban weekender 13 to 15 July 2007
- Utopia 9 March 2007
- The ESG Utopia Photos Thread...
- TLC ball 17th -- ticket going spare
- Visit to Manchester 14/02/07
- Belfast Valentines Party
- Another Charity Dance: Tour de Dance, 23/June/07
- Man in womens clothing wanted.
- Brechin on as usual tonight.
- Funky Lush
- Who's attending what weekend 23 / 24 / 25 Feb 2007
- Jive Aces this Friday (23rd)
- Ceroc Champs at the Troxy 6th May
- Swish 2008 - question
- 2 ladies tickets & 1 male ticket for Storm for sale
- Recommendations for dancing in Leicester area?
- How far would you go in one night?
- Ceroc 'Hafan' Weekend, Pwllheli June 22-25 2007
- Pulse Kidderminster
- Dancing in Calgary Canada
- Whos going to the warmwell party weekender march 07
- Utopia 9 March
- Rockbottoms Liverpool March 2007
- The Southport June 2007 Poll & Thread!!!
- Change of venue for Inverness - Thursday 1st March 07
- Cheap Male ticket wanted for Storm
- Whos going to putney, sat 3rd march
- Storm March 07, the aftermath
- Move It - Dance London 16-18 March Olympia
- Breeze 2007 - A modular weekender
- Jive Aces On Fri 9th March
- Who's going to Saturday Night Fever (Daventry 31/03/07)
- Who's attending what weekend 9 / 10 / 11 March 2007
- Utopia reviews (10/03/07)
- Hammersmith 10th March - reviews
- Who's attending what weekend 16 / 17 / 18 March 2007?
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